CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST US War Crime - The Kill Team Murders.

The “kill team murders” were a series of murders carried out by members of the 3rd Platoon, Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment, and 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division. They were based at FOB Ramrod in Maiwand, in Kandahar Province during the war in afghanistan. In 2010, three innocent afghanistan villagers, (including a child) were murdered in cold blood by,

PFC. Andrew Holmes

Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs (not pictured in thumbnail)

Cpl. Jeremy Morlock

Specialist. Adam Winfield

These four men engaged in violence on the population of afghanistan simply out of their own hatred for what they perceived as the enemy (unarmed farmers and elderly). They have three known victims all claimed overseas during the war.

Gul Mudin.

Gul Mudin was a 15 year old boy, having lived in afghanistan his entire life in the village of La Mohammad Kalay. In January 2010 Gul was out doing work on his fathers farm when Jeremy Morlock and Andrew Holmes approached him. They ordered the boy to stand still, with him stood still, the two proceeded to throw a frag grenade at him. After the explosion they shot the boy multiple times with standard issue M4 carbine rifles until he was dead. Attention was immediately drawn to the commotion, and the two fabricated a story about this lone child wandering up to them with a grenade of his own, about to throw. Morlock claimed to his superior, “i had to shoot the guy”. Specialist Adam Winfield would later claim they bragged to him about the murder. Afterwards, as is standard procedure amongst US combat kills overseas, the soldiers proceeded to strip the boy of his jacket and cut his clothing to document wounds, also documenting the iris and fingerprints of those very same victims.

1. Gul Mudins body, photographed as it was discovered. 2. US soldiers conducting standard combat procedure on the body of Mudin.

The soldiers then took turns posing with the body of the boy, with Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs even taking out a razor, and removing one of the boys fingers as a personal trophy, something he was well known to do.

1. Jeremy Morlock posing with the child he just murdered. 2. Andrew Holmes posing with the child he just murdered.

I have much less info on their latter two murders.

Marach Agha

On February 22, using thermal imagery, the soldiers discovered Marach Agha curled in a ball by a roadside. The soldiers killed him and kept part of his skull as a trophy.Morlock pleaded guilty for his death. The Army later said it believed Marach Agha to be deaf or mentally disabled.

Mullah Adahdad

On May 2, 2010, Gibbs, Morlock, and SPC Adam Winfield attacked and killed Mullah Adahdad with a grenade and gunfire in front of the man's wife and children, Gibbs amputated and kept the man's finger. Three days after Adahdad was murdered, members of a Stryker platoon returned to his village. Tribal elders had complained to Army officers that the cleric had been unarmed and that the shooting was a setup.

Later, Adam Winfield would come forward and re-tell the events leading to Adahdad's murder. As told by Winfield, Sgt. Gibbs and Cpl. Morlock brought him out that day specifically to find a civilian to murder, after a minor amount of recon they would come to settle on Adahdad, who was alone sat in a ditch. According to Winfield, Gibbs, Morlock and himself ducked behind cover overlooking the villager, Gibbs instructed them to fire into the air, yell out “grenade” and then open fire on the man. They would then throw a grenade of theirs at the man, and upon inspecting his body plant another, undetonated grenade, claiming it was his. On Morlocks command, they enacted their cruel plot exactly as instructed, with Gibbs even firing two more rounds into the mans head at point blank range. Immediately after the murder, Staff Sgt. Gibbs told Specialist Winfield he was a “made man”. Specialist Winfield and Cpl. Morlock would later come to claim feeling coerced by Staff Sgt. Gibbs, even claiming to be scared of him, fearing repercussions for refusing to comply. When interviewed in regards to the murders, Specialist Winfield referred to Gibbs as “evil incarnate” and remarked, “He likes to kill things” and Cpl. Morlock stating “he likes to kill people, animals”. Specialist Winfield would later claim that after the murder, he would go on to call his parents and report to them what happened, appointing Gibbs as the ringleader. Winfields father would claim to then call the Army's investigative unit and inform them of his concern in regard to what his son had told him. He was reportedly told by a US Army rep that they were “not interested, couldnt do anything,- and told him to tell his son to “lie low”.

Specialist Adam Kelly, who worked under Staff Sgt. Gibbs, would also claim in an interview that they would consistently plant weapons and grenades of non US origin on their kills, so as to stage a combat interaction. This brings an entirely mew element to the horror in that we could be looking at an untold number of civilian deaths reported as combat casualties. Specialist Winfield was however not the only whistleblower, another unnamed soldier who reportedly instructed his superiors of the violence, was confronted by Staff Sgt Gibbs and several other members of the Kill Team.

One Cpl. Quintal would report on the incident saying that once they located their would be snitch, he was ripped off of his cot by the group, essentially being jumped on the spot by his fellow soldiers. At a point of brief pause, Gibbs would confront the man, saying that “if he snitched again, he would kill him, that he had killed before and has no problem killing again” at that time Cpl. Quintal claims Gibbs stood up, revealing a cloth in his hands. Upon unraveling the cloth, three human fingers fell to the ground in front of the group. Gibbs was known to take trophies of his murders on every occasion possible, taking teeth, fingers and even pieces of skull and shrapnel.


At the and of all this madness this group of murderers would eventually be caught, although wether or not they faced justice can surely be debated. Lawyers would claim many things as mitigating factors in regards to their specific clients mental state during the murders, including

Addiction to painkillers

Addiction to opium laced hashish


Undiagnosed mental illness

However many of these claims were easily dismissed and the core four members of the kill team were charged as follows.

Staff Sergeant. Calvin Gibbs - Life Imprisonment with the possibility of parole after 10 years.

Corporal. Jeremy Morlock - 24 years imprisonment.

Specialist. Adam Winfield - 3 years imprisonment (paroled after one)

PFC. Andrew holmes - 7 years imprisonment (paroled after 4).

Cpl. Jeremy Morlock.

Specialist. Adam Winfield.

PFC. Andrew Holmes.

Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs.

Some photos taken by the kill team.

1. Exploded torso of an enemy insurgent killed via helicopter strike. Reports would claim that members of the group took turns stabbing the torso with their knives. 2. Cpl. Jeremy Morlock with a pistol looted off of the enemy insurgent. These guns would routinely be stolen off of the bodies of enemies in order to later be used to stage combat scenarios to cover up their crimes. 3. That very same pistol. 4. Decapitated, blown apart head of a random insurgent, being poked with a stick. 4/5. Two afghan farmers, bound to eachother by the wrist. Murdered by a different group of US soldiers and left in the road as a marker, the sign reads, “TALIBAN ARE DEAD”. 7. Corporal. Jeremy Morlock. 8. Blown apart legs of a random individual. 9. Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs, pictured relaxing. The pair of scissors seen fixed to his vest are the very same pair he would use to sever the fingers of two of the three victims to keep as trophies of his crime.

These murderers definitely skated justice if you ask me, and its still a mind-boggle how they did not all receive life sentences for these gruesome and malicious acts. Let me Know what you guys think about this captivating story. Is the US Army responsible or implicit for these crimes at all? Did they attempt to cover these murders up? How did these violent psychopaths get deployed? Or is the fact that they were violent psychopaths the very reason for that deployment. Unfortunately three innocent lives had to be taken for us to even ask the question.

Thanks for reading!!! This took alot of research and effort so i hope you all enjoy!!


0. Purpose of guide

I'm making this guide because I've noticed a lot of people being dumb and sharing personal information, then getting scared they might get doxxed. This creates all kinds of stress and drama. It might even worsen your life. The sooner you learn to keep yourself safe on the internet the better.

1. Fuck social media

Social media is the bane of the internet, period. It encourages you to put your life on display for the world to see, and it's a gigantic waste of time. At least sites like here and Reddit allow you to hold a proper conversation which if you're smart you'll use to learn and grow by asking questions and debating with people. You can't effectively do that on social media like Twitter or Facebook. But there's also nothing wrong with having fun. Social media's original purpose was to make it easier to connect with long distance friends and family. If you want to use social media you should keep it exclusively to that; don't share it with random strangers on the internet. Ever. That's how you dox yourself.

2. Compartmentalize your internet life

This means you want to have different usernames and different emails for each section of the internet. For example keep your social media life strictly separate from the rest of your internet life. Use a different username and email. Like I've got several different emails and each one is associate with a different username which is associated with different sections of my internet life. To demonstrate, I have my mainstream presence which is prim and proper, and my "other" presence which you see here and on other free speech sites.

My mainstream presence is where I'm not controversial and I don't generally talk about things that upset people. My extremely limited social media presence is combined with this, but if you want a larger social media presence ideally you would keep it separate but you don't have to, so long as you follow rule 3 that's next.

My "other" presence is where I'm far more controversial, where I can discuss my true feelings and express my true nature, on sites like here. This absolutely must be kept entirely separate from all other internet lives. This is the mistake some of you make and it keeps biting you in the ass.

And you should also have a false, throwaway presence mainly for use on sites where you aren't sure about their legitimacy and if things go awry you don't mess up your important presences. Mainly this is an email, so that if the site is untrustworthy and sells your information you aren't bombarded with spam on the accounts you do care about, and if it gets doxxed it can't be traced to anything you care about it either.

Never use more than one presence on the same site, it's an excellent way to dox yourself and the two presences linked together. Just don't do it.

3. Never reveal your personal information anywhere, for any reason

Exceptions of course for things like your bank, job, and places of business where you make purchases. Instead I'm referring to places like here, Reddit, Twitter, and so on. Only the people in real life need to know your real name, not strangers on the internet. This includes your social media presence. I strongly encourage you to use a fake name or real life exclusive nickname and have your settings set to friends only so random people can't see what you're doing. Absolutely NEVER tell people your real name or share pictures of yourself on the internet outside of your separate social media account. Never ever share nudes anywhere. People WILL spread them around and it's a great way to get doxxed, and if it got linked to your proper life you can get into some trouble.

Furthermore don't tell anyone in real life the usernames or emails of your non-social media accounts (which should also be separate). This way your "other" presence cannot possibly be associated with you in any way. So when people try to threaten doxxing, well they can't because you've kept things compartmentalized and your real life is safe.

Examples of things to NOT tell people about: first name, last name, date of birth, year of birth, address, state/city, job specifics, school specifics, pictures of yourself or family members or where you live

Things that are vague and ok to tell people: age range (20's, 30's, etc.), country, gender, race, sexuality. Feel free to keep even these a secret, doing so will only make you safer.

Furthermore you need to keep in mind what you share and reveal on each presence. For example, I've shared pictures of my cat on my mainstream account, therefore I do not share such pictures anywhere else because a clever and industrious fellow might be able to somehow figure out it's the same cat and link my accounts together. I talk about video games a lot on my mainstream, therefore I rarely discuss video games elsewhere and if I do it's vague, because if you discuss the same topic in the same way in both presences it can possibly give you away. I discuss furries here on my "other" account, therefore furries do not have a presence on my mainstream account. And many other such examples. Basically you need to keep your passions and hobbies separate and associated with only a single presence at a time. If somehow someone sees two different accounts discussing the same hobby in the same way, they might be able to link them together. This is paranoia yes, but it will keep you safe and free of doxxing.

4. Don't give in to peer pressure

No matter how people try to convince you or threaten you to reveal personal information about yourself, never do it. A true internet friend will understand and respect your privacy. If someone is trying to peer pressure you and won't take no for an answer, then stop talking to them and unfriend them. Your life will be better for it. And if you have the inherent urge to share personal information including photos to people you don't know in real life, then you need to work on yourself and get rid of those urges, because they will not help you and can only bring stress and difficulty in the long run.

5. "How do I start?"

You may need to do a complete reset of your internet life. A lot of you have been fools and mixed everything together. Delete what accounts you can and scrub everything that you can, and start over. You can probably keep your social media presence if you posted a lot of pictures of yourself and have lots of real friends and family, just delete everything you want to separate into an "other" presence.

But you may need to truly start over. Abandon your random internet friends and delete literally everything and truly start over from scratch. Sounds harsh and a big deal, but in the long run it will be better for you. Unfortunately if you've been foolish to share your personal pictures around, they can't all be deleted, and if you restart your social media presence they might be linked back to you, especially if the old pictures were shared on places you want to become your "other" presence. Hence why I said earlier to have your social media private and exclusive so such pictures can't be so easily linked. And again, ideally don't have any such social media presence at all and then you need not worry about said old pictures getting linked to you.

Recap, tl;dr

Don't use social media, but if you must then limit what you put there and make it private and exclusive.

Keep different parts of your internet life strictly separate using different emails and usernames. Particularly things that would be awkward or hurtful if it got linked to your more public and proper internet life.

Never reveal personal information to anybody for any reason, no matter how they try to peer pressure you.

You may need to start your internet lives over from scratch.

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST Internet Serial Killer - John Edwart Robinson

•John Edward Robinson grew up in a middle-class American family in Illinois. He had four siblings with whom he maintained close contact. John attended a private Catholic school where he studied to become a priest. John's father was a drunk and his mother was definitely the dominant person in the marriage. His childhood wasn't perfect, but whose was it?

(family photo, robinson holding tiffany on his lap)

Fraud and theft were present in John's life from his youth. He was arrested countless times for fraud, forging documents, embezzlement and theft. Eventually, John began opening various businesses and getting involved with various shady charities. Despite his constant need to commit white-collar crimes, John cared deeply about what his society thought of him; he wanted to be loved. The killer taught Sunday school at his local Presbyterian church, became a football coach, and did everything he could to command public respect and trust!

Then, in order to gain even more authority and better deceive people, John fraudulently managed to obtain the title of Person of the Year! He forged a lot of documents and letters from important people confirming how important and competent he was. The Person of the Year award was presented to him by a famous politician and it was a great thing.

( young robinson )

When John wasn't killing or defrauding people, he spent time with his wife and their four children. The family lived in a beautiful area. John's wife, Nancy Jo, knew her husband was unfaithful. She knew about the existence of one woman - as it later turned out - the victim. However, the wife claimed that she was convinced that they were simply having an affair. When women began to go missing in the 1980s, several of them were easily linked to John. The victims were primarily troubled young women whom John claimed he was trying to help.

( Robinson with wife )

In January 1985, Lisa Stasi was just 19 years old and living in a women's shelter with her 4-month-old daughter, Tiffany Lynn. Lisa was really happy when she was accepted into a program to help troubled young mothers; this program included accommodation and free childcare, which meant she could devote her time to earning the money she needed to continue her education. It was Lisa's dream come true, the answer to her prayers.

( photo of Lisa )

A man who identified himself as John Osborne picked up Lisa from her in-laws' house; that same evening, a panicked Lisa called her mother-in-law, Betty Stasi, from her hotel room. John Osborne told the young mother that Betty had accused her of being unfit for work and that Betty was trying to deprive her of custody of Tiffany. John tried to get Lisa to sign some blank pieces of paper. Betty had no idea what Lisa was talking about, she cared about her granddaughter's mother and had no intention of causing any problems for her. After a while, a trembling Lisa shouted into the receiver "they are going back to the room" and the call was disconnected. This was the last time the relatives heard Lisa's voice.

The next morning, when Betty called the hotel, she was informed that Lisa had already checked out. Letters signed by the young woman were soon sent to her in-laws' house. The letters said that Lisa was doing very well, that she had met a man and was planning to start a new life with him and her child. To those who knew Lisa, this was ridiculous; although the letters were undoubtedly signed by the teenager, they did not sound as if she had written them.

( barrels with victims' bodies )

A man who identified himself as Father Martin from the relief program contacted Lisa's mother-in-law by phone. During the conversation, he supported what was written in the letters; a young woman has gone away with a man named Bill and plans to start a new life with him. The woman reported it to the police and when the police contacted the organizers of this program, it turned out that they did not cooperate with any Father Martin. Police checked who had rented the hotel room on the night of Lisa's disappearance and found it was John Robinson - not John Osborne, but there was no evidence of any crime.

(robinson's photo )

There have been other cases of young women missing that were similar to Lisa's disappearance. Many young women accepted offers of secretarial work or were hired to care for John's elderly father; each of them disappeared from the face of the earth. The only thing left of them were their signatures on various documents. Some of these women were not even reported missing, their families really believed that they were earning big money somewhere in Europe and had started a new, wonderful life. If the family suspected anything, John would say that the woman had run off with a man - usually the man's name was Bill. There was no evidence that anything bad had happened. By the way, the women were already adults and had the right to change their place of residence without informing anyone.

( barrels with the bodies of the victims )

As soon as the Internet appeared, John quickly discovered that he could use this tool to deepen his interests. He initially joined the BDSM community. It made our killer's life so much easier. He no longer had to scour classified ads, use aid programs, or search hospitals to find troubled young women - now his victims were waiting for him on the other end of the line! He chose the nickname "Slavemaster". He addressed those women who received benefits such as disability pensions, social welfare benefits or alimony benefits. John promised the girl wealth if she agreed to come to work as a sex slave. It was truly surprising how many women were willing to agree to this, considering they didn't know him.

