CHILD WARNING Mangue 937, with whole story. :marseyflagbrazil: :marseycheers:

The execution of three young women took place on March 2, 2018. in Fortaleza, in the poor and dingy district of Vila Velha. There is a secluded forest on its territory, perfect for carrying out several bloody murders. Probably not the first and not the last time. And we say this because it is not a random place. The area of the Vila Velha district is a place of widespread and intensified activity of several factions.

photos from Instagram of one of the victims, link here ->

lost their lives:

Nara Aline Mota de Lima (23 years old),

Darcyelle Ancelmo de Alencar (31 years old)

and Ingrid Teixeira Ferreira (22 years old).

In all the chaos, the most injured was Nara Aline Mota de Lima - the one who looks like a 12-year-old boy. The tortures focused on her - butchering with a machete, cutting off her fingers, hand and finally - painful decapitation. Of course, a blunt blade for the set. Ingrid was also brutally beheaded, although her murder cannot be seen in this video. Darcyelle was a little luckier - if such a statement is even appropriate in this situation. But even though her head was also separated from her body with a machete, she could still count on a painkiller bullet. This made the decapitation a little more erm... 'survivable' for her.

Anyway, the last two girls were simply unlucky to be in the wrong place at the wrong time - they met completely by accident. The target was Nara Aline Mota de Lima, who was some kind of pawn in the Comando Vermelho (CV) cartel. But pawn or no pawn, she made a mistake. She began selling drugs on the premises of a rival group called Guardiões do Estado (GDE). That's why one evening, 5 of its members decided to visit her and explain that she had made a big mistake. There was room in the car, so they decided to pack all three of them and drive towards the forests.

( victims in order )

There, in front of the camera, Nara and Darcyelle were forced to speak freely. They then decide to abandon the CV faction and join the competition. Of course, these are just not very sophisticated traps that they fell for. Because both they and the cartel they sympathized with were humiliated at little cost, and at the same time... it was a completely ineffective transfer. It was supposed to end the drama, and the drama was just beginning...

During the investigation, it turned out that the man behind the execution was Francisco Robson de Souza Gomes, nicknamed 'Mitol' (28 years old). He was the leader of the group and the originator of everything. As soon as he received the news that someone had dared to chase goods on his property, he decided to introduce a strong-arm management model. Interestingly, he ordered this murder from inside the prison where he had been languishing for several years. As you can see, the prison walls do not prevent you from effectively commanding your people and giving orders.

( the man in the shirt, was the originator of the idea )

The next person arrested in the case was Jeilson Lopes Pires (22) - he was the one who recorded the entire action.

The third defendants were Bruno Araújo de Oliveira (25 years old) and Jonathan Lopes Clemente (19 years old). The other two are Júlio César Clemente Silva (30 years old) and Rogério Araújo de Freitas (27 years old). The prosecutor requested the maximum sentence for all the defendants. And she achieved her goal, because apart from one boy, all the rest were sentenced to life sentences. Although it didn't change much for 'Mitol' - we assume - because it was probably not his first life sentence.

we arrived at the end , ayayay, these brazilians brutal!


0. Purpose of guide

I'm making this guide because I've noticed a lot of people being dumb and sharing personal information, then getting scared they might get doxxed. This creates all kinds of stress and drama. It might even worsen your life. The sooner you learn to keep yourself safe on the internet the better.

1. Fuck social media

Social media is the bane of the internet, period. It encourages you to put your life on display for the world to see, and it's a gigantic waste of time. At least sites like here and Reddit allow you to hold a proper conversation which if you're smart you'll use to learn and grow by asking questions and debating with people. You can't effectively do that on social media like Twitter or Facebook. But there's also nothing wrong with having fun. Social media's original purpose was to make it easier to connect with long distance friends and family. If you want to use social media you should keep it exclusively to that; don't share it with random strangers on the internet. Ever. That's how you dox yourself.

2. Compartmentalize your internet life

This means you want to have different usernames and different emails for each section of the internet. For example keep your social media life strictly separate from the rest of your internet life. Use a different username and email. Like I've got several different emails and each one is associate with a different username which is associated with different sections of my internet life. To demonstrate, I have my mainstream presence which is prim and proper, and my "other" presence which you see here and on other free speech sites.

My mainstream presence is where I'm not controversial and I don't generally talk about things that upset people. My extremely limited social media presence is combined with this, but if you want a larger social media presence ideally you would keep it separate but you don't have to, so long as you follow rule 3 that's next.

My "other" presence is where I'm far more controversial, where I can discuss my true feelings and express my true nature, on sites like here. This absolutely must be kept entirely separate from all other internet lives. This is the mistake some of you make and it keeps biting you in the ass.

And you should also have a false, throwaway presence mainly for use on sites where you aren't sure about their legitimacy and if things go awry you don't mess up your important presences. Mainly this is an email, so that if the site is untrustworthy and sells your information you aren't bombarded with spam on the accounts you do care about, and if it gets doxxed it can't be traced to anything you care about it either.

Never use more than one presence on the same site, it's an excellent way to dox yourself and the two presences linked together. Just don't do it.

3. Never reveal your personal information anywhere, for any reason

Exceptions of course for things like your bank, job, and places of business where you make purchases. Instead I'm referring to places like here, Reddit, Twitter, and so on. Only the people in real life need to know your real name, not strangers on the internet. This includes your social media presence. I strongly encourage you to use a fake name or real life exclusive nickname and have your settings set to friends only so random people can't see what you're doing. Absolutely NEVER tell people your real name or share pictures of yourself on the internet outside of your separate social media account. Never ever share nudes anywhere. People WILL spread them around and it's a great way to get doxxed, and if it got linked to your proper life you can get into some trouble.

Furthermore don't tell anyone in real life the usernames or emails of your non-social media accounts (which should also be separate). This way your "other" presence cannot possibly be associated with you in any way. So when people try to threaten doxxing, well they can't because you've kept things compartmentalized and your real life is safe.

Examples of things to NOT tell people about: first name, last name, date of birth, year of birth, address, state/city, job specifics, school specifics, pictures of yourself or family members or where you live

Things that are vague and ok to tell people: age range (20's, 30's, etc.), country, gender, race, sexuality. Feel free to keep even these a secret, doing so will only make you safer.

Furthermore you need to keep in mind what you share and reveal on each presence. For example, I've shared pictures of my cat on my mainstream account, therefore I do not share such pictures anywhere else because a clever and industrious fellow might be able to somehow figure out it's the same cat and link my accounts together. I talk about video games a lot on my mainstream, therefore I rarely discuss video games elsewhere and if I do it's vague, because if you discuss the same topic in the same way in both presences it can possibly give you away. I discuss furries here on my "other" account, therefore furries do not have a presence on my mainstream account. And many other such examples. Basically you need to keep your passions and hobbies separate and associated with only a single presence at a time. If somehow someone sees two different accounts discussing the same hobby in the same way, they might be able to link them together. This is paranoia yes, but it will keep you safe and free of doxxing.

4. Don't give in to peer pressure

No matter how people try to convince you or threaten you to reveal personal information about yourself, never do it. A true internet friend will understand and respect your privacy. If someone is trying to peer pressure you and won't take no for an answer, then stop talking to them and unfriend them. Your life will be better for it. And if you have the inherent urge to share personal information including photos to people you don't know in real life, then you need to work on yourself and get rid of those urges, because they will not help you and can only bring stress and difficulty in the long run.

5. "How do I start?"

You may need to do a complete reset of your internet life. A lot of you have been fools and mixed everything together. Delete what accounts you can and scrub everything that you can, and start over. You can probably keep your social media presence if you posted a lot of pictures of yourself and have lots of real friends and family, just delete everything you want to separate into an "other" presence.

But you may need to truly start over. Abandon your random internet friends and delete literally everything and truly start over from scratch. Sounds harsh and a big deal, but in the long run it will be better for you. Unfortunately if you've been foolish to share your personal pictures around, they can't all be deleted, and if you restart your social media presence they might be linked back to you, especially if the old pictures were shared on places you want to become your "other" presence. Hence why I said earlier to have your social media private and exclusive so such pictures can't be so easily linked. And again, ideally don't have any such social media presence at all and then you need not worry about said old pictures getting linked to you.