John flew his victim to Kansas and, using false identities, placed the women in a hotel room or took them to one of his many rental apartments. John persuaded these women to sign numerous documents; he insisted they wouldn't have time to do it while traveling in countries like China, so it made sense to do it now. After receiving the signatures, John would rape the victim, often beat him to death, usually with a hammer, and place his remains in an 88-gallon drum. These barrels were then stored on the farm or in one of John's 2 warehouses.

Our killer made sure he had access to the victim's monthly checks, which were promptly cashed. This, combined with letters sent to the victims' families, made investigators aware that no crime had occurred.

In 1993, 49-year-old Beverly Bonner became one of John's victims. Beverly was a prison librarian whom John met and seduced while serving his prison sentence. After learning that Beverly was receiving $1,000 monthly child support checks, he murdered her and took her benefits for years.

In 1994, John raped and murdered Sheila Faith and her disabled 15-year-old daughter, Debbie Faith. Young Debbie was born with a spinal cord disease and used a wheelchair. John collected their benefits.

Finally, in 2000, he killed 28-year-old Suzette Trouten; this murder led to his downfall. John met Suzette through an online bdsm community. Suzette excitedly explained to her mother that she was going to work as a nurse's aide for former CEO John Robinson, who needed help caring for his elderly father. As you can guess, she omitted the part of the contract according to which she was to become a sex slave. But Suzette was different from the other victims, she was close to her mother, Carolyn. When Mom didn't hear anything from Suzette, she started to worry. Carolyn then called John Robinson.

John told his standard story about Suzette running off with a man, but Carolyn didn't believe it. There was no way Suzette would go more than a day or two without contacting her mother. When she received the letters signed by her daughter, Carolyn took one look at them and handed them over to the police. She instinctively knew that something bad had happened to Suzette. There was no way Suzette would leave quietly without telling anyone. It wasn't like her.

( instruments of crime and torture )

Investigators decided to follow John; they followed him around town, renting hotel rooms right next to the ones John had rented. Eventually, several women came forward to report assault, sexual assault and theft. The police finally had a reason to arrest John. The arrest was made on June 2, 2000, and a search of his property began.

In one of his warehouses in Raymore, Missouri, investigators found personal items belonging to many of the victims: birth certificates, Social Security cards, credit cards, driver's licenses. There were also pornographic photos and videos of some of the victims. In another large warehouse they discovered 3 bodies in barrels. They found several other bodies on a quiet ranch in La Cygne, Kansas. Because some of these victims were not reported missing, 3 women were initially marked as Jane Doe.

( photos of victims )

One of the most interesting aspects of this case was finding out what exactly happened to his victim Lisa's daughter, Tiffany Lynn. Lisa became his target because of her child. John contacted charities, hospitals, aid programs, and anyone else he could ask for the names of struggling young mothers.

As it later turned out, John's older brother and sister-in-law, Don and Helen Robinson of Hammond, Indiana, were infertile. John killed Lisa, then forged her daughter's birth certificate and adoption papers. John extorted $5,500.00 from his brother for the alleged adoption fee.

The new parents were informed that the child's mother had committed suicide, leaving the infant in an orphanage. Don and Helen had no idea that the adoption was not legal. They too fell victim to a fraudster. Tiffany's name was changed to Heather Robinson and she was raised as John's niece until the truth came to light 15 years later. Fortunately, the home she was placed in was a good one; The Robinsons truly loved Heather and worked hard to give her a good life. After Heather discovered her true identity, she absolutely refused to leave the Robinson family. Heather reconnected with her biological father, Carl, but decided to stay with the parents she knew and loved.

( robinson at the court hearing )

In October 2002, John was charged with three murders in Kansas: 19-year-old Lisa Stasi, who was killed in 1985, 21-year-old Polish immigrant Izabela Lewicka, who was murdered in 1995, and 28-year-old Suzette Trouten, who life in 2000.

John was found guilty the following January and sentenced to death. The state of Missouri then prosecuted John for several murders he committed within the state. This time he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to life in prison.

Robinson was convicted of 8 murders, but the actual number of his victims remains unknown. Here is a chronological summary of the victims identified so far: 1984: Paula Godfrey (19);

body not found

1985: Lisa Stasi (19); body not found

1987: Catherine Clampitt (27); body not found 1993: Beverly Bonner (49): body found in warehouse in Raymore, Missouri

1994: Sheila Faith (45) and Debbie Faith (15): remains of both found in warehouse in Raymore, Missouri

1999: Izabela Lewicka (21): body discovered on Robinson ranch near La Cygne, Kansas

2000: Suzette Trouten (28): was discovered on Robinson's ranch near La Cygne, Kansas Robinson is currently on death row at the El Dorado Correctional Facility in Kansas.

He doesn't want to reveal the whereabouts of the rest of his victims.

( a photo of the body of one of the victims, found in a barrel )

In 2005, Nancy Robinson filed for divorce after 41 years of marriage, citing incompatibility and irreconcilable differences. In 2006, Heather, then 20, sued her mother's killer, a man she called "Uncle," for $5 billion. Lisa's body has not yet been found.

so you persevered until the end, well I hope the journey was interesting

but I would like to add one thing, just be careful who you meet on the Internet, you don't want to end up in a barrel :tayshrug:

( robinson without an internet connection was like )


Hey everyone, it's me! TrueSpyCrap!

(Commonly known as TransSpyCrab by my friends & partners within the community).

I've been wanting to share my story for a while now, and I think it's finally time. For the longest time, I've struggled with my identity, unsure of who I really am. But thanks to an unexpected journey, I've come to accept myself fully. Surprisingly, WPD has been the catalyst to this discovery!

It all started innocently enough. I stumbled upon this website; WPD. "What an odd place to discover yourself", you may be thinking. But hear me out. Yes, this place may seem violent and mean, however, this isn't just a gore site. This is a place where users share their personal stories and experiences, be it through the /social tab, or via the chat room. As I scrolled through the site and interacted with various users, I found myself drawn to the stories of transgender individuals in particular. Their beauty, courage and authenticity resonated with me in a way I couldn't quite explain.

At first, I was just curious. I read their comments, watched videos (unrelated to trans violence, and rather, trans empowerment), and engaged in discussions with members of the transgender community - which is very substantial on this site (really, I think more than half the users on this site are trans. It's an amazing place). But the more I immersed myself in their world, the more I began to question my own identity.

I've always felt like something was missing, like I didn't quite fit into the mold society had assigned me. But it wasn't until I started connecting with transgender individuals on WPD that I realized why. Deep down, I knew I wasn't living as my true self.

It was a gradual process, full of moments of self-reflection and introspection. I started to experiment with my appearance, trying out different styles and expressions. And with each step, I felt a little bit closer to who I was meant to be. Let me tell you, fellow users, skirts are COMFORTABLE. Pair that with some stockings or some long socks, and a cute A cup bra (I hope to grow some day) then I genuinely feel so.. Perfect. I'm sure you'd all agree, hehe :3

But the turning point came when I finally admitted it to myself: "I'm not a man. I'm a woman!". It was both terrifying and liberating to speak those words out loud, but it was also undeniably true. The first place I stated it to another person was within the WPD chat. I expected nothing but slurs from some users, however, their support was like no other, and I've even formed a polyamerous non-gender conforming relationship with some WPD users in chat. Since then, I've never been happier.

From that moment on, I knew I had to embrace my identity fully. I began my journey of transitioning, seeking out support from friends, family, and the transgender community. It hasn't been easy, but every step forward feels like a victory.

There have been challenges along the way, of course. Society isn't always accepting of those who dare to be different. But I refuse to let fear hold me back from living authentically.

So here I am, on the other side of self-discovery, embracing my true identity as a woman. And while the journey isn't over yet, I'm excited to see where it takes me. I'm now taking estrogens, I'm booked in for both top & bottom surgery, and I've even bought myself a pair of these transgender themed Marsey socks to celebrate!!!

To anyone out there struggling with their own identity, know that you're not alone. It's okay to question who you are, and it's okay to be different. Embrace your truth, whatever that may be, and never be afraid to live authentically.

Until next time!

Much love xoxoxo


What is Bulima Nervosa?

Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder and a mental illness.

Symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa can include

eating a large amount of food (binge eating)

self-induced vomiting (purgeing)

excessive laxative use


excessive exercise

using medication inappropriatly to reduce weight

Psychological symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa can include

preoccupation or obsession with eating, dieting, exercise or body image

fear of gaining weight

sensitivity to comments about eating, dieting, exercise or body image

feelings of shame, guilt and disgust, especially after eating and/or purging

a distorted body image or extreme dissatisfaction with body shape

anxiety or irritability around meal times

low self-esteem, depression, anxiety or suicidality

Behavioural symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa can include

repetitive dieting behaviour (such as counting calories, fasting, skipping meals, avoiding certain food groups)

excessive exercise, even when sick or injured

avoiding social situations

eating alone or in secret, avoiding other people at meal times

hiding food

frequent trips to the bathroom during or after eating

use of laxatives, enemas, diuretics or appetite suppressants

spending large amounts of money on food

self-harming behaviour, substance misuse and suicidality

The effects of Bulimia Nervosa on the human body

incontinence (urinal and fecal)

gastrointestinal conditions associated with compensatory behaviours

heart-related issues

weakened bones (osteoporosis)

infertility in men and women

electrolyte imbalance from self-induced vomiting – this can cause severe dehydration, and damage nerves, muscles and organs

subconjunctival hemorrhage of the eye from the strain of purging

tooth cavities, diseased gums, and irreversible enamel erosion caused by excessive acid in the mouth from purging

[Screenshot 2024-04-26 10.2.08.png]

hemorrhoids caused by weakened rectal walls from the strain of purging

prolapsed bowel as a result of rectal walls being weakened by the strain of purging

acute pancreatitis

swollen salivary glands

peptic ulcer caused by excess acid in the stomach

gastric rupture (ruptured stomach) caused by periods of bingeing

esophagitis from purging

tear in the esophagus from purging

rupture of the esophagus

small cuts across the back of the hand due to self-induced vomiting

water retention, swelling, and abdominal bloating

inflammation of the throat from purging


I've made another post about the last picture specifically and their autopsy report! Feel free to look at it :thumbup:

This post is supposed to show the dangers of Bulimia Nervosa and it is NOT meant to 'glorify' eating disorders!!!

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST A True Hero || The Human Shield, Anthony Borges (Parkland School Shooting Survivor)

What Happened?

On Valentine's Day 2018, during the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, 15 year old Anthony Borges heroically used himself as a human shield by gaurding and holding a door closed to protect his classmates from the gunfire. On this day, having been credited to have saved 20 class members, ³ he was shot 5 times..Taking hits to the lungs, abdomen, and his legs. Here, and here he shows the scars that remained. In total, 17 people died that day..3 of which were staff members.

Hospitalization + Recovery

Due to the severity of his injuries, he had to undergo 14 surgeries to repair the damage. There were also complications from the bullet wound where he suffered a severe intestinal infection which was ultimately treated. I unfortunately was unable to find what kind of surgeries he underwent and the exact amount, according to this source written in July 2022, Anthony confirmed he had at least 14 surgeries [5] and will require a lifetime of treatment and healing.

The extent of his injuries greatly impacted his life, having caused him to have to relearn even the simplest of tasks.

“It was like being born [again] … being a baby. Having to learn to walk, to redo everything,” he says. “I don't have words to describe how hard is [the] past. Every day was painful.” [10]

During his hospitalization, he was visited by XXXTentacion

photos during his hospitalization


Anthony's condition continues to improve and he aspires to be able to play soccer again after his recovery. He hopes to take his passion for soccer to the next step and play professionally!

"My goal is walking better," he said. "Run again. Because I want to play soccer. That's my goal." [4]

I believe the circle was from his colostomy bag which was removed around December of 2018 according to this source [10]


Anthony being wheeled into the courtroom

Because of his injuries, Anthony Borges sued Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz for assault and battery. The lawsuit stated they were seeking at least $15k in damages and for medical expenses, but will likely be requesting more. [7] Unfortunately, i was unable to find more info on the lawsuit.

On top of the lawsuit against Cruz, he planned to sue the Florida School District for negligence and failure to protect the students which led to great bodily harm. The separate lawsuit to further fund Anthony came only 2 days after a separate settlement of $25 million going to the 17 victims families, being unknown the amount each would be getting, it was said he was to be given an additional $1.5 million due to his injuries, but still had went ahead with a separate lawsuit [7]. It was stated that the severity and impact of his injuries will require further pay than what was initially given.

"The failure of Broward County Public Schools, and of the principal and school resource officer to adequately protect students, and in particular our client, from life-threatening harm, were unreasonable, callous and negligent" lawyer Alex Arreaza wrote in a letter dated on Monday. [2]

To further support the lawsuit, it was stated

"Due to his condition," the letter states, Borges "is currently unable to walk and has a great deal of difficulty performing rudimentary tasks for himself, requiring assistance constantly." [2]

"One of the problems that he still has is one of his feet he doesn't have full function in his toes, so they have some more work to do with the ligaments. He's not able to do what he loved to do, [that] triggers the PTSD and creates those problems," said Arreaza. [9]

The end goal of his lawsuits against Cruz and the Florida School District was to get the full truth out and to try and ensure something like this doesn't happen again.

"I don't know why I survived," the statement read, "but I will tell you that my family and I will dedicate the rest of our lives to seeing that something like this never happens again." [8]

Anthony revealing his scars to the court

Cruz was charged with and pled guilty to 17 counts of premeditated murder and was given life without parole. The families wanted him to face the death penalty as a way for the victim's families to seek justice, but courts decided against it.












EFFORTPOST From Ajnad to Al-Hayat: The Music of the Islamic State

The Islamic State is known to use social media vigorously in order to disseminate propaganda throughout the interwebs, but one part of their propaganda a lot of times goes unnoticed even though it plays a huge part in their propaganda, which is their music.

Everyone knows the Islamic State is an Islamic extremist group, and since they have such an extreme interpretation of the Quran and Sharia law, they use an acapella-like genre of music called Nasheed [Arabic: نَشِيد] which they always used throughout their times making propaganda videos.

Since 2005 Jihadist groups have been using nasheeds in their videos, but a lot of times they use nasheeds already made from a man named Abu Ali or at least created the script for nasheeds (Besides a select few groups including the Islamic Army in Iraq), but in 2013 the newly established Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant created Ajnad Media Foundation for Audio Production with their media expansion also in 2013 leaving behind traditional media like CDs, DVDs, etc.

Ajnad Media Foundation

(Image used to announce the creation Ajnad)

Through Ajnad they created many popular and objectively influential nasheeds including Clashing of Swords [Arabic: صليل الصوارم, Transliterated: Salil al-Sawarim] and My Ummah, Dawn has Appeared [Arabic: أُمَّتِي قَدْ لَاحَ فَجْرٌ, Transliterated: Ummati qad laha fajrun] also known as The Islamic State has Been Established [Arabic: دَوْلَة اُلْإِسْلَامِ قَامَتْ, Transliterated: ad-Dawla tal-Islamiyyah Qamat].

(Cover art of My Ummah, Dawn Has Appeared).

(My Ummah, Dawn Has Appeared nasheed)

(Cover art of Clashing of Swords)

(Clashing of Swords nasheed)

Ajnad has created hundreds of nasheeds, not just for videos of the battlefield and the execution of people, but for kids as well. During the release of an Islamic State created kids app called Huroof [Arabic: حروف, literally translated to: Letters], the app was released for Android and Windows computer systems and also a nasheed was created for it. The nasheed is just called Huroof, named after the app, and is used in the app itself and it's ads for the app.

(Banner for the ad)

(Huroof ad featuring the nasheed)

The man who created/sung all these nasheeds (mentioned at least) goes by the alias Abu Yasir [Arabic: أبو ياسر].

Asedaa Media Foundation

(Logo of Asedaa Foundation for Audio Production)

There are more than just Ajnad of course, another group of audio producers is Asedaa Foundation for Audio Production [Arabic: مؤسسة أصداء].

Asedaa isn't considered officially apart of ISIS even though many of the nasheeds made by the foundation are used in ISIS videos, they are only considered a "supporter organization".

Al-Hayat Media Center

(Logo of Al-Hayat Media Center)

Al-Hayat Media Center is a bilingual media production organization that doesn't just produce videos but also produces nasheeds in Arabic, English, French, German, Uyghur, Bengali, Chinese, Turkish, Kurdish, Russian, Urdu, and Indonesian.

Though Al-Hayat Media Center creates a ton of nasheeds, they also produce videos and video series, Inside the Khilafah would be a good example. (You can watch the full English series here:

Al-Furat Media

(Logo of Al-Furat Media)

Al-Furat is another multilingual media centre that uploads not only videos but nasheeds, they make nasheeds and video nasheeds in English, Russian, German, Turkish and Bengali.

Here's an example of a nasheed created by al-Furat:

Through this they have made many nasheed videos on famous nasheeds made by Ajnad Media Foundation and Al-Hayat Media Center.

EFFORTPOST The Execution of Rade Rogic (Mustafa Hadzipasic) [better quality? In description]


●Mustafa was born in Buzim on July 2, 1968. His father is IsmetHadzipasic, who died of heart attack last yearBoth Mustafa and Ismet served in the 5th corps of Bosnian Army, 505th Buzim brigade. Mustafa was survived by two daughters, Alma and Emina.

●Ultra-nationalist Serbian web site known as Serbianna is promoting a video of alleged "Rade Rogic beheading" in a section called "Srebrenica Massacre: Photo Story." What does alleged Serb soldier Rader Rogic from Sanski Most has to do with Srebrenica or Srebrenica Genocide? Nothing. If you are familiar with basic Bosnian geography, you will notice that Srebrenica is located in the eastern part of Bosnia, while Sanski Most is located in the western part of Bosnia.

●Three years before the 1995 Srebrenica Genocide, Serbs torched Bosniak villages and killed at least 3,166 Bosniaks around Srebrenica. In 1993, the UN described the besieged situation in Srebrenica as a "slow-motion process of genocide." In July 1995, Serbs forcibly expelled 25,000 Bosniaks, brutally raped many women and girls, and systematically killed 8,000+ men and boys (DNA confirmed)

●In order to equalize individual war crimes against Bosnian Serbs with the monstrous crime of genocide against Bosniaks, Serbianna is also circulating gruesome photos allegedly representing Serb 'victims' around Srebrenica. Conflicting photo descriptions place these victims in different parts of Bosnia, but Serbianna is conveniently using these images in their Srebrenica Genocide justification section called "Srebrenica Massacre: Photo Story." Some photos provided by Serbianna are clearly doctored, for example, fake photo of Pero Makic. Take a look at a sample photo forgery found on Serbianna's web site at this link:

●The video publication of alleged Rade Rogic beheading, which had nothing to do with Srebrenica, came a week after Serbian TV broadcast a video of Serb paramilitaries executing 6 defenceless Bosniak men and underage boys in Srebrenica 10 years ago. Now, "Rade Rogic beheading video" is used by Serbian ultra-nationalists as another tool in the service of "Greater Serbia" propaganda to justify and/or deny Srebrenica Genocide.

●Serbianna's propaganda material contained within "Srebrenica Massacre: Photo Story" suggests that Srebrenica massacre was justified, because Bosniaks put up a defence against genocidal Serbian thugs who brutally attacked predominantly Bosniak part of Bosnia. What Serbianna does not mention is the fact that long before Naser Oric counter-attacked genocidal Serb forces around Srebrenica, Serbs killed thousands of Bosniaks in the Podrinje region and ethnically cleansed 90 per cent of predominantly ethnic-Bosniak Eastern part of Bosnia

●What Serbianna does not want you to know is that former Chief of Intelligence of the Serb Army, Ljubisa Beara, personally participated in the decapitation of 80 to 100 Bosniaks in Srebrenica

●Other videos available in the section of "Srebrenica Massacre: Photo Story" have a very bad quality, and they also appear to be coming from questionable sources, like Milivoje Ivanisevic and Darko Trifunovic - one of the most vocal Srebrenica Genocide deniers in the Balkans. Any type of material that comes from Serbian ultra-nationalist sources is tainted and has to be treated with utmost suspicion. These people have absolutely no credibility; they have lost it when they started denying Srebrenica Genocide and excusing massive Serb war crimes in the Balkans.

●The website (Serbianna) also alleges that thousands of Serbs were killed by Naser Oric's forces around Srebrenica, a claim disputed even by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

(read heRe: ).

●Approximately 1,980 Serb civilians died in all of Bosnia (SOURCE: RDC, figure published on Dec 15, 2005, subject to revisions) many of them died from Bosnian Serb shells hitting besieged government-controlled cities. However, many Serbs served (and died) in the Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina defending values of Bosnian multi-culturalism, freedom and democracy. Former president of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Alija Izetbegovic, once said that as many as 15% of all Bosnian Army soldiers were in fact Bosnian Serbs.

●Bosniak woman says the person in this video is her son Mustafa Hadzipasic, not Serb soldier Rade Rogic

●"Three days ago we received an e-mail from Husnija Hadzipasic (Bosniak woman). She asked me to publish a story about her son who was beheaded by Serbian military forces in Bosnia. In a telephone conversation, she claimed the video of her son's beheading is still freely available all over the internet, only under a different name (Serbian name). This video is freely used solely for Serb-propaganda purposes portraying her son as a "Serb soldier Rade Rogic" who got "decapitated by Muslims" around Srebrenica"

●Husnija told us she positively identified the person in this video as her son Mustafa Hadzipasic, Bosnian soldier ambushed by Serbian (para) militaries during operation Sanski Most in 1995. Mustafa Hadzipasic was native of Buzim (close to Velika Kladusa in the western tip of Bosnia). He served in the 5th corps of Bosnian Army, 505th Buzim brigade during operation Sanski Most. Upon retreat (and defeat) of Serb forces in that area, he was captured by Serb military forces who shot propaganda video posing as "mujahedeens." Serbian paramilitary thugs in the video, posing as mujahedeens, have distinct Serbian accent that is easily recognizable by any native speaker of the area.

●One might wonder, what did these Serbian and Bosnian Serb military forces do in predominanly Bosniak inhabitted Eastern Bosnia? They had no business of being there in the first place! They were brutally raping, killing, torturing, and ethnically cleansing Bosnian Muslim population, and grabbing predominantly Bosniak territory for a planned and enlarged "Greater Serbia." Serb forces around Srebrenica had never demilitarized. And yet, Serbian propaganda and Srebrenica massacre revisionists constantly blamed Bosnian side for not fully demilitarizing. In fact, Bosnian side was the only one who satisfactorily demilitarized by the UN standards as already stated by the United Nations Report. Serbs never honored their part of agreement and never handed down their weapons around Srebrenica, because they did not want Srebrenica demilitarized. They wanted Srebrenica ethnically cleansed and in their hands as part of "Greater Serbia." Instead of handing down weapons to the U.N. and thus demilitarizing, they used the weapons to committ Srebrenica Genocide.

  • For more videos of the Srebrenica Massacre follow this link *





Speaking excellent Serbian, his interrogator begins,

"Do you know me?" he asks Rogic.

"I don't!" says Rogic.

"Where do you think I'm from?" he continues.

About ten young soldiers are standing over Rogic and laughing. They say he is a mujahedin. Rogic remains calm to the extent that is possible. He tries to reason with them, but blows bring him back to reality.

"Why am I here?" the mujahedin asks.

He strikes him with his fists, grabbing him by the hair in his fury.

"I guess you came to fight, fuck it!" answers Rogic.

Another blow.

"How old are you?" a new voice interjects.

"I'm thirty-two," the Serbian prisoner replies calmly.

"So what are you doing here?" the mujahedin asks him.

The volley of blows continues. Rogic raises his hand. He defends himself reflexively. "Why?" he says.

As soon as the blows stop, he lowers his arm.

"Where have you been?" continues the man.

"In the forest, fuck it."

"So what are you doing in the forest?"

"Let's go, let's go," shouts someone from the crowd.

Rogic, "Well, if anyone had bothered to ask you and me we probably wouldn't be here..."

Some one hits him repeatedly in the ears.

"Don't say fuck it, I'll fuck your mother!" he screams.

"That's a really bad habit you have (swearing)," says another, as he holds him by the hair.

Pulling him to the ground, he strikes him several times behind the ear.

"Cut him there, cut him there!"

The mujahedin intervenes, ordering Rogic to shout "Allahu akhbar" (Allah is great).

"Don't, don't, don't..." are the last words of Warrant Officer Rade Rogic.

His crushed skull sits between two stones. Posing for the camera, the mujahedin grabs him by the hair. He raises Rade`s head. Laughter can be heard.

The next scene is in a yard.

"Hey, did you kill him, did you fuck his mother?"


●In July of 1995, units of the Army of Republika Srpska (VRS) under the command of General Ratko Mladić went on a killing spree, murdering over 8000 men and boys in the area of Srebrenica. This went on despite the presence of 400 Dutch peace keeping forces under the banner of the U.N.






Husnija Hadzipasic, mother of Mustafa Hadzipasic, wrote to us. She asked us to publish this message:


My name is Husnija Hadzipasic. I need to tell this truth to the world. Serbs circulate video of my son being slaughtered. They say his name is Rade Rogic. That is not true. I have viewed the video hundred times and every time I cried. People who knew my son also viewed video over and over again. We are absolutely certain that the person beheaded in this video is Mustafa Hadzipasic. Now that we know what Serbs did to our son, we will go to Bosnia next month to look for his grave. Please publish this information on your site.'

'Mustafa was born in Buzim on July 2, 1968. His father is IsmetHadzipasic, who died of heart attack last yearBoth Mustafa and Ismet served in the 5th corps of Bosnian Army, 505th Buzim brigade. Mustafa was survived by two daughters, Alma and Emina.'

We give you permission to publish this information. If you want more information, you can call us at (phone # edited).'

Allahumanet (Peace be with you)

Husnija Hadzipasic






■■ Srebrenica Genocide is not a matter of anybody's opinion; it's a judicial fact recognized first by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and subsequently by the International Court of Justice. ■■

EFFORTPOST Mayhem, a satanistic band - all informations about the suicide and murder of Dead and Euronymous - Effortpost :marseythumbsup:

Basic information about Mayhem

Mayhem: A History of Controversy

Mayhem is a Norwegian black metal band founded in 1984, known for its brutal and extreme reputation. The band was initially formed by Jørn Stubberud (Necrobutcher), Øystein Aarseth (Euronymous), and Kjetil Manheim (Manheim). However, it was Euronymous who ultimately made history, along with other notable members such as Per Yngve Ohlin (Dead) and Varg Vikernes.

Infamous Acts and Incidents

Mayhem gained notoriety for their involvement in various shocking and obscene acts. Perhaps most notably, the suicide of Per Yngve Ohlin, known as Dead, who was found dead by Euronymous in their shared apartment. Euronymous took photographs of Dead's corpse, which were later used as album covers. Additionally, there were rumors that Euronymous collected pieces of Dead's skull and distributed them as macabre souvenirs among the band members, although the veracity of these claims remains unclear.

Church Burning and Extreme Satanism

The band's extreme ideologies, including a hatred of God and a commitment to Satanism, culminated in the burning of the Fantoft stave church in Bergen, Norway, on June 6, 1992. Varg Vikernes, also known as Count Grishnackh, was later convicted of this arson, further solidifying Mayhem's reputation for extremism and controversy.

The Murder of Euronymous

One of the most infamous events in Mayhem's history was the murder of Euronymous by Varg Vikernes, who was once considered a friend and bandmate. Euronymous was fatally stabbed multiple times on August 10, 1993, marking a tragic end to his life and further cementing Mayhem's legacy of violence and turmoil.

Legacy and Continued Influence

Despite the controversies and tragedies surrounding the band, Mayhem's impact on the black metal genre and extreme music as a whole is undeniable. Their shocking acts and extreme ideologies have left a lasting impression on the metal community, continuing to fascinate and provoke discussion among fans and critics alike.

Their band image:

The band at its most famous time:


Euronymous: A Controversial Figure

Øystein Aarseth, better known as Euronymous, was a guitarist and founding member of the influential Norwegian black metal band Mayhem. He played a pivotal role in shaping the early Norwegian black metal scene and founded the record label Deathlike Silence Productions, which released albums by Mayhem and other notable black metal bands.

Embracing Extremism

Euronymous cultivated a persona of darkness and extremism, embracing controversial aspects of the black metal subculture. He promoted a radical anti-Christian and misanthropic ideology, which often manifested in the band's lyrics and actions. Euronymous's involvement in the church burnings in Norway in the early '90s further solidified his reputation as a controversial figure within the metal community.

The Fatal Altercation

During the violent altercation on the night of August 10, 1993, Varg Vikernes stabbed Øystein Aarseth, also known as Euronymous, multiple times. Reports indicate that Euronymous sustained a total of 23 stab wounds, primarily to his upper body. These wounds included stab wounds to his head (2), neck (5), and back (16), resulting in fatal injuries.

Details Revealed During Investigation

The precise details of the wounds and their locations were revealed during the subsequent investigation and trial, shedding light on the severity of the attack. The brutality of the stabbing contributed to the tragic and violent nature of Euronymous's death, further deepening the shock and sorrow felt by the metal community and fans of Mayhem.

Legacy and Impact

Despite his untimely death, Euronymous's impact on black metal and extreme music is undeniable, and he remains a controversial and enigmatic figure in the history of metal.

Picture of Euronymous (Øystein Aarseth)

when he started the band

Dead (Per Yngve Ohlin)

Per Yngve Ohlin: The Dark Legacy of Dead


Per Yngve Ohlin, also known as Dead, was the vocalist for the Norwegian black metal band Mayhem. His presence brought a unique darkness to the band's performances, contributing to their extreme reputation within the genre.

Notorious Acts:

Dead was known for his intense stage presence and extreme performances, including self-mutilation with broken glass or knives. These acts of macabre added to Mayhem's notoriety and solidified their image as one of the most extreme bands in black metal.

Mental Health Struggles:

Over time, Dead's mental health deteriorated, leading to struggles with depression and suicidal ideation. His fascination with death and the afterlife influenced his lyrics and overall outlook on life.

Tragic End:

In April 1991, Dead tragically took his own life at the age of 22, leaving behind a haunting note that read, "Excuse all the blood."

Legacy and Influence:

Despite his untimely death, Dead's legacy lives on in Mayhem's music and the broader black metal genre. His influence on the band's sound and image is still felt today, making him an iconic figure in extreme metal history.

Euronymous and the Aftermath:

After Dead's death, Mayhem's guitarist Euronymous allegedly took photos of Dead's body and collected bone fragments from his skull. These actions further fueled the band's dark reputation and added to the mythology surrounding Dead's legacy.

The Album Cover Euronymous made from his suicide:

Pictures Of Dead:

Also pics when he was younger:

Picture of Euronymous and Dead togheter

Varg Vikernes

Varg Vikernes: Controversy Surrounding Mayhem, Church Burnings, and the Murder of Euronymous

Introduction: Varg Vikernes and his Involvement with Mayhem

Varg Vikernes, also known as Count Grishnackh, is a controversial figure in the history of black metal music, primarily known for his involvement with the Norwegian band Mayhem. Born Kristian Vikernes, he joined Mayhem as a bassist in the late 1980s, becoming a central figure in the burgeoning Norwegian black metal scene.

Early Years with Mayhem

Varg Vikernes joined Mayhem during a tumultuous period in the band's history. Alongside guitarist Øystein Aarseth, also known as Euronymous, Vikernes contributed to Mayhem's notorious reputation for extreme and controversial behavior. Their music, characterized by aggressive instrumentation and dark, nihilistic themes, gained a cult following within the underground metal community.

Church Burnings and Extreme Ideologies

The early 1990s saw a wave of church burnings in Norway, attributed in part to individuals associated with the black metal scene, including Varg Vikernes. Vikernes, driven by a radical anti-Christian and misanthropic ideology, participated in the burning of several churches, including the infamous destruction of the Fantoft stave church in Bergen. These acts of arson shocked the nation and drew international attention to the Norwegian black metal scene.

Murder of Euronymous: Rift within Mayhem

Tensions between Varg Vikernes and Euronymous escalated, leading to a violent confrontation on August 10, 1993. Vikernes fatally stabbed Euronymous multiple times, resulting in his death. The murder sent shockwaves through the metal community and marked a significant turning point in the history of Mayhem and the black metal genre as a whole. Vikernes was subsequently arrested and charged with the murder of Euronymous, leading to his imprisonment and a prolonged legal battle.

Legal Proceedings and Imprisonment

Varg Vikernes was convicted of the murder of Euronymous and sentenced to 21 years in prison, the maximum sentence under Norwegian law at the time. During his imprisonment, Vikernes continued to maintain his extreme ideologies and garnered a following among far-right and nationalist circles. His incarceration further fueled his notoriety and solidified his status as a polarizing figure within the metal community.

Aftermath and Legacy

Following his release from prison in 2009, Varg Vikernes remained active in various endeavors, including music, writing, and online activism. Despite his controversial past, Vikernes continues to command a dedicated following among certain segments of the metal community, while also facing criticism and condemnation for his extremist views and actions.

Conclusion: Varg Vikernes and the Legacy of Mayhem

Varg Vikernes's involvement with Mayhem, including his role in church burnings and the murder of Euronymous, has left an indelible mark on the history of black metal music. While his actions have sparked widespread debate and controversy, they have also contributed to the enduring mystique and allure of the Norwegian black metal scene. As a divisive figure, Varg Vikernes remains a subject of fascination and scrutiny, embodying the complexities and contradictions inherent in extreme music subcultures.