Recap, tl;dr

Don't use social media, but if you must then limit what you put there and make it private and exclusive.

Keep different parts of your internet life strictly separate using different emails and usernames. Particularly things that would be awkward or hurtful if it got linked to your more public and proper internet life.

Never reveal personal information to anybody for any reason, no matter how they try to peer pressure you.

You may need to start your internet lives over from scratch.

Reported by:

All differences aside, we individually took the dive by registering to WPD and found a very dysfunctional home in return. It will be a pleasure to watch this community fluidly mutate into whatever its ultimate purpose or disservice may be. I can't wait to see what the next two years brings!

Happy bday and happy 2 milli WPD staff and community! I'm SO very proud of you!

Users like @natsuki_ make this such a special place to be with masterpieces such as: show my homie some love for such a creative effort

Love you's :marseyretard2:

  • Lucci :heartbeat:
CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST US War Crime - The Kill Team Murders.

The “kill team murders” were a series of murders carried out by members of the 3rd Platoon, Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment, and 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division. They were based at FOB Ramrod in Maiwand, in Kandahar Province during the war in afghanistan. In 2010, three innocent afghanistan villagers, (including a child) were murdered in cold blood by,

PFC. Andrew Holmes

Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs (not pictured in thumbnail)

Cpl. Jeremy Morlock

Specialist. Adam Winfield

These four men engaged in violence on the population of afghanistan simply out of their own hatred for what they perceived as the enemy (unarmed farmers and elderly). They have three known victims all claimed overseas during the war.

Gul Mudin.

Gul Mudin was a 15 year old boy, having lived in afghanistan his entire life in the village of La Mohammad Kalay. In January 2010 Gul was out doing work on his fathers farm when Jeremy Morlock and Andrew Holmes approached him. They ordered the boy to stand still, with him stood still, the two proceeded to throw a frag grenade at him. After the explosion they shot the boy multiple times with standard issue M4 carbine rifles until he was dead. Attention was immediately drawn to the commotion, and the two fabricated a story about this lone child wandering up to them with a grenade of his own, about to throw. Morlock claimed to his superior, “i had to shoot the guy”. Specialist Adam Winfield would later claim they bragged to him about the murder. Afterwards, as is standard procedure amongst US combat kills overseas, the soldiers proceeded to strip the boy of his jacket and cut his clothing to document wounds, also documenting the iris and fingerprints of those very same victims.

1. Gul Mudins body, photographed as it was discovered. 2. US soldiers conducting standard combat procedure on the body of Mudin.

The soldiers then took turns posing with the body of the boy, with Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs even taking out a razor, and removing one of the boys fingers as a personal trophy, something he was well known to do.

1. Jeremy Morlock posing with the child he just murdered. 2. Andrew Holmes posing with the child he just murdered.

I have much less info on their latter two murders.

Marach Agha

On February 22, using thermal imagery, the soldiers discovered Marach Agha curled in a ball by a roadside. The soldiers killed him and kept part of his skull as a trophy.Morlock pleaded guilty for his death. The Army later said it believed Marach Agha to be deaf or mentally disabled.

Mullah Adahdad

On May 2, 2010, Gibbs, Morlock, and SPC Adam Winfield attacked and killed Mullah Adahdad with a grenade and gunfire in front of the man's wife and children, Gibbs amputated and kept the man's finger. Three days after Adahdad was murdered, members of a Stryker platoon returned to his village. Tribal elders had complained to Army officers that the cleric had been unarmed and that the shooting was a setup.