Pictures of Varg Vikernes

Picture of Varg and Euronymous when they were "friends"

Varg Vikernes at the time when he got arrested

Ending of the post

Mayhem and his Story is really crazy and facionating, but I love it.

For the metal lovers, here are all the Songs where Dead (Per Yngve Ohlin) has sung at the front.

His voice was or is unique and really perfect.

The titles were made by KI and I translated it by KI, but the rest I wrote myself in my language.

The titles give the post a really string KI vibe but I like it when something is orderly and clean, so I let it make the KI. The rest is self written and took me much time... But everything for a Effortpost hehe :marseyeffortpostnow:

I hope I could inform you.

If you want to learn more about the story, there is a movie about the band on Netflix.

It's called "Lords of Chaos."

I highly recommend it; it's the reason why I made this post.

I love you guys, HAVE A GREAT DAY!! :marseyheart: :marseyblowkiss:

We got Vargs twitter from @NadjaFromAntipaxos2 :marseyheart: BIG THXX :marseyheart:

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST Winnenden school shooting aftermath (CW)

The Winnenden school shooting took place on March 11, 2009, at the Albertville-Realschule, a secondary school in Winnenden, southwestern Germany. It was followed by a shootout at a car dealership in nearby Wendlingen. The shooting spree resulted in 16 deaths, including Tim Kretschmer's suicide, who was 17 years old and had graduated from the school a year earlier. Nine people were injured in the incident.


Tim Kretschmer was born on July 26, 1991, and passed away by suicide on March 11, 2009. He lived with his parents in the nearby municipality of Leutenbach. He graduated from Albertville Realschule in 2008 with relatively low grades. Kretschmer was unable to enter an apprenticeship because of his failing grades. In order to prepare for a commercial apprenticeship, he was attending Donner + Kern, a Waiblingen commercial high school. A few records portrayed him as having depression. Kretschmer was depicted by a companion as "a forlorn and disappointed individual who felt dismissed by society". A mysterious companion depicted Kretschmer as a peaceful understudy who started to pull out from his peers. He was an eager table tennis player and had wanted to turn into an expert player. He enjoyed playing Counter-Strike and airsoft guns, according to media reports. Commentators also said that "game addiction is a symptom of something wrong and not a cause."

The attack:

Eyewitness accounts state that Kretschmer started on the first upstairs floor, where he made a beeline for two top-floor classrooms and a chemistry laboratory. In the first classroom, Class 9C, which was receiving a Spanish lesson, Kretschmer fatally shot five students in the head at close range without warning. He then went into the next classroom, Class 10D, where he was teaching German to students. There, he killed two more students and injured nine more, two of whom would die while being transported to the hospital from their injuries. As Kretschmer passed on the space to reload his weapon, the instructor allegedly shut the entryway and locked it. After fruitlessly attempting to shoot off the lock, Kretschmer then continued on toward the science research center, where he shot and killed the instructor. Kretschmer killed nine students (eight female and one male, 15–16 years old) and a female teacher in the three classrooms he targeted. He shot the majority of his victims in the head. Kretschmer fired more than 60 rounds at the school. News reports confirmed that Kretschmer was on the run and advised motorists not to pick up any hitchhikers. Kretschmer then fled the scene and killed a 56-year-old gardener of a nearby psychiatric institution in the park. A large number of police officers secured the school building and searched for Kretschmer throughout Winnenden for hours without success. At this point, according to police reports, Kretschmer continued to shoot at random, hitting buildings and individuals nearby, including a company employee attempting to lock the door. Witnesses said they watched Kretschmer reload his gun before he shot himself in the head. A mobile phone video camera caught the last few seconds of the shootout. Forensic evidence says Kretschmer fired 112 rounds.

Tim Kretschmers final moments:


German President Horst Köhler said he was "dismayed and disheartened" by the killings. Köhler and his better half communicated their sympathies to the people in question, their families and friends. Chancellor Angela Merkel depicted the shootings as "limitless". " She stated to reporters, "It is an appalling crime that in just seconds, pupils and teachers were killed. It is unimaginable." She went on to say, "This is a day of mourning for Germany as a whole." Shortly after the news broke, Baden-Württemberg Minister-President Günther Oettinger flew to the crime scene. Oettinger referred to the crime as "horrible and in no way explainable." He likewise communicated his sympathies to the people in question, understudies and families.

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST 2022 Nong Bua Lamphu massacre (CW)

In Nong Bua Lamphu province, Thailand, on October 6, 2022, 34-year-old Panya Khamrab shot, stabbed, and crashed a vehicle, killing 37 people and injuring ten more before taking his own life. The primary site of the attack was a children's nursery in the Na Klang district's Uthai Sawan subdistrict. It is the bloodiest mass murder committed by a single person in Thailand's modern history, with more victims than the 2020 Nakhon Ratchasima killings.

video by: @AFX


The suspect, Panya Khamrab, aged 34, was identified by the police. He resided in Nong Bua Lamphu province and had previously served as a police sergeant in Na Wang district. According to his mother, he obtained a bachelor's degree in law from Ramkhamhaeng University and also attended a police academy. He joined the police force in 2012 and had previously worked in Bangkok before being transferred back to his hometown. It is believed that upon returning to Nong Bua Lamphu, he may have developed a drug addiction. During his time in Nong Bua Lamphu, he exhibited aggressive behavior, leading to the confiscation of his weapon after he fired at stray animals in the presence of his colleagues.

The attack:

Around 11:24 ICT (UTC+7) on October 6, 2022, Panya Khamrab, the attacker, drove a white pickup truck out of his house. He reached the nursery at 12:50, just after lunch, when the attack started. Khamrab shot and killed a father and son at the Uthai Sawan Sub-district Administrative Organization,[8] next to the nursery, using a 9mm pistol, a shotgun, and a knife. After that, he broke into the nursery building and attacked four or five employees, killing three of them. One of them was an eight-month pregnant teacher. Several employees left the area.[5] Neighbors thought the gunfire was fireworks. Then Khamrab went into a room full of sleeping youngsters and used the knife to assault them. Thirty kids were in the nursery at the hour of the attack. The collections of nineteen young men and three young ladies were found in the nursery, while the groups of a kid and a grown-up were found at a close by government building. Khamrab ran away from the area in the pickup truck. Eleven people died – nine adults and two children – outside the nursery as Khamrab shot from his vehicle, according to police.[16] Among them were Khamrab's wife and stepson, whom he shot before killing himself. Three adults died on the way to hospital. The bodies of the dead were taken to a police station,[17] where they were placed in coffins and moved to Udon Thani Hospital.

The victims:

At least twenty-four children were among the thirty-six fatalities in total. The victims were between the ages of 3 and 69. Ten more people suffered injuries. According to the provincial police investigation team, gunfire and knife wounds combined accounted for the majority of the fatalities. Eight of the injured had surgery at Nong Bua Lamphu Hospital, while several were transported to Na Klang Hospital. A blood drive was held at Nong Bua Lamphu Hospital after medical staff there declared an urgent need for blood.


Other posts:

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST the effect of radiation on the human body

What is radiation?

Firstly, radiation is an energy that comes from a source and travels through the space at the light of speed, This energy has an electric field and a magnetic field associated with it, and has wave-like properties. You could also call radiation “electromagnetic waves”.

radiation can be released from nuclear bombs since they contain some of the most radioactive elements which are: unranium U-235, polonium, radium, beryllium and a small percentage of phosphorus can be radioactive (like phosphorus-32)

Uranium (U):

Uranium is one of the most important radioactive material, Uranium is found in small amounts in most rocks, and even in seawater but the average uranium contains (by weight) 99.28% U-238 which is not that reactive. it also contains about 0.72% U-235 which is extremely radioactive. since U-235 contains extremely high levels of radiation and it's commonly used in nuclear bombs etc. It was found originally by the German chemist Martin Klaproth in 1789.


Symptoms can be loss of white blood cells which increases the risk of infection, seizures sometimes and many types of cancer.

Uranium poisoning (getting exposed to its radiation) increases the risk of thyroid cancer since the thyroid gland absorbs the radioactive iodine and it also causes Inflammation, scarring, and possible cancer risk in the lungs. It also causes internal bleeding in the GI tract.

Uranium poisoning can also show some signs in the skin like these:

These are all radiation symptoms/signs and there are a LOT of victims. some of them are infants, if the mother is radiated the radiation can be transmitted to the unborn in the womb.

But there's a low chance that the mother might be able to give birth to the child and in that case the child will be abnormal and born with biologically different characteristics:

Most of these babies won't live a month due to the radiation in their bodies.

children from the Chernobyl incident:

Polonium (Po):

Polonium is one of the radioactive elements that's used in nuclear bombs which is very rare and it's found in uranium ores. it was discovered by the polish chemist Marie Sklodowska Curie in 1898. The most dangerous polonium is polonium-210


Polonium can cause radiation exposure (irradiation) of internal organs, which can result in serious medical symptoms or death and it also can cause nausea, vomiting, anorexia, lymphopenia, and sometimes diarrhea. For more info:

the victims: luckily there are barely any victims of polonium since how rare it is. but there is one fatality in Russia, of a man who had accidentally inhaled polonium-210 in an industrial process and On 1 November 2006, Litvinenko suddenly fell ill and was hospitalized after poisoning with polonium-210; he died from the poisoning on 23 November

A picture of litvineko after he was poisoned in the hospital


Phosphorus (P):

Although phosphorus is not radioactive but Phosphate rock contains small amounts of naturally-occurring radionuclides, mostly uranium and radium, but Phosphorus-32 is a radioactive isotope of phosphorus which in laboratories it's used to label DNA and proteins. Phosphorus was discovered by Hennig Brandt in Hamburg in Germany in 1669 When he evaporated urine and heated the residue until it was red hot. Glowing phosphorus vapour came off and he condensed it under water.

White Phosphorus is used in military purposes in grenades and artillery shells to produce illumination, to generate a smokescreen and as an incendiary

White phosphorus bombs:

Its major industrial uses are in the production of phosphoric acid, phosphates and other compounds.

White phosphorus victims:

Although phosphorus are banned worldwide but there are A LOT of times when governments used phosphorus bombs and one of the recent ones was in 2009 when Israel was accused of using phosphorus against Palestine, Gaza.

  • Weapons: Mortar and artillery shells, grenades

  • Geneva Treaty of 1980: Prohibited for attacking civilians; no ban on use as smoke screen or for illumination.

  • Looks: Colorless to yellow transluscent wax-like substance.

  • When exposed to oxygen: It bursts into yellow flame, producing thick white smoke.

  • Phosphorus burns: They are mostly second- or third-degree; particles do not stop burning after contact with skin.

Before Israel's reported use of the weapon in Lebanon and Gaza. Russian and Bashar Al Assad's forces used it on Syrian civilians. Ex-Syrian rebel Rabih Sarraf was defending his hometown of Maarat Al Numan when Russian planes were bombing the area with white phosphorus around 8 years ago (2016)

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told a NATO summit on Thursday that Russia had used white phosphorus against civilians in his country.

Zelenskyy said: "This morning, phosphorus bombs were used. Russian phosphorus bombs. Adults and children were killed"

The United States bombardment of Fallujah began in April 2003, one month after the beginning of the invasion of Iraq. In April 2003 United States forces fired on a group of demonstrators who were protesting against the US presence. US forces alleged they were fired at first, but Human Rights Watch, who visited the site of the protests, concluded that physical evidence did not corroborate US allegations and confirmed the residents' accusations that the US forces fired indiscriminately at the crowd with no provocation. 17 people were killed and 70 were wounded

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST The suicide of 12 year old Katelyn Nicole Davis (ITZ Dolly) | full write up :marseysaki:


This one's personal.

I remeber when this happened. It's on a personal level for me because Katelyn and I were born the same year, 2004, and I was going through some of the same issues she had around the same time. Struggling with mental illness, abuse, self harm and being hospitalized were issues I had to deal with, and at such a young age. This story absolutely breaks my heart on so many levels. So let's talk about Katelyn.

Katelyn Nichole Davis was born on February 20th, 2004 in Rome, Georgia. Around the time of her suicide, she was living in a trailer with her mom, Tammy, her step-dad Anthony and her 2 younger half siblings.


She was known as "ITZ Dolly" on a platform called where she recorded multiple hours of live streams of her everyday life where she would sing, take care of her younger siblings, do her makeup, talking to the chat and answering questions they had. During these streams she would sometimes break down and cry and share how her mom was selling drugs and doing pills, and how her step-dad tried to have sex with her. People also often asked her if her siblings were her kids because they were always on her streams.

Katelyn talking about how her step-dad tried to rape her

She says after she denied his advances, he called her a "worthless whore" and that she should hang herself. "He hated my guts but then he still tried to get in my pants" He told her to hang herself because she wasn't worth it.

Katie used vlogging to cope with her mental illness and poor home life. She shares how her home is practically unlivable, a piece of her wall is gone, she has no door and there is a hole in her floor leading outside. She wrote in "Diary of a Broken Doll" that one time a bird flew into her room through the hole, and how its extremely cold during the winter. She was worried about getting sick from the leaky pipe completely soaking her floor because "cold + wet = sickness". Her shoes would often break and fall apart from the floor being wet so she only had one good pair of shoes.


Another thing she wrote was that her bed wasnt even a bed, it's an old rusty mattress on the wet floor.

Sometimes she would have Hundreds of people watching her streams, so they were all seeing this. They were all witnessing her living conditions and hearing all of these terrible things from Katie, so you think they would be worried enough to take action right? Most of her viewers were much older than her and they would ask her creepy things like if she lives alone. She once said "I'm not doing that! Im not taking my shirt off." And "yes I'm wearing stuff under my pajamas." Like who in their right mind is saying these things to someone who is so young. And it's not like theh didnt know, Katie has said countless times that she is 13. She has reminded viewers this over and over again so they are well aware she's a child even though they are saying these weird things. During all this she just keeps asking herself "why are all these people trying to get with me?"

"Im Thirteen" (she dosent seem super uncomfortable in this case, but in others she is)

Although, she did enjoy being complemented like in the video above because she was "used to being insulted" (being called pretty and told she is nice)

One time during a stream joking around with her little brother someone said "perv and proud" to which she replied "What? You're being a perv?? Thats my little brother! He's 4! Im 13!" Then she blocked and reported the person and began expressing how that is not okay. She also said the person was trying to get her and her little brother to touch inappropriately.

She was also a victim of catfishing, a girl named Alexa was pretending to be a boy named Ben and tricked Katie for months which affected her greatly.

She did end up dating a boy named Luke who was 19. Luke is a weirdo, in a stream talking about Katie after her death someone asks him how old he is to which he replies that he doesn't give out his age. Dude is clearly an adult you ain't fooling nobody

Katie talking about Luke


Katie talking about how she gets bullied and how Anthony told her he would go buy the rope for her to hang herself


People would call her Ugly, an Emo freak, a monster, and one boy called her a lonely demon girl in front of the whole class while passing out papers.

Katelyn's dad


When Katie talks about her dad, she describes him as wanting nothing to do with her, and even saying she doesn't have a dad. When she tried to see him he was uninterested, even though he only lived 2 miles away from her he still did not come see her. And when she was in the hospital after trying to commit suicide with pills, her never visited her or cared to see how she was doing. In one stream, she said the last time she saw her dad was in the store and when she tried to hug him, he walked away from her.

Katelyn's mom

Let's talk about Tammy for a moment, a neglectful, abusive, drug addict of a mother. Katie talks about her mom in a stream and explains how she mostly deals drugs, but she used to eat pills but now she crushes them up and snorts them right in front of her

Katelyn talking about how her mom sells and does drugs, and how she leaves Katie with her 2 younger siblings for hours at a time

Katelyn says if she asked her mom where she was going, she would just say she was going up the road but then would not come back home for a while.

In one stream, just the day before she committed suicide, the two have a heated argument.

Tammy is yelling at Katie to come out here, when Katie says she's getting dressed her mother continues to yell at her saying she doesn't care, and "get out here before I beat your ass" Katie has her phone hidden behind the curtain before she goes out. Tammy is complaining about the kids making a mess or whatever, Katie says that it is not her fault that they won't listen to her, and that she keeps leaving her to take care of them. Tammy said she told her to whip the children if they don't listen, which Katie replied that she can't because when she does they still don't listen. Lots of things were said back and forth, Tammy kept saying she was gonna whip her ass and that she needs to go back to the hospital. Katie brings up everything How Tammy did not get rid of Anthony as soon as the abuse happened, how shes snorting pills, bringing guys home and kissing up on them, how she's expected to do so many things and the pressure is just getting too much for her. You can hear the pain in her voice as Tammy continuously brushes her off and just won't listen "she didn't take her pill today" and "its none of your business what I do." She makes excuses for just about everything Katelyn says "I'm just trying to make money" when she brings up the selling drugs and "is he here now? No he's not still here" to the Anthony thing even though Katie's whole point was that she didn't make him leave immediately.

I can only imaging the frustration Katie was feeling during this, she had nobody except the people watching her streams. And if this was the way her mother was treating these issues then she must've felt extremely invalidated. She had no support other than her viewer's.

December 30th, 2016

The following video is the last stream Katie made before the one where she died

On the evening of December 30th 2016, Katelyn started a live stream on, it starts off with her walking outside, looking at thd camera with a blank stare as she walks toward the tree in her backyard. She has her hair and makeup done. She puts down the phone and spends about 15 minutes tying the rope to the tree.

Once she's done, at 16:56 she picks up her phone again and apologizes, saying she's sorry she's not pretty enough, she's sorry to the people who watched her streams, and she's sorry she wasn't strong enough. She cries and repeatedly apologizes over and over again. She puts the phone back down and steps up, putting the rope around her neck and continues to apologize. She says sorry to Luke, Sorry to Ben, to God, to everyone as she continues to cry. You can hear her breathing very heavily as the reality began to sit in. The first time she says goodbye, the rope begins to choke her a bit. she's scared, hesitant. She apologizes again, says bye, and kicks away whatever she was standing on. The sun is setting, as it gets darker and darker you can eventually only see a silhouette of her swaying. Before it gets too dark, you can see her clenching her fists and shaking as she spins for a bit (2 common effects while hanging) although there isn't too much flailing like you see in other videos.

Around the 30 minute point, Katie's phone begins to ring and go off multiple times. Towards the end of the video, you can hear her mother calling out to her from the house. Then the stream ends.

Circulation of the video brought media outrage. Why did it take so long for the video to be removed? Why can't the police force sites to take it down? All of these missing the point completely. They were more worried about how she died rather than what caused her to take her own life. Investigations were done on the family but nothing came of it. Other parts of the media were supportive and worried about youth depression and suicide.


Katie would've been 20 last month, its been 8 years since she committed suicide. Whenever I feel suicidal, I think of Katie. I think of how suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Things can and will get better, you just need to try to believe that they can. It breaks my heart to think about how she was so young, only 12. There's no reason a 12 year old should've been taking care of little kids for extended periods of time, there's no reason she should've been held up to such expectations. 12 year olds are meant to be playing outside, participating in sports, hanging out with friends etc. They failed Katie, she needed help and nobody gave it to her. No child deserves to be bullied or treated the way she was treated. She deserved a normal childhood. Rest in peace Katie.

If you or a friend are struggling with suicidal thoughts and feel you may be in danger of hurting yourself, I highly recommend calling 988 or visiting the site. Find a trusted person to talk to, it gets better.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, it means a lot to me.


Most of the sites I came across were completely useless, I had to base a lot off of Katelyn's streams alone.


good day everyone.

i requested the grass award so i could take a break so i could focus on some personal work.

i could however not disappoint with my comeback. so here are some follow up pictures of me going out.

cookies anyone ?

for about 100pcs

12oz/350g flour

9.5oz/270g butter

6oz/175g white sugar

1.5 small spoonful of baking powder

a little bit of salt

3.5oz/100g chocolate chips black

1 egg

3g gingerbread/cookie spices

  • weigh the flour and put it in a bowl for mixing

  • weigh butter and place in pot to melt

  • weigh sugar and add to butter when it has melted

  • add baking powder to flour

  • mix half a teaspoon of salt with flour

  • ad cookie spices with flour and mix

  • let the butter cool and add the egg (so you don't bake the egg)

  • mix everything together in mixing bowl

  • add chocolate chips IF it has cooled down enough (otherwise chocolate will melt)

  • preheat oven to 400°f/200°c

  • roll balls no larger than €1 piece

  • set oven to 300°f / 170°c

  • bake for 15-17 minutes

  • cookies may come out a bit soft, but this is normal

i originally wanted to request the grass award a bit sooner because i wanted to take a break and possibly quit wpd. mainly because the voxtek drama was eating at me. link1 link2

like some user said. maybe i do really care to much about the users here. :marseylaptopsad:

has the site gone to shit without clitpeeler ? why ? the mods are doing their best to prevent all and any doxxing. you got 3 new awesome mods since clit left. none of them could replace him of course, but they are all unique in their own way. :marseysatisfied:

please have fun on here instead of moping around gore. some of you only seem to be on here to find misery.

and for the love of god, please give more upvotes to each other instead of being self centered.

in closing:

anyhow, follow me for more shitposts like these. i'm hardly here for the gore.

the usual natsuki posting will commence shortly.


Timothy McVeigh was a domestic terrorist who carried out the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995. This attack was the deadliest terrorist attack in the United States prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks and remains the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in U.S. history.

Born on April 23, 1968, in Lockport, New York, McVeigh had a relatively unremarkable early life but became increasingly disillusioned with the federal government following his service in the U.S. Army, which included a decorated period during the Gulf War. His radicalization was further influenced by his dislike of the government's handling of the Ruby Ridge incident in 1992 and the Waco siege in 1993, which ended in the deaths of 76 people.

McVeigh planned and executed the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

Video of the Inside of the Murrah Building Before it was Bombed. Video Down Below

Which killed 168 people, including 19 children, and injured over 600. His primary motive was revenge against the federal government for its actions at Waco and Ruby Ridge. He hoped the attack would inspire a revolt against what he considered to be a tyrannical government.

After the bombing, McVeigh was apprehended by the police during a routine traffic stop for driving without a license plate shortly after the attack. Evidence quickly mounted against him, and he was convicted on federal murder charges and sentenced to death. McVeigh was executed by lethal injection on June 11, 2001.

The Oklahoma City bombing had significant impacts on U.S. security policies, including changes in legislation related to government building security and the handling of hazardous materials. The attack also profoundly influenced public discourse on issues of terrorism and domestic extremism.


The Explosive and process ⛑️⛑️⛑️

Timothy McVeigh carried out the Oklahoma City bombing using a powerful homemade bomb constructed primarily from ammonium nitrate fertilizer and fuel oil. This type of bomb is often referred to as an ANFO (ammonium nitrate and fuel oil) bomb. Here's a detailed look at how he planned and executed the attack:

1. Materials Gathering: McVeigh acquired the materials for the bomb over a period of months. He collected roughly 4,800 pounds of ammonium nitrate fertilizer, which is commonly used in agriculture. He also amassed about 1,200 pounds of liquid nitromethane, a fuel used primarily in racing. These materials, when combined, create a highly explosive mixture.

2. Construction of the Bomb: McVeigh and his co-conspirator, Terry Nichols, constructed the bomb inside a rented Ryder truck. They packed the fertilizer and fuel mixture into 55-gallon drums, which were then placed in the cargo area of the truck. To initiate the explosion, they used a combination of commercially available explosive Tovex and homemade explosive charges to set off the ANFO mixture.

VIN Number on Part of Ryder Truck, Packed with explosives.

3. Execution of the Attack: On the morning of April 19, 1995, McVeigh drove the truck to the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City. He parked the vehicle in a drop-off zone directly outside the building's north side, lit the fuse—which provided a short time delay—and then fled the scene in a getaway car he had previously stashed nearby.

4. Detonation: The bomb exploded at 9:02 AM, just after McVeigh had left the area. The explosion was devastating, destroying much of the federal building and causing extensive damage to surrounding buildings. The powerful blast resulted in a massive loss of life and numerous injuries.

Video of Mythbusters blowing up a cement truck using the same explosive McVeigh Used. Video Down below

The meticulous planning and execution of the bombing demonstrated McVeigh's intent to inflict maximum damage and casualties. His actions were driven by his anti-government sentiments and his desire to inspire a broader uprising against the federal government.


How The victims Died ⛑️⛑️⛑️

In the Oklahoma City bombing, most of the victims died as a result of the immense structural damage and subsequent building collapse caused by the blast. Here are the primary causes of fatalities and injuries in the bombing:

1. Building Collapse: The explosion created a massive shock wave that severely damaged the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. A large part of the building collapsed, trapping many individuals under rubble. The collapse was extensive, affecting multiple floors almost instantly, which is where the majority of the deaths occurred.

2. Flying Debris: The blast propelled a vast amount of debris at high velocities. Glass, metal, concrete, and other materials became lethal projectiles. Many victims were struck by this debris, leading to fatal injuries.

3. Fire and Smoke: While the primary cause of death was the blast and collapse, fires ignited by the explosion contributed to the hazardous conditions, causing smoke inhalation injuries and potentially trapping or impeding those trying to escape.

The immediate and devastating impact of the bomb, coupled with the structural failure of the building, meant that most deaths were sudden. Emergency services responded to the scene to aid in rescue operations, but the scale of destruction and the nature of the injuries made immediate assistance challenging.

The Oklahoma City bombing resulted in 168 deaths, including 19 children, with most fatalities caused by blunt force trauma and similar injuries due to the explosion and building collapse. According to official reports and the nature of the injuries sustained by the victims:

1. Blunt Force Trauma: The majority of the victims died from blunt force injuries. These injuries were a result of the collapse of the building structure and the impact from flying debris caused by the force of the explosion.

2. Penetrative Trauma: Many victims sustained fatal injuries from sharp or penetrative debris. The explosion sent shards of glass and metal fragments at high speeds, which acted like shrapnel.

3. Crushing Injuries: As large sections of the building collapsed, some victims were crushed under the fallen debris, including concrete slabs and steel beams.

4. Asphyxiation: A smaller number of victims died from asphyxiation due to being trapped under rubble where they were unable to breathe.

5. Burns and Inhalation Injuries: There were also fatalities due to burns and inhalation of smoke and toxic gases produced by fires ignited by the blast.

The medical examiners and emergency responders at the scene faced severe challenges in recovering and identifying victims due to the extent of the destruction and the condition of the remains. The comprehensive and tragic impact of the bombing left a lasting mark on emergency response protocols and building security standards nationwide.


Rescue and aftermath ⛑️⛑️⛑️

The rescue and aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing involved an extensive and complex response from local, state, and federal agencies, as well as an outpouring of support from volunteers and communities across the nation. Here is a detailed account of the phases and key aspects of the response and recovery efforts:

Immediate Rescue Efforts

  • First Responders: Within minutes of the explosion, Oklahoma City police, fire departments, and emergency medical services arrived at the scene. They were soon joined by Oklahoma State Troopers and other local law enforcement.

  • Search and Rescue: Urban Search and Rescue teams, including those from neighboring states, were deployed rapidly. These teams, using dogs and electronic search equipment, worked tirelessly in the rubble to locate survivors. The site was hazardous, with unstable debris and the risk of further collapses.

  • Medical Response: Local hospitals were quickly overwhelmed with the injured. Emergency medical teams set up triage centers near the site to stabilize patients before transporting them to hospitals. Medical personnel from surrounding areas and beyond came to assist.

National Response

  • Federal Involvement: President Bill Clinton declared a federal emergency, enabling FEMA and other federal agencies to coordinate disaster response and provide assistance. The National Guard was mobilized to maintain security and aid in debris removal.

  • Volunteer and Donations: There was a massive outpouring of support from citizens who donated blood, supplies, and money. Volunteers included professionals and ordinary citizens who provided everything from rescue and recovery efforts to support for the victims' families.

Recovery and Rebuilding

  • Debris Removal: The cleanup process took many weeks, with careful removal of debris to recover remains and personal effects. This phase was critical for both ongoing investigations and the community's emotional closure.

Footage of recovery and rescue efforts, recorded by national guard member. Down Below

  • Memorial and Rebuilding: The site of the bombing was eventually cleared and plans for a memorial began. The Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum now stands there, including a reflecting pool and symbolic empty chairs for each victim.

  • Community Healing: Community-based initiatives helped the city heal. Counseling services were provided to families, survivors, and rescuers experiencing trauma and grief.

Demolition of Building Footage Below

Legal and Political Aftermath

  • Investigation: The FBI launched one of its largest and most complex investigations, code-named "OKBOMB." Timothy McVeigh was arrested shortly after the bombing and was later convicted and sentenced to death.

  • Legislation: The bombing led to significant changes in U.S. policy, including stricter security measures at federal buildings and changes in law enforcement's capabilities to counter domestic terrorism.

  • Public Awareness and Preparedness: The tragedy raised national awareness about the threat of domestic terrorism and led to increased emergency preparedness initiatives.

The rescue and aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing are a testament to the resilience and unity of the American people in the face of a national tragedy. The response not only involved immediate and effective action to save lives and restore order but also a long-term commitment to healing and justice.


Trial/execution of Timothy McVeigh⛑️⛑️⛑️


DashCamera footage a short while after Timothy was Arrested

The trial of Timothy McVeigh for the Oklahoma City bombing was a highly publicized and closely watched event, reflecting the gravity of the crime and its impact on the nation. Here's a brief summary of the key points of the trial:

Public's reaction to seeing the Suspect for the first time.

Charges and Venue⛑️

  • Charges: Timothy McVeigh faced 11 federal charges, including conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction, use of a weapon of mass destruction, destruction by explosives, and first-degree murder for the deaths of eight federal law enforcement officers.

  • Venue Change: Due to the extensive publicity and the emotional impact on the local community in Oklahoma, the trial was moved to Denver, Colorado, to ensure a more impartial jury.


  • Start of the Trial: The trial began on April 24, 1997, almost two years after the bombing.

  • Prosecution's Case: The prosecution presented a detailed case that included eyewitness testimony, forensic evidence linking McVeigh to the bombing materials, and other incriminating evidence such as McVeigh's rental of the Ryder truck used in the bombing and his anti-government motives.

  • Defense Arguments: McVeigh's defense team did not deny that McVeigh was involved but questioned the extent of his role and argued against the death penalty. They attempted to present mitigating factors and suggested the possibility of other conspirators being involved.

Verdict and Sentence⛑️

  • Verdict: On June 2, 1997, after deliberating for over 23 hours, the jury found McVeigh guilty on all 11 charges.

  • Sentencing: The penalty phase followed the conviction, and on June 13, 1997, Timothy McVeigh was sentenced to death.

Execution ⛑️⛑️⛑️⛑️

Timothy McVeigh's final moments during his execution on June 11, 2001, at the U.S. Penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana, followed a precise protocol typical of lethal injections. Here's a general timeline based on common procedures and eyewitness accounts:

  • 7:00 AM: McVeigh was moved from his holding cell to the death chamber.

  • Shortly before 8:00 AM: He was strapped to the gurney and intravenous lines were set up.

  • 8:00 AM: The execution process began. A sequence of three drugs was administered intravenously: sodium thiopental to induce unconsciousness, pancuronium bromide to halt breathing, and potassium chloride to stop the heart.

  • 8:14 AM: Timothy McVeigh was pronounced dead.

Eyewitness accounts noted that McVeigh made no final spoken statement but instead chose to provide a written statement, which was a copy of the poem "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley. His execution was observed via closed-circuit television by 232 witnesses, including survivors and relatives of victims, making it one of the most closely watched in U.S. history.


CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST Josef fritzl And His Basement Of Horror

A man who imprisoned his own daughter in the basement for 24 years and had 7 children with her. Josef Fritzl was born in Amstetten, Austria, on April 9, 1935. At the time, Austria was under the control of Nazi Germany. His father abandoned the family when he was four years old and later died in the war, leaving him to be raised by his mother, who often beat him severely. Later in life, he was very strict and disciplined. At the age of 21, he married a woman named Rosemarie, who was four years younger than him and worked as a kitchen helper. At some unknown point, he graduated from a technical college with a qualification in electrical engineering and worked at Voestalpine, an Austria-based steel company. For a while, he worked in mail-order lingerie, but gave up on it in 1972 and bought an inn and campsite near Salzburg.

Josef and Rosemarie had seven children together, including two sons and five daughters, including Elisabeth, whom he reportedly started sexually abusing as early as 1977, when she was 11 years old.

Tired of getting raped and beaten, Elisabeth would run away from home a few times. On January 1983 she ran away from home and went into hiding in Vienna with a friend from work. She was found by police within three weeks and returned to her parents. Josef developed a plan to make sure that she could never escape again. He planned to keep her imprisoned in their basement, so that she could never escape again.

On 28 August 1984, after Elisabeth turned 18, Fritzl lured her into the basement of the family home, saying that he needed help carrying a door. In reality, Fritzl had been converting the basement into a makeshift prison chamber, the door was the last thing he needed to seal it. After Elisabeth held the door in place while Fritzl fitted it into the frame, he held an ether-soaked towel on her face until she was unconscious, then threw her into the chamber.

After Elisabeth's disappearance, Rosemarie, Elisabeth's mother filed a missing persons report. Almost a month later, Fritzl handed over a letter to the police, the first of several that he had forced Elisabeth to write while she was in captivity. The letter, stated that she was tired of living with her family and was staying with a friend. She warned her parents not to look for her or she would leave the country. Fritzl told police that she had most likely joined a cult. Elizabeth turned 18, so there was nothing the police could do about runaway complaints. Josef made her believe that poisonous gas would be pumped in the room if she tried to escape and that she would get electrified if she would open the door.