Later, Adam Winfield would come forward and re-tell the events leading to Adahdad's murder. As told by Winfield, Sgt. Gibbs and Cpl. Morlock brought him out that day specifically to find a civilian to murder, after a minor amount of recon they would come to settle on Adahdad, who was alone sat in a ditch. According to Winfield, Gibbs, Morlock and himself ducked behind cover overlooking the villager, Gibbs instructed them to fire into the air, yell out “grenade” and then open fire on the man. They would then throw a grenade of theirs at the man, and upon inspecting his body plant another, undetonated grenade, claiming it was his. On Morlocks command, they enacted their cruel plot exactly as instructed, with Gibbs even firing two more rounds into the mans head at point blank range. Immediately after the murder, Staff Sgt. Gibbs told Specialist Winfield he was a “made man”. Specialist Winfield and Cpl. Morlock would later come to claim feeling coerced by Staff Sgt. Gibbs, even claiming to be scared of him, fearing repercussions for refusing to comply. When interviewed in regards to the murders, Specialist Winfield referred to Gibbs as “evil incarnate” and remarked, “He likes to kill things” and Cpl. Morlock stating “he likes to kill people, animals”. Specialist Winfield would later claim that after the murder, he would go on to call his parents and report to them what happened, appointing Gibbs as the ringleader. Winfields father would claim to then call the Army's investigative unit and inform them of his concern in regard to what his son had told him. He was reportedly told by a US Army rep that they were “not interested, couldnt do anything,- and told him to tell his son to “lie low”.

Specialist Adam Kelly, who worked under Staff Sgt. Gibbs, would also claim in an interview that they would consistently plant weapons and grenades of non US origin on their kills, so as to stage a combat interaction. This brings an entirely mew element to the horror in that we could be looking at an untold number of civilian deaths reported as combat casualties. Specialist Winfield was however not the only whistleblower, another unnamed soldier who reportedly instructed his superiors of the violence, was confronted by Staff Sgt Gibbs and several other members of the Kill Team.

One Cpl. Quintal would report on the incident saying that once they located their would be snitch, he was ripped off of his cot by the group, essentially being jumped on the spot by his fellow soldiers. At a point of brief pause, Gibbs would confront the man, saying that “if he snitched again, he would kill him, that he had killed before and has no problem killing again” at that time Cpl. Quintal claims Gibbs stood up, revealing a cloth in his hands. Upon unraveling the cloth, three human fingers fell to the ground in front of the group. Gibbs was known to take trophies of his murders on every occasion possible, taking teeth, fingers and even pieces of skull and shrapnel.


At the and of all this madness this group of murderers would eventually be caught, although wether or not they faced justice can surely be debated. Lawyers would claim many things as mitigating factors in regards to their specific clients mental state during the murders, including

Addiction to painkillers

Addiction to opium laced hashish


Undiagnosed mental illness

However many of these claims were easily dismissed and the core four members of the kill team were charged as follows.

Staff Sergeant. Calvin Gibbs - Life Imprisonment with the possibility of parole after 10 years.

Corporal. Jeremy Morlock - 24 years imprisonment.

Specialist. Adam Winfield - 3 years imprisonment (paroled after one)

PFC. Andrew holmes - 7 years imprisonment (paroled after 4).

Cpl. Jeremy Morlock.

Specialist. Adam Winfield.

PFC. Andrew Holmes.

Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs.

Some photos taken by the kill team.

1. Exploded torso of an enemy insurgent killed via helicopter strike. Reports would claim that members of the group took turns stabbing the torso with their knives. 2. Cpl. Jeremy Morlock with a pistol looted off of the enemy insurgent. These guns would routinely be stolen off of the bodies of enemies in order to later be used to stage combat scenarios to cover up their crimes. 3. That very same pistol. 4. Decapitated, blown apart head of a random insurgent, being poked with a stick. 4/5. Two afghan farmers, bound to eachother by the wrist. Murdered by a different group of US soldiers and left in the road as a marker, the sign reads, “TALIBAN ARE DEAD”. 7. Corporal. Jeremy Morlock. 8. Blown apart legs of a random individual. 9. Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs, pictured relaxing. The pair of scissors seen fixed to his vest are the very same pair he would use to sever the fingers of two of the three victims to keep as trophies of his crime.

These murderers definitely skated justice if you ask me, and its still a mind-boggle how they did not all receive life sentences for these gruesome and malicious acts. Let me Know what you guys think about this captivating story. Is the US Army responsible or implicit for these crimes at all? Did they attempt to cover these murders up? How did these violent psychopaths get deployed? Or is the fact that they were violent psychopaths the very reason for that deployment. Unfortunately three innocent lives had to be taken for us to even ask the question.