Basement where Elizabeth was imprisoned for 24 years.

Everyone believed that Elizabeth ran away and had joined a cult, but in reality she was living under their feet in the basement of the family home. Over the next 24 years the horror for Elisabeth was unrelenting, the cold, the damp, the rats, which she was sometimes forced to catch with her bare hands, the water that ran off the walls in such large quantities she had to use towels to soak it up. Summer, when the place turned into an intolerable sweaty sauna, was the worst time of year.

Over the 24 years that he had her imprisoned, Fritzl often raped his daughter, and she had seven children with him. One of the children, a twin called Michael, died shortly after his birth in the cellar in 1996. He had severe breathing difficulties and expired in his mother's arms when he was just 66 hours old.

Fritzl admitted he subsequently burned the baby's body in an incinerator. He sexually abused and raped her sometimes several times a day. Often the kids had to watch the abuse as they grew older.

The house at Ybbsstrasse 40 in Amstetten, Austria, where Josef Fritzl imprisoned his daughter Elisabeth Fritzl in a basement prison. The police eventually found out about his crimes when one of the children became very sick and he took her to the hospital. On 19 April 2008, Elisabeth's eldest daughter fell unconscious and Fritzl agreed to seek medical attention. Elisabeth helped him carry Kerstin out of the chamber and saw the outside world for the first time in 24 years. He forced Elisabeth to return to the chamber, where she remained for a final week. Kerstin was taken by ambulance to a local hospital, the Landesklinikum Amstetten, and was admitted in serious condition with life-threatening kidney failure. Fritzl later arrived at the hospital claiming to have found a note written by Kerstin's mother. He discussed Kerstin's condition and the note with a doctor, Albert Reiter.

Medical staff found aspects of Fritzl's story puzzling and alerted the police on 21 April. The police broadcast an appeal on public media for the missing mother to come forward and provide information about Kerstin's medical history. The police reopened the case file on Elisabeth's disappearance. Fritzl repeated his story about Elisabeth being in a cult, and presented what he claimed was the most recent letter from her, dated January 2008, posted from the town of Kematen. The police contacted Manfred Wohlfahrt, a church officer and expert on cults, who raised doubts about the existence of the group Fritzl described. He noted that Elisabeth's letters seemed dictated and oddly written.

Elisabeth pleaded with Fritzl to be taken to the hospital. On 26 April, he released her from the cellar along with her sons Stefan and Felix, bringing them upstairs. He and Elisabeth went to the hospital where Kerstin was being treated on 26 April 2008. Following a tip-off from Dr. Reiter that Fritzl and Elisabeth were at the hospital, the police detained them on the hospital grounds and took them to a police station for questioning.

Elisabeth did not provide police with more details until they promised her that she would never have to see her father again. Over the next two hours, she told the story of her 24 years in captivity. Elisabeth recounted that Fritzl raped her and forced her to watch pornographic videos, which he made her re-enact with him in front of her children in order to humiliate her. Shortly after midnight, police officers completed the investigation. Fritzl, aged 73, was arrested on 26 April 2008 on suspicion of serious crimes against family members.

During the night of 27 April, Elisabeth, her children and her mother Rosemarie were taken into care. Police said Fritzl told investigators how to enter the basement chamber through a small hidden door, opened by a secret keyless entry code. Rosemarie had been unaware of what had been happening to Elisabeth.

On 29 April, it was announced that DNA evidence confirmed Fritzl as the biological father of his daughter's children. His defence lawyer, Rudolf Mayer, said that although the DNA test proved incest, evidence was still needed for the allegations of rape and enslavement. Arrest trial of Josef Fritzl march 16, 2009

He was sentenced to life imprisonment for incest, rape, coercion, false imprisonment, enslavement and for the negligent homicide of one of his infant sons. The basement where Elisabeth was held has since been filled in by the Austrian authorities to prevent other perverts from worshipping it as a shrine. Elisabeth was given a new name following Josef's trial, which saw strict laws introduced to prevent her identity from being revealed. Since then, Austrian authorities and residents have made great efforts to protect the family's privacy. Elisabeth Fritzl and her children all have new identities now, and their exact whereabouts remain a mystery.

In May 2017, Josef Fritzl changed his name to Josef Mayrhoff, probably due to getting into a prison fight that resulted in several of his teeth getting knocked out after other inmates set up a fake dating profile with his name and picture.

Mark Perry, a British journalist who interviewed Fritzl in his cell, says he has shown no remorse for his crimes. He recalls he kept saying "just look into the cellars of other people, you might find other families and girls down there. In April 2019, it was reported that Fritzl's health was declining and that he did not want to live anymore.

In September 2021, a decision was made to release Fritzl from a psychiatric detention facility to a regular prison, where he was to continue to serve his life sentence. That decision was based on a psychiatric report which said he no longer posed any danger. The ruling was appealed and overturned in November 2021, and the Regional Court of Krems was ordered to reconsider the case. In late-April 2022, a panel of three judges decided that Josef Fritzl could be moved. The decision was based on a supplementary psychiatric report submitted in March. However, the court ruled that he would remain in the psychiatric facility until an appeal to the Higher Regional Court in Vienna was heard. The move to a regular prison would mean that Fritzl, who received a life sentence, was eligible for parole in 2023, having served the initial 15 years of his sentence. In January 2024, Fritzl applied to Krems regional court for release from prison into a nursing home, but the application was rejected.

On January 25, 2024, the Higher Regional Court approved Fritzl's move to a regular prison, amid reports that he was suffering from dementia. Within a week, prosecutors had filed a complaint seeking to overturn the decision in a higher court. If Fritzl is moved to a regular prison, he will be eligible for parole in 2025.

Incest monster Josef Fritzl was close to tears

after being granted conditional release from a prison for the mentally ill by an Austrian court, shortly after being pictured outside jail for the first time in 15 years.

A panel of judges in Krems ruled that the 88 year old would be transferred from the prison for the mentally abnormal to a normal cell, paving the way for his permanent release.


I Hope this guy never gets released. I Hope you enjoyed it. I will end it with the best documentary about Josef Fritzl. Thanks for reading👍

EFFORTPOST Max Azzarello sets himself on fire in protest outside of Trump's trial court, April 19th, 2024 - New York (Multiple Videos + Description Included + Manifesto & Social Medias)


No watermark

Police briefing of what happened

Videos from Max Azzarello's Instagram

Pictures of Max Azzarello

Aftermath pictures of the area

Max Azzarello

Here are some accounts rDrama claimed he had.



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Thank you @NotYou


A man has set himself on fire outside the New York courtroom where Donald Trump's hush money trial is taking place.

Moments after a full jury had been selected to hear the trial at Manhattan Criminal Court, the man's body was reportedly engulfed in flames for at least three minutes outside.

A CNN anchor said on air: “I see a totally charred human being.”

The man used a flammable liquid to set himself on fire in the designated protest area outside the court, with horrified bystanders screaming and fleeing.

US media has named the victim as Maxwell Azzarello, from St Augustine in Florida.

In a press conference, police said he appeared to be a “conspiracy theorist” and said he threw around “propaganda” containing claims about Ponzi schemes and the mafia before starting the fire.

Police said Mr Azzarello had poured an alcohol-based cleaning liquid on himself before lighting the fire, and that he had been taken to a local burn unit in a critical condition.

Mr Azzarello published a blog post on Friday that opened with the words: “My name is Max Azzarello, and I am an investigative researcher who has set himself on fire outside of the Trump trial in Manhattan.”

The rest of the post made only a handful of references to Mr Trump, apart from claiming he was a member of a “secret kleptocracy” along with every previous president and their election rival.

Police with fire extinguishers rushed to the scene. Sirens could be heard blaring as correspondents reported smelling the burning of flesh. The heat of the flames could be felt from 100ft away, the New York Times reported.

A smouldering backpack and a gas can were visible afterwards, according to one witness. Police taped off the scene.

Broadcasters recorded what happened – some then cut away and apologised for showing the footage – through the metal barricades in place for Mr Trump's trial. The scene is close to several courthouses and other buildings.

A New York Police Department spokesman said: “A male did light himself on fire outside of the Supreme Courthouse. We're still gathering details from the field.”

Mr Trump did not respond to questions from reporters about the incident. His campaign offered “condolences to the traumatised witnesses” and paid tribute to “the great first responders of the City of New York”.

Mr Trump's criminal trial is being conducted amid tight security in a 15th floor courtroom swarming with Secret Service officers as well as court police.

The New York Police Department has promised a major deployment to ensure that the trial passes off safely, with John Hart, the force's head of intelligence calling it a “major challenge”.

The 12 jurors, along with six alternates, will consider evidence in the first ever criminal trial to determine whether a former US president is guilty of breaking the law.


My name is Max Azzarello, and I am an investigative researcher who has set himself on fire outside of the Trump trial in Manhattan.

This extreme act of protest is to draw attention to an urgent and important discovery:

We are victims of a totalitarian con, and our own government (along with many of their allies) is about to hit us with an apocalyptic fascist world coup.

These claims sound like fantastical conspiracy theory, but they are not. They are proof of conspiracy. If you investigate this mountain of research, you will prove them too. If you learn a great deal about Ponzi schemes, you will discover that our life is a lie. If you follow this story and the links below, you will discover the rotten truth of ‘post-truth America'. You will learn the scariest and stupidest story in world history. And you will realize that we are all in a desperate state of emergency that requires your action.

To my friends and family, witnesses and first responders, I deeply apologize for inflicting this pain upon you. But I assure you it is a drop in the bucket compared to what our government intends to inflict.

Because these words are true, this is an act of revolution.


Last March, a billionaire named Peter Thiel started a bank run on Silicon Valley Bank. I knew enough about Thiel that I found this incredibly suspicious: My hunch was that this was intentional, though I couldn't fathom why.

I began investigating online, and quickly found cryptocurrency's fingerprints all over it. The bank run occurred just days after Silvergate Bank – which catered almost exclusively to crypto companies – collapsed. Meanwhile, several crypto cheerleaders were all over financial media warning of a regional banking crisis, and nobody in media was addressing the clear crypto connections.

I dug deep into the financials of Thiel's venture capital firm Founders Fund and eventually uncovered the following, all proven many times over.

  • Cryptocurrency is our first planetary multi-trillion-dollar Ponzi scheme. It was expressly created for this purpose by a laundry list of rich and powerful people out of Stanford/Silicon Valley and Harvard/Facebook.

  • The March 2023 bank failures were all intentional: the banks were used to move out stolen Ponzi money. This signals that they're no longer dumping cash in to keep the cryptocurrency Ponzi afloat, and that it will soon go insolvent, as all Ponzis must.

  • When the Ponzi scheme goes insolvent, it will take down half the stock market with it: The perpetrators used their major companies to pipe into the blockchain so they could funnel money out from the crypto exchanges. This includes Google, Tesla, Apple, PayPal, Facebook, Disney, Walmart, Target, InBev, Zoom, and countless others.

  • It is a Ponzi scheme so large that it created global inflation, which is why the price of Bitcoin has been a remarkable leading indicator for inflation rates. Victims who bought crypto don't realize their money has already been stolen, so the money gets double-counted by the victims and the criminals who stole it.

  • As it turns out, our elites are awash in Ponzi schemes. Stanford's investment fund and Jeffrey Epstein's ‘Program for Evolutionary Dynamics' he ran at Harvard are both fake-science Ponzi factories that these schools have invested billions in: They are filled with fraudulent companies that use smoke and mirrors to promise miraculous new technology, but always collapse while the perpetrators only get richer.

  • Funneling trillions of dollars in stolen cash through the stock market created the largest stock-market anomaly in history. The stock chart signature of a Ponzi scheme is a massive increase (while they stack up cash) and then a massive fall (as they funnel out the stolen cash). This chart shape appeared in all the companies listed above. In order to explain the massive anomaly, our criminal government unleashed COVID on the world and told us these were the “stay at home stocks.”


Ponzi schemes are vicious beasts, and cryptocurrency is history's largest Ponzi by orders of magnitude. It could best be described as an economic doomsday device, intentionally made to shatter the world economy.

The U.S. government is fully involved in this totalitarian con: To illustrate its bipartisan support, I'll note that nearly every participant of the Clinton Global Initiative has ties to cryptocurrency, while two of the biggest tech VCs who participated are Trump associates Josh Kushner and Anthony Scaramucci.

To better understand our form of government, I will point you to one of the most astonishing pieces of stand-alone evidence I've found: Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton's 1988 DNC speech where he nominated Mike Dukakis for president against George H.W. Bush. The speech is a vile, mean-spirited roast of Dukakis that makes no sense whatsoever: For Clinton to ruthlessly attack a member of his own party should have been political suicide, and he repeatedly mocks Dukakis' noble and earnest qualities.

Notably, actor Rob Lowe, who was supporting Dukakis, was victim of a teen sex blackmail operation at the DNC that year. Since we know Clinton is a close associate with teen sex blackmail artist Jeffrey Epstein, we can suddenly make perfect sense of the nonsensical speech by applying this lens: Bill Clinton is a cocky mob boss who blackmailed Mike Dukakis because Dukakis thought his job was to help the public. He teases out the future public revelation that Kitty Dukakis drank rubbing alcohol, and offers a strange anecdote about the crack epidemic that reveals he is an exceedingly proud drug runner.

What does this revelation tell us? That our government is conning us completely. That Bill Clinton was secretly on (former CIA Director) George H.W. Bush's side, and that the Democrat vs. Republican division has been entirely manufactured ever since: Clinton is with Bush; Gore is with Bush; Trump is with Hillary, and so on. When they present themselves in public, they are acting as characters that are against one another, practicing kayfabe as wrestlers do.

As it turns out, we have a secret kleptocracy: Both parties are run by financial criminals whose only goals are to divide, deceive, and bleed us dry. They divide the public against itself and blame the other party while everything gets worse and more expensive and handful of people take all the money.

Since it is fully parasitic, a secret kleptocracy is an incredibly unstable form of government – left to its own devices, it can only lead to fascism or failed state.


One of the key findings of this research is that Harvard University is one of the largest organized crime fronts in history, which is how they churn out billionaires – it's a major hub of this sprawling criminal network.

As it turns out, dozens of the writers of The Simpsons went to Harvard. So I asked myself the question: If The Simpsons served the interests of organized crime, how would it do so?

Well, it offers a dysfunctional family suffering from moral decay, a community incapable of solving its problems, a worker drone who slaves away for an evil billionaire, and cathartic laughs for our poor collective circumstances.

There are some notable specifics as it relates to this research, too: In Marge vs. The Monorail, the townsfolk are too oafish and divided to invest in the town's needs (fix Main Street) and fall for the charms of a dazzling showman with a bogus monorail Ponzi scheme. When we know that the show is closely linked to an organization that invests billions of dollars in Ponzi factories, this becomes quite damning.

In Lisa the Iconoclast, Lisa discovers that town founder Jebediah Springfield was a secret criminal con artist, and that the townsfolk's lives are a lie. Realizing this is an important discovery, she desperately tries to get the townsfolk to listen to her. But they meet her with hostility, apathy, disbelief, and partisanship and she fails to get through to them. Ultimately, she realizes the town is so far gone that perhaps it's better for them to be lied to by con artists, and she keeps the secret to herself.

And here I've been, like Lisa Simpson, desperately trying to get friends, family, and the public to believe the proof of a totalitarian con I'm trying to show them, and they've turned away with hostility, apathy, disbelief, and partisanship.

And so, we realize the criminal truth of The Simpsons: Our elites are telling us that our eroding collective circumstances are our own fault, and we can't do anything about it, while they steal the American Dream from us. It is, for lack of a more elegant word, brainwashing.

—Lastly, we string these major discoveries together: Cryptocurrency is an economic doomsday device; our government is a secret kleptocracy; The Simpsons exists to brainwash us. From there, the only research we need is critical thinking and we're able to piece together the true story of our circumstances.

Consider America since 1988: Institutions like healthcare and universities have become parasitic in their skyrocketing prices. News media tells us to be angry and tribalized. Daytime television warns us of moral decay. Local news tell us to fear our neighbors. The Simpsons tells us we're too oafish and divided to save the American Dream. Seinfeld tells us to celebrate the assholes and be irritated by all the normal people around us. “Reality” TV tells us that real life is filled with hedonism and strife.

Social media, owned by crypto criminals like Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk, is flooded with nonsense conspiracy theories and memes reminding us that we are hopeless, helpless, anxious, depressed, ironic, scared, apathetic, escapist, lonely, misguided, and jaded, telling us we can't do anything but have a laugh at our circumstances.

Liberals mock the hypocrisy of conservatives; conservatives mock the hypocrisy of liberals, and our collective circumstances erode. The left shouts “All Cops Are Bastards,” which ensures they'll be hated by the police and the public (and flies in the face of leftist theory). The public's distrust of the government is at an all-time high, but so is the belief that we are helpless to do anything about it.

And with all this, a sharp rise in apocalyptic messaging: Climate change will kill us all; COVID will kill us all; vaccines will kill us all; AI will kill us all – no matter the bubbles we ascribe to, we're bombarded with existential crises with no solutions. We've seen a surge in apocalyptic film, literature, and video games that tell us there is no way out of our poor circumstances but total societal breakdown. Zombies tell us that the public is our enemy. If you go to your nearest convenience store, you can buy a can of water called “Liquid Death.”

This is our rotten farce: For our entire lives, we have been flooded with media designed to slowly steer us into a world where the American Dream was dead, where the public was fully divided against itself, where everybody believed we were powerless to do anything about our worsening circumstances. It is all so they can organize an unprecedented, apocalyptic rug pull on the entire populace as they pivot to fascism, which is perhaps best understood as kleptocracy at the barrel of a gun.

When we piece it all together, we understand the truth: We are in a totalitarian doomsday cult.

Why on earth would our elites do this? There are many reasons, but the simplest is because capitalism is unsustainable, and they knew it: Climate change and resource extraction would catch up eventually. So, they never intended to sustain it. They knew all along that they would gobble up all the wealth they could, and then yank the rug out from under us so they could pivot to a hellish fascist dystopia.

—Things escalated wildly in 1988 when former CIA Director George H.W. Bush got the White House, but this plan had been in action long prior:

Why is Stanley Kubrick's comedy about mutually assured destruction called Dr. Strangelove: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb? Because he was a cocky secret fascist who was getting us to stop worrying and love the bomb. Why did he make A Clockwork Orange? So we'd rejoice at ultra-violence designed to desensitize us to the horrors of the world.

Why were the Manson Family murders crawling with cover-ups and intelligence agents? Because our government wanted to make us fear for our lives and believe that hippies are deranged psychopaths.

Why did Walt Disney produce a fraudulent documentary that told us Lemmings follow each other off cliffs? So we would believe it.

Why did The Beatles tell us to fear the taxman, to scoff at revolution, chase nonsense conspiracy theories, and that happiness is a warm gun? So we would believe it.

Why did Easy Rider tell us that the hippie movement was dead? So we would believe it.

Why did Chinatown end with defeatism in the face of massive corruption? So we would believe it.

Why did George Orwell tell us of a hellish future of totalitarian control that we are powerless to stop? So we would believe it.

Why did Wall Street tell us “greed is good”? So we would believe it.

Why did Do The Right Thing tell us we're all racially tribalized? So we would believe it.

Why did Simpsons creator Matt Groening make a comic strip called Life in Hell? So we would believe it.

And on, and on, and on, and on. When it comes to any popular media, if you ask yourself the question, “Why would secret doomsday cult kleptocrats want the public to consume this?”, you will find your answers.

—This is obviously very bad news, but the biggest lie we've been told is that we are powerless. We've got one way out of hellworld, and that's for the public to realize that we've been conned completely so we can build a united movement that shatters every lie they've told us, mocks this rotten farce as loudly as it deserves, and aims at nothing short of abolishing our criminal government so we can build one that serves the public.

To understand this story is to see right through the con, to become immune to the endless sea of criminal propaganda, and to feel the great joy and power that comes with freedom.

If a small number of people quickly put on these truth-colored glasses, we are in for an unimaginably bright future. If not, we get an apocalypse.

For more information, I've put together this booklet that includes other major findings and a map to a sea of proof, along with all the other essays on this site.

For the true history of America since the end of World War II, see here.

To see this discovery unfold in real-time, along with further explanations, hundreds of pieces of evidence not covered here, advice, inspiration, political theory, and the heart and soul of a man escaping history's largest doomsday cult, see my Instagram story highlights. I apologize for leaving things so scattered, but this has been an exhausting affair. So long as you understand this (true) ideology, you will be able to learn the whole story.

Here is a federal lawsuit I filed against dozens of perpetrators of the cryptocurrency Ponzi – not for litigation, but just to preserve the information and attach my name to it. I was terrified and hadn't slept in days and it shows, but it served its purpose of keeping myself alive long enough to keep learning and telling this story.

I no longer have my original research files from the crypto rabbit hole. If you want to see them, you'll have to get my laptop back from the government. Ask them how they got it - it's a very fun story.

I hope you know how powerful you are. I wish you a hell of a lot more than luck.

Max Azzarello

EFFORTPOST Serial killer: ed Gein

Ed Gein was born on August 27th 1906 and died on July 26th 1984

Victims: 2 murders confirmed, 7 murders suspected, 9 corpses mutilated.

Crimes: on the morning of November 16th, 1957 the owner of Plainfield hardware store Bernice worden disappeared. The hardware store's truck was seen driving out from the rear of the building at around 9:30 a.m. The hardware store saw few customers the entire day; some area residents believed that this was because of deer hunting season. Worden's son, Deputy Sheriff Frank Worden, entered the store around 5:00 p.m. to find the cash register open and blood stains on the floor.

Frank Worden told investigators that on the evening before his mother's disappearance, Gein had been in the store and was to have returned the next morning for a gallon of antifreeze. A sales slip for the antifreeze was the last receipt written by Worden on the morning that she disappeared. That evening, Gein was arrested at a West Plainfield grocery store, and the Waushara County Sheriff's Department searched the Gein farm.

A sheriff's deputy discovered Worden's decapitated body in a shed on Gein's property, hung upside down by her legs with a crossbar at her ankles and ropes at her wrists. The torso was "dressed out like a deer". She had been shot with a .22-caliber rifle, and the mutilations were made after her death. Searching the house, authorities found.

Some of the things they found: Whole human bones and fragments

A wastebasket made of human skin

Human skin covering several chairs

Skulls on his bedposts

Female skulls, some with the tops sawn off

Bowls made from human skulls

A corset made from a female torso skinned from shoulders to waist

Leggings made from human leg skin

Masks made from the skin of female heads

Mary Hogan's face mask in a paper bag

Mary Hogan's skull in a box

Bernice Worden's entire head in a burlap sack

Bernice Worden's heart "in a plastic bag in front of Gein's potbelly stove"

Nine vulvae in a shoe box

A belt made from female human nipples

Four noses

A pair of lips on a window shade drawstring

A lampshade made from the skin of a human face

Fingernails from female fingers

A female human nipple doorbell.

These artifacts were photographed at the state crime laboratory and then "decently disposed of". When questioned, Gein told investigators that between 1947 and 1952, he had made as many as forty nocturnal visits to three local graveyards to exhume recently buried bodies while he was in a "daze-like" state. On about thirty of those visits, he said that he came out of the daze while in the cemetery, left the grave in good order and returned home empty handed. On the other occasions, he dug up the graves of recently buried middle-aged women he thought resembled his mother and took the bodies home, where he tanned their skins to make his paraphernalia

Gein admitted to stealing from nine graves and led investigators to their locations. Allan Wilimovsky of the state crime laboratory participated in opening three test graves identified by Gein. The caskets were inside wooden boxes; the top boards ran crossways (not lengthwise). The tops of the boxes were about two feet (61 centimeters) below the surface in sandy soil. Gein had robbed the graves soon after the funerals while the graves were not completed. The test graves were exhumed because authorities were uncertain as to whether the slight Gein was capable of single-handedly digging up a grave during a single evening; they were found as Gein described: one casket was empty; another casket contained Gein's crowbar; and the final casket saw most of the body missing, yet Gein had returned rings and some body parts.Thus, Gein's confession was largely corroborated.

Soon after his mother's death, Gein began to create a "woman suit" so that "he could become his mother—to literally crawl into her skin". He denied having sex with the bodies he exhumed, explaining: "They smelled too bad." During state crime laboratory interrogation, Gein also admitted to shooting 51-year-old Mary Hogan, a tavern owner missing since December 8, 1954, whose head was found in his house, but he later denied memory of details of her death. During questioning, Sheriff Art Schley reportedly assaulted Gein by banging his head and face into a brick wall. As a result, Gein's initial confession was ruled inadmissible. Schley died of heart failure in 1968 at age 43, before Gein's trial. Many who knew Schley said he was traumatized by the horror of Gein's crimes and this, along with the fear of having to testify (especially about assaulting Gein), caused his death

Ed geins death: Gein died at the Mendota Mental Health Institute due to respiratory failure secondary to lung cancer on July 26, 1984, at the age of 77. Over the years, souvenir seekers chipped pieces from his gravestone at the Plainfield Cemetery, until the stone itself was stolen in 2000. It was recovered in June 2001, near Seattle, Washington, and was placed in storage at the Waushara County Sheriff's Department. The gravesite itself is now unmarked, but not unknown; Gein is interred between his parents and brother in the cemetery.

I've been seeing a lot of ppl do true crime things so I'd thought I'd do one ! Lemme know if you liked it :3

EFFORTPOST The tragical death of Robert Godwin (whole vid) - a write up - Informationpost


The untimely death of Robert Godwin Sr. reverberated across the nation, evoking shock and sadness as the details of his senseless murder emerged. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the circumstances surrounding Godwin's tragic demise, examining the events leading up to the fateful encounter and the broader implications of the violence that claimed his life.

Background of Robert Godwin Sr.:

Robert Godwin Sr., a beloved 74-year-old retiree and father of nine, was a pillar of his community in Cleveland, Ohio. Known for his kindness and compassion, Godwin was a familiar face to many, often seen with a smile on his face and a willingness to lend a helping hand. His family and friends fondly remember him as a devoted father, grandfather, and friend, whose presence brought joy and warmth to those around him.

The Murder:

On April 16, 2017, tragedy struck when Robert Godwin Sr. was brutally murdered in a senseless act of violence. The perpetrator, later identified as Steve Stephens, approached Godwin on the street and engaged him in conversation before callously shooting him at close range. The chilling encounter was captured on video and shared on social media, sending shockwaves through communities across the country.

Social Media Fallout:

The graphic nature of the video depicting Robert Godwin Sr.'s murder sparked widespread outrage and condemnation, prompting urgent discussions about the role of social media in disseminating violent content. As the video spread rapidly online, questions arose about the ethical responsibilities of social media platforms in moderating harmful content and preventing its dissemination to a wide audience.

Manhunt for Steve Stephens:

In the wake of Robert Godwin Sr.'s murder, law enforcement agencies launched a massive manhunt to apprehend Steve Stephens, who was considered armed and dangerous. With the FBI and local police departments leading the charge, authorities utilized a variety of resources, including surveillance footage, tips from the public, and advanced investigative techniques, to track down Stephens and bring him to justice.

Stephens' Demise:

The intense manhunt for Steve Stephens came to a dramatic conclusion two days after Robert Godwin Sr.'s murder, when Stephens was located in Erie, Pennsylvania. A brief pursuit ensued, culminating in Stephens taking his own life by suicide. While his death brought a sense of relief to the community and closure to the Godwin family, the pain of their loss remained profound, underscoring the devastating impact of senseless violence.

Legacy of Robert Godwin Sr.:

Despite the tragedy of his death, Robert Godwin Sr.'s legacy endures through the memories and love shared by those who knew him. His family's resilience in the face of unimaginable loss serves as a testament to the power of faith, forgiveness, and unity. In the aftermath of his murder, the Godwin family has become advocates for peace and compassion, spreading messages of hope and healing to communities affected by violence.


The murder of Robert Godwin Sr. was a senseless and heartbreaking event that shook the nation and left an indelible mark on his loved ones and communities alike. As we grapple with the aftermath of this tragedy, it is imperative that we continue to work towards a society where violence is not tolerated, and where every individual is valued and respected. Robert Godwin Sr.'s memory will forever be cherished, serving as a beacon of light in the darkness and a reminder of the enduring power of love and humanity.

THIS IS NOT MY WRITE UP!! The rest is! :marseyheart:

On April 16, 2017, 74-year-old Robert Lee Godwin Sr. (September 7, 1942 – April 16, 2017) was shot and killed with a firearm while walking in the Glenville neighborhood of Cleveland, Ohio, United States. The perpetrator, identified as 37-year-old Steve Stephens, posted a cellphone video of the shooting on his Facebook account, leading many media outlets, both during the manhunt and afterward, to dub Stephens the "Facebook killer". A warrant was issued for Stephens for aggravated murder. Two days later, he died by a self-inflicted gunshot wound when cornered by police in Erie County, Pennsylvania.

The shooting happened at around 2:00 p.m. EDT on April 16, 2017 (Easter Sunday), in the 600 block of East 93rd Street in Cleveland's Glenville neighborhood. Stephens uploaded a video of the event. Seconds before the shooting, Stephens exited his car, approached the victim and then asked Godwin to say the name of a woman with whom Stephens had been in a romantic relationship. Stephens then said "She's the reason why this is about to happen to you", before fatally shooting Godwin, who fell to the ground after he was shot. Facebook said the video was uploaded to the website after the fact, not livestreamed as initially reported. In other Facebook posts, Stephens claimed responsibility for 13 murders, but police said they were not aware of any other victims.

A search for Stephens began soon after the shooting, prompting lockdowns at a number of locations, including Cleveland State University. Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams told reporters that detectives talked with Stephens by cellphone shortly after the shooting, but had no further contact with him since that time. The manhunt expanded to other states on the morning of April 17. Residents in Pennsylvania, New York, Indiana, and Michigan were asked to be on alert, and a US$50,000 reward was offered for information leading to Stephens' arrest on a charge of aggravated murder. The FBI also aided the Cleveland Police Department.

At 11:10 a.m. on April 18, Stephens pulled into the drive-through lane of a McDonald's restaurant in Harborcreek Township, Erie County, Pennsylvania, 100 miles (160 km) from the location of the shooting. An employee recognized Stephens from news reports and, after verifying with fellow employees, provided Stephens with part of his order, but stalled him by stating that his fries were still cooking. During this time police were called to the restaurant. Stephens, wary, left without his fries.

As Stephens pulled out of the restaurant, state police gave chase heading westbound through Wesleyville, Pennsylvania. Stephens made it to the corner of Buffalo Road and Downing Avenue in the city of Erie, where Pennsylvania State Police successfully executed a tactical maneuver to bring the car to a stop. As police approached Stephens' car, he shot himself in the head and died instantly.

Ly guys :marseyheart:

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST The Burari Deaths. Suicide, Murder, or Accident? -write-up-


Many of you have probably already seen this video, usually accompanied by a brief explanation. However, thanks to a newly released Netflix documentary a lot of information about the case and the nature of the psychosis which caused it has come out. For those who don't wish to sit through true-crime slop, I've decided to condense all the important information here.


The Deceased

In the video, you are seeing the Chundawat family. An extended family unit of 11 people who had been living in a three story house at the Burari Sant Nagar Neighborhood in India. They primarily consisted of the descendents of Narayani Dev (80) and her deceased husband, Bhopal Singh, who died in 2007. A few inlaws also occupied the house. The eradication of this family unit covered 3 different generations, ranging from the 15 year old Shivam, to the 80 year old Narayani Devi.

The family were quite prosperous for the standards of their town. They ran 2 popular convenience stores, one of the sons (Lalit) owned a successful Plywood business, and one of the daughters (Privkaya) had a well paying job with a multinational company and was soon to be married. The family were also religiously devout, with neighbours claiming the family would go and visit the local temple twice a day. They were also well liked with their community with one of their neighbours, Gurcharan Singh, claiming he got along with them very well as the families helped each other build their houses all the way back in 1997. It was this same neighbour that would discover the family's corpses.

(July 1st, 2018) During his morning walk, Gurcharan Singh noticed the family failed to take in a large box a milk that was sent in every morning for one of their stores. By 7:00AM the milk was spoiling and he decided to check up on the family to let them know. He knocked on their front door, only to discover it was unlocked, he let himself in and climbed up the stairs where he saw the horrific sight. He recounts standing there for 2 minutes in shock.

As he ran out of the house, he was unable to hide his panic from the neighbours and the entire area soon found out something horrible had happened. In minutes, the house was swarmed by the local community before the police arrived, it is thought that the video we see here was taken by one of the neighbours who entered the house before the police could barre the entrance.

Voices from the Dead

The reasoning for the death was soon found out thanks to a number of diaries scattered around the house dating back to 2007, as well as testimony from neighbours and extended family members. The diaries details over a decade of mounting mass delusion in the household, where they all believed they were being guided by the spirit of their dead patriarch, Bhopal Singh, who used his son Lalit as a medium.

The foundation for this mass delusion however, began in 2004 before Bhopal Singh's death. In 2004, Lalit was attacked for unknown reasons as he was working in his plywood store. He was beaten badly and was stuck inside the store after it was set on fire. He suffered a head injury, and the smoke he inhaled as he lay there half-conscious, destroyed his voice making it so he could not speak at all.