Thanks for reading!!! This took alot of research and effort so i hope you all enjoy!!

Autopsy of brutally stabbed and slashed woman (all photos)

Leaked photos from a Chinese morgue show the autopsy of a brutally murdered woman. Her attacker stabbed her multiple times and slit her throat. The wounds on her hands indicate that the victim was actively trying to defend herself.

No idea if the first image is a repost, but also, more photos:


Estancia, Philippines

A 34-year-old man died after his motorcycle collided with a tricycle in Barangay Estancia, Kalibo town.

Joremer David, a resident of Barangay Calizo, Balete town, succumbed to fatal head injuries.

Investigation of the Kalibo Municipal Police Station revealed that David was bound for Banga town on Tuesday night, April 23, when he accidentally collided with the tricycle transporting a family which was making a u-turn from a bus terminal.

Witnesses said the victim was driving at a high speed.

Girl breaks her leg and arm because of failing climbing a wall :marseyflushzoom: (CRACK SOUND)

Ouch :marseycry:

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1. Don't be a dick or troll (unless it's funny or against the right user)

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For any more questions ask them in the comments and I'll answer! (within reason) if they're really good I'll add them to the post :nice:!

Torture violence rape awful death shooting kids child warning knife gun axe blade sword assault ISIS cartel medical social music rock death blood bleed girl woman man men women kids wife husband cat dog pet cute aww awesome nice cursed dank memes curseddankmems redirect illegal flayed skin skinned WPD watch people die death deaths dead war news soviet union ukrain slavshit accident car ruck crash sandshit sand shit marsey rdrama Accident Animal Beating Beheading Bladed Burning Cartel Combat Compilation Disaster Drowning Electricity Execution Explosions Falling Industrial ISIS Maiming Police Shooting Suicide Vehicle Other GORE Aftermath Fights Gore Medical Request SelfHarm SOCIAL Discussion Meta Music Pets Social admins destroy destruction genocide disease eclipse sun sunshine admin princess hercule gtix a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r t u v w x y z plex plexy clit carp pedo birthday wpd help tutorial


The Tulsa axe murder: man sticks an axe in another dude's head in front of his family

Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States

A Riverhead man living in Oklahoma died yesterday after being attacked by a man with an axe Monday.

Tulsa Police said James “Jimi” Patterson, 22, was struck in the head with an axe Monday night in an apartment in Tulsa.

Police said Israel (AKA Isreal) Trejo, who was in the apartment to buy the axe from another person, swung the axe at Patterson, who was sitting on a couch in the apartment.

Patterson and Trejo never spoke to one another, according to police. After a few minutes of holding the axe, Trejo swung the axe and struck Patterson. Trejo then fled the scene but was captured by police shortly afterward.

Patterson was taken to the hospital with the axe still in his head, according to a police press release. He underwent surgery but succumbed to his injuries Thursday.

Trejo, who police said has a prior felony conviction, was initially charged with for Assault with a Deadly Weapon. The charge was upgraded to First Degree Murder after Patterson died.

Trejo is in custody in the Tulsa County Jail, police said.

A classmate of Patterson's at Riverhead High School started a GoFundMe page to raise money help pay funeral expenses.

“Jimi was such a great kid. Jimi had a great heart; he was very intelligent and was always the class clown keeping a smile on everyone's face. He was very talented when it came to making music which he loved to do,” wrote fundraising organizer Lexus Gilliam.

“During this tragic time for the Paterson family, we would like to reach out to our community and Jimi's friends and family to help bring him home for the last time. It would mean so much for all who love him to lay him to rest peacefully in the community he loved,” Gilliam wrote.

With a goal of $25,000, the page has raised $2,165 as of this posting on Friday evening.

He got life in prison:

It only took 5 posts of this same exact video to finally have us the unwatermarked version. Good job, guys. :marseypathetic2:

CHILD WARNING Baby watches his dying father that overdosed

Stupid man dies out of overdose and they recorded it as baby watches it, stupid bitches.