However, after the death of his father he heard his voice speak to him. It commanded the entire family to recite the “Hanuman Chalisa” every day at 10:00PM. Soon the voice extended the routine to a few times a day. For months the family would gather to recite this hymn. One day however, the family were shocked when they suddenly heard Lalit's voice mixed in with theirs, Lalit was not even aware his voice had returned until he finished the hymn and saw the shocked look on his family's faces. It was most likely this miracle that would instil the devotion that would spiral into mass delusion.

Lalit did not stop hearing his dead fathers voice after his own voice was restored however. He continued to hear his father give him and the family instructions on how they could conduct their lives. The diaries were not a personal diary for Lalit, but rather, acted as a guidebook for the entire family where they were expected to read and follow what was written within it. Here are some excerpts from the diary showing the level of obedience that was expected from the family.

”After I leave, all of you must go to sleep. No need for discussions. My visits are not an ordinary occurrence. You must not take God's will lightly. Don't worry about Lalit's health, my visits affect him physically. Sleep will heal him.”


”Instead of your own will follow the will of the diary. ‘Don't think, what is the use?' When it actually happens, your eyes will open. My next visit will be on Thursday or Saturday. Be fully ready.”

Neighbours recount how after their fathers death, the families shops and businesses started prospering, and Priyanka got her well paying job. In hindsight, people believe that the family may have attributed their recent prosperity to the instructions of their dead father. As Lalit was to act as the medium for their patriarchs instructions, he soon became an authority figure in the household, with their neighbour Chander Metha noting

“The family considered his word final.” and his wife Pritpal Kaur adding “Whatever he said was obeyed by all.”

Most of the instructions were quite inane. Telling family members to stop fighting, telling one of the children to stop playing on their phone so much, for example

December 24, 2017 “Dhruv is spending too much time on the mobile phone. This must be corrected.”

However one day, the voice would demand something that cost the family their lives.

The Banyan Tree Ritual

Within the diary, the ritual that would be performed and eventually lead to the family's death was detailed. Written on June 24th, 2018 the instructions detailed a ritual wherein the families were to tie their necks to an iron grate in the family courtyard while someone else was entrusted with blindfolding, gagging, and tying their hands together. They were to stand atop stools, and recite some sort of chant as Lalit watched on, prompting them with a stick. The ritual is called “the Banyan Tree ritual” as the hanging bodies would resemble the hanging roots of a Banyan tree. The most direct reference to the ritual from the diaries I could find are quoted here.

”Perform the ritual for seven consecutive days. If somebody visits the home it has to be performed the next day. Nothing should be visible. Dim lights should be used. The eyes should be completely shut. The blindfold should be properly tied to the eyes. The mouth should be gagged by a handkerchief. The state of mind has to be zero. Nothing but infinity. While you are standing at attention. Imagine the branches of the tree are wrapping themselves around you. Perform the Banyan tree ritual with unity and determination. This will help repent for your mistakes”*

Later on in the same entry

”God is pleased with you. Knowing that 11 of you are standing in one line, with one thought. Do not panic while performing the Banyan tree ritual. The earth might shake, the sky might tremble. Do not let this weaken your resolve. Convince the children to keep chanting. The chanting may last from 5-15 minutes. Till the chanting lasts, Lalit will protect all of you. The responsibility of tying you up is assigned to one of you. When the binds are secured, Lalit will give a signal with a stick. Place a tumbler full of water nearby, just as the colour of the water changes, I will come back.”*

The diary also mentions

“"everyone will tie their own hands and when the kriya (ritual) is done then everyone will help each other untie their hands"”*

CCTV footage showed family members going out and buying the stools and wires that would be used in the ritual, the youngest of them (Shivam) being among them, this of course implies that the family were once again, simply following Lalit and the voices in his head out of a sense of devotion and trust.

The Bodies

Ten of the eleven bodies in the house were found strung up in the courtyard, 5 stools stood under their feet, presumed to be shared by each of the family members, their faces covered in a cloth cut from a single bedsheet. Signs of struggle had been found on multiple family members. Evident by the bruises on their wrists as they struggled with the wires that binded them as they hung and choked, the bruises on their shins as they seemed to kick against the floor and stools, and Bhuvnesh(52) freed his hands and died trying to untie the noose, his hands still grasping the cloth even in death. Narayani Devi (80) was found on the floor, dead. It appeared her noose was tied to a doorknob nearby. The only surviving member would be Tommy, the family pet who was chained to the terrace. He would die only weeks later from heart failure in an animal shelter.

Suicide, Murder, or Accident

Now, knowing what we know, it's still difficult to pinpoint the exact nature of their deaths. From what I can gauge there are only 3 possibilities, and I'll be laying out each of them here.


This seems to be the most popular theory from people who have heard the case or seen the video. I also think it's the most unlikely, I think people believe it was a mass suicide simply because, well, what's going to be your first thought when you see 11 people hanging from nooses? I find this hard to believe though. The clear signs of struggles seem to eliminate this possibility, but even moreso, the fact that Privkaya was set to marry soon also makes it seem less likely she'd be willing to abandon her husband. The dog being tied to the ceiling. Most importantly of course, was the diary detailing what was to happen after the ritual was concluded, meaning that it was not meant to end in everybody's death.


I think it's possible that as the ritual happened, Lalit may have purposefully failed to untie the family as they hung there knowing that they would die. Perhaps he deceived them into normalizing the ritual by having them perform it a few times, having them go over it in the diaries, to set up a sort of mass suicide unbeknownst to them. One key piece of evidence is the body of Narayani Devi, who was of course found dead on the floor. Perhaps she was strangled as she refused to participate in the ritual. Lalit was seemingly the last person to be bound, as he was the one responsible for prompting the chants with a stick as well as the one who was to “protect” them during the ritual. It certainly seems possible that he could have used this role in the ritual to murder the family, to fulfil some ritualistic purpose he was keeping secret.


Tying your neck to a noose, supported by flimsy stools that you were sharing with other people. It's not hard to imagine that something could go wrong. It's possible that as Lalit participated in the ritual, his foot fell off the stool and he broke his neck. As a subsequent result, he was unable to help the other family members and they soon succumbed to choking. Perhaps a stool fell over and one of them panicked, kicking over all the other stools. Narayni Devi, may have been tied to the doorknob, and succumbed to exhaustion and died. She may have fell to the floor after the noose loosened on it's own or snapped. It makes sense she was strung up separate from the family, as her old age and arthritis would have made it difficult to join them.


The deaths represent a horrific case of mass psychosis. If you're more of the spiritual type, perhaps you may think demons or evil spirits tricked the poor family into dying horrific deaths. The more I read some of the stories on this site, the more I start to believe such things are possible. I think the possibility of an accident or murder is the most likely, but I'm willing to give the slight edge to the fact it was an accident seeing as how dangerous the ritual was, and how easily an accident could have occurred.

I apologize for any inconsistencies, a lot of the news stories are painfully undetailed, and the documentary is a bit sensationalist and is not as thorough in regards to the cold hard facts as I wish they were. Any mistakes I made could also be the result of basic human error.

May the Chundawat family rest in peace.

EFFORTPOST The Grim sleeper - write up - Effortpost

Little first facts about him

Lonnie David Franklin Jr., known as the Grim Sleeper, was an American serial killer operating in Los Angeles, California. His killing spree, spanning from the 1980s to the early 2000s, earned him the nickname due to long periods of dormancy between murders. He was convicted of ten murders and one attempted murder, but it's believed he may have been responsible for more crimes. Franklin primarily targeted young African-American women, often involved in drugs or sex work.

His case brought scrutiny to police handling of marginalized communities' cases. In 2010, Franklin was arrested, and in 2016, he was sentenced to death.

He was an African-American man born on August 30, 1952. He stood approximately 6 feet 2 inches (188 cm) tall and weighed around 225 pounds (102 kg).

Regarding his family, Franklin was married and had children. He lived in Los Angeles, California, where he worked as a mechanic and sanitation worker.

Thats him in the court

His act

He killed and abused 11 women

The victims of the Grim Sleeper were primarily African American women who were vulnerable due to factors such as homelessness, substance abuse, or involvement in sex work. Their names are:

1. Debra Jackson

2. Henrietta Wright

3. Barbara Ware

4. Bernita Sparks

5. Mary Lowe

6. Lachrica Jefferson

7. Alicia Alexander

8. Princess Berthomieux

9. Valerie McCorvey

10. Janecia Peters

11. Mary Lowe

These women were tragically targeted and became victims of Franklin's violent crimes.

here is a picture of them

How he got caught + Informations

Lonnie David Franklin Jr., was ultimately caught through advancements in forensic DNA analysis and the diligent work of law enforcement agencies.

In 2010, LAPD detectives investigating a series of unsolved murders connected to the Grim Sleeper case obtained a DNA sample from Franklin's son, Christopher, who had been arrested on an unrelated felony charge. The DNA sample collected from Christopher was analyzed and found to share genetic similarities with DNA evidence recovered from the crime scenes linked to the Grim Sleeper.

This breakthrough led investigators to Lonnie David Franklin Jr. They conducted surveillance on him, which included collecting items containing his DNA, such as a discarded pizza crust and utensils from a restaurant. When the DNA from these items matched the DNA evidence from the crime scenes, Franklin was arrested in July 2010.

During the subsequent investigation, authorities found further evidence, including photographs and personal belongings of the victims, at Franklin's home. In 2016, Lonnie David Franklin Jr. was convicted of ten counts of murder and one count of attempted murder and sentenced to death.

His death in 2020 while awaiting execution marked the end of a chapter in one of Los Angeles' most infamous criminal cases.

documentary I prefer to watch:

Ik its damn long but its worth it, trust me :marseyheart:


The grim sleeper is very known in the US and his acts are still fascinating and brutal.

And remember, him and Grim Reaper are not the same Person haha :marseyheart:

EFFORTPOST Battle of Tora Bora

The Battle of Tora Bora was an ambush-turn-battle by the U.S. military in Pachir Wa Agam District, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan against Al-Qaeda (Specifically Brigades 055) in 2001 in order to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden.

Tora Bora is a large cave complex and was considered one of the last Al-Qaeda strong holds in Afghanistan after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and the reestablishment of the Islamic State of Afghanistan after the Fall of Kabul in 2001.


The September 11th attacks is the main cause of the invasion of Afghanistan and the Battle of Tora Bora. Due to Osama Bin Laden having a major part of the planning and executing of the September 11th attacks he was considered target number one during the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan.

After extensive investigation and research by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency they found Osama Bin Laden's hideout in the mountainous area of the Tora Bora cave complex.

(Osama Bin Laden in Tora Bora)

With all this information that the U.S. discovered, they launched an attack on Tora Bora.

The Battle

The Battle started with the U.S. military dropping large bombs on the mountainous area of Tora Bora, these bombs are known as Dairy Cutters.

(Strikes on Tora Bora)

(Strike in Tora Bora)

Special Boat Service of the British Navy and a 18 (UKSF) Signal Regiment soldier accompanied the American troops in Tora Bora with members of the German Kommando Spezialkräfte doing so as well.

On November 30, 2001, there was a creation of a coalition of U.S. Special Forces, Joint Special Operations Command soldiers, and a detachment of CIA operatives codenamed "Jawbreaker" which was lead by Gary Berntsen.

(Member of the coalition and Delta Force)

On December 1, Berntsen made a request to general Tommy Franks to send in a battalion of around 800 United States Army Rangers. The plan was to block off the mountain passes into Pakistan and cut off Osama bin Laden's escape, however, the request was denied by general Franks. This, according to Berntsen, was the reason why Osama Bin Laden was able to escape from U.S. grasp.

Two Afghan commanders, Hazrat Ali and Mohammed Zaman, had a strong dislike and mutual distrust against each other and as a result, their factions often shot at each other instead of focusing on fighting Al-Qaeda.

In early December Al-Qaeda decided to withdraw from the high ground of the mountainous area which is when a team of elite Delta Force soldiers led by Major Tom Greer, aka Dalton Fury, arrived on December 8, 2001, disguised with traditional clothing and grown bushy beards to blend in with the Afghan militias who were also carrying that were the same types of weapons as their local counterparts.

(Delta Force members in disguise)

The Americans were able to gain confidential information on Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden during the battle after taking a radio communication device from a dead Al-Qaeda militant. Through the radio had they confirmed that Osama Bin Laden talking about a CIA operative under the alias of "Jalal".

Through December Afghan fighters continued a steady advance through the difficult terrain, backed by airstrikes and U.S. and British Special Forces.

(Strikes in Tora Bora, 2001)

The U.S. bombed the bunker that bin Laden was believed to be hiding in on December 9, however, he had already evacuated the bunker on the previous day.

On December 12, 2001, Al-Qaeda militants saw that defeat was inevitable and decided to speak to Afghan forces on the truce deal and asked for time to cease their weapons. Though many critics of the truce state that this was just a ploy to get top Al-Qaeda leaders and militants including Osama Bin Laden out of harm's.

The ceasefire and truce deal ultimately failed, with fighting continuing the day after on December 13, 2001.

U.S. force further increased against Tora Bora, with mass attacks using local Afghan tribes, either paid or organized by U.S or British operatives with heavy bombing continuing against supposed Al-Qaeda locations. However, the progress of the forces was extremely slow due to every night to break their fast during Ramadan which left a small number of U.S. forces to fend themselves during the night. But on On December 14, 2001, the Americans finally convinced Hazrat Ali to keep his men in position and continue advancing even after dark. But at this point, too much time had already been wasted, allowing most of the Al-Qaeda leadership to escape into Pakistan.

It is believed that Osama Bin Laden left Tora Bora on December 15, 2001, for Jalalabad, Afghanistan. This is what is considered by some "A land victory, but an operative failure".

On December 17, 2001, the last of the large caves are in American/Afghani control and only hard-line Al-Qaeda fighters still remained in the cave complexes, around 60 fighters stayed behind in the caves before being killed off or deserting. Even after the battle the U.S. forces continued searching the area into January, but did not find any signs of bin Laden or the Al-Qaeda leadership.


(Man talking about the "martyrs" that died in Tora Bora)

Due to the Americans staying at Tora Bora in order to continue to find Osama Bin Laden many Taliban and Al-Qaeda forces bombarded American troops in Tora Bora.

(Ambush against American troops in Tora Bora by the Taliban)
EFFORTPOST Battle of Attu 1943

The Battle of Attu was a significant confrontation during World War II, occurring in May 1943. Attu, a part of the Aleutian Islands in Alaska, was strategically important for both the United States and Japan due to its proximity to the northern Pacific Ocean. The Japanese had occupied Attu and nearby islands in June 1942, as part of their campaign to expand into the Aleutians and divert American attention away from the Pacific theater.

The battle to reclaim Attu began on May 11, 1943, when American forces landed on the island. The harsh weather conditions and rugged terrain made the operation extremely challenging. The Japanese defenders, numbering around 2,900, were well-entrenched and prepared to fight to the death.

During the Battle of Attu, one of the most dramatic moments occurred when the Japanese defenders launched a desperate and ferocious banzai charge against the advancing American forces. Though ultimately unsuccessful, the banzai charge underscored the unwavering resolve and commitment to duty among Japanese forces, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

The battle lasted for nearly three weeks, characterized by fierce combat in difficult conditions. American forces faced challenges not only from the Japanese but also from the unforgiving Arctic weather and treacherous terrain. Despite these obstacles, the American troops gradually gained ground, pushing the Japanese defenders back.

On May 29, 1943, the American forces finally secured victory, but at a high cost. The battle resulted in heavy casualties on both sides, with over 2,100 Japanese soldiers killed and only 28 taken prisoner. American casualties numbered over 500 killed and more than 1,000 wounded.

Soldiers unloading landing craft

American Troops advancing on Attu Island

American Mortar team bombards Japanese positions

Remains of Japanese soldier

Colonel Yasuyo Yamasaki - Died leading failed banzai charge

Imperial Army officers during the winter of 1942/43

Japanese barracks

Various dead infantryman

Japanese Peace Monument on Attu Island, July 2007.

The Battle of Attu was one of the deadliest engagements of the Pacific theater, but its significance extended beyond the battlefield. It marked the first time since the War of 1812 that American soil had been invaded and occupied by a foreign power. The successful recapture of Attu by American forces boosted morale and demonstrated the resolve of the Allies in the Pacific campaign.


I know you have probably watched this video being reposted many times but in this Effortpost, after doing a lot of research, i'm going to tell you the unknown backstory of this infamous video.


Leonardo Alexander Caripe Brito was a father of 3 from Venezuela that moved to Peru due to the horrible economic situation Venezuela is currently going thru. An acquaintance of his described him as a normal man that did not have any problems with anybody.

(I also found picture of him with his children, but i'm not going to put them here)

Leonardo worked as a taxi driver in Los Olivos, he also rented a blue peruvian taxi motocycle to do this job, which is sort of a modified motocycle with a roof and backseats, the vehicle's plate number was 7568-ZA

Leonardo's "control card"


Frank Anthony Lopez Quiroz AKA "El Chatín" and