Prob a repost but fuck it :marseypain:

Launch rope snaps, killing five - April 11, 2024


Dhaka, Bangladesh

Five people have died in an accident while boarding a launch at Dhaka's Sadarghat. The accident occurred around 3pm on Thursday, according to Mahfuzur Rahman Mia, chief of the Kotwali Police Station.

“Those passengers were waiting at the pontoon when a rope tore and the launch rammed them,” he said.

Two launches – the MV Tashrif-4 and the MV Pubali-1 were tied to the No. 11 pontoon with rope, the Fire Service said in a statement.

“Another launch named the Farhan was trying to dock between the two launches and the MV Tashrif-4's rope tore,” the statement added.

The dead have been identified as Rabiul, 19, Bellal, 25, his wife Mukta, 26, their daughter Maisha, 3 - all identified with a single name - and Ripon Howlader, 38, said Abul Kalam Azad, chief of the Sadarghat River Police Station.


Motorcyclist drives into oncoming lane and gets hit by a truck - April 27, 2024

Gunung Raja, Indonesia

The deadly accident between the motorbike and the truck occurred at around 6:30 a.m.

Achmad Ansyari came from the direction of Pelaihari to Banjarmasin by riding a Honda CBR 150 motorcycle, DA 2129 NP.

When in the Gunung Raja area, on precisely a straight road, the vehicle suddenly drifted to the right of the road.

Nahas was opposed to the direction of BFU B 9820 tank truck, driving from the direction of Banjarmasin to Pelaihari which was driven by Akhmad Dirta Rianda (30), a resident of Ujung Village, Bati-Bati District, Tanah Laut.

Unable to avoid, accidents between motorists and trucks ensued.

"Akhamd Ansyari when he arrived at the Motorcycle TKP drifted to the right of the road," said Kasat Lantas Tala Iptu Ananda Mustika Adya in his statement.

The hard collision, the front of the motorcycle was damaged. Even making Achmad Ansyari die instantly at the crime scene, because of serious injuries.

The victim's body was immediately evacuated and brought to RSHB Pelaihari. Evidence of vehicles involved in the accident has been handled by officers.

"The suspicion is that the accident occurred because the motorcyclist was sleepy," he concluded.

Bro uses doohickey to shoot mans penis off

Lmk If repost

Hindenburg Crash - colorized - 4 different Angles

35 people out of 97 in total died.

Snipers Eliminating Jihadi Terrorists


Motorcyclist and his passenger get bodied at an intersection by a car

Salto, Uruguay

May 12, 2023

A deadly traffic accident left the city of Salto in mourning over the weekend. The accident occurred during the night of Friday, and the young victims died successively on Saturday and Sunday.

The police report details that the crash occurred on the corner of Bilbao and Brasil streets. There, a car traveling north through Bilbao was hit laterally by a motorcycle traveling through Brazil.

The car was driven by a 43-year-old woman, who had an 11-year-old boy as a passenger, and both were unharmed. The woman stated that she crossed on a green light, but that it changed to yellow while she was still passing. At that moment, the motorcycle collided with the right side of his car.

As can be seen in the images published by the local media Laguardia Digital, the impact was extremely violent, and both occupants of the motorcycle were thrown and flew to the sidewalk.

The motorcycle was manned by a 27-year-old man and a 19-year-old woman. The driver was initially diagnosed with "severe polytrauma with loss of brain mass" and the passenger was diagnosed with "severe polytrauma, intubated and transferred to a tomograph," according to the report. police report, which details that the pilot died early Saturday morning.

According to the aforementioned Salta media, the companion was also unable to overcome the injuries suffered, and ceased to exist during the hours of Sunday. The chronicle details that the deceased was of Colombian nationality, and had been living in the capital of the department for some time.





Intrusive thoughts at the range

Don't give in to the voices…

WPD 2nd bday exclusive! 9/11 compilation diffrent angles :marsey911:



No sound on this video :airhorn:

Guy fucks around, finds out, then gets robbed

Lmk if this is a repost

Also, is there a way I can check if my posts are reposts or do I just have to hope it's not?

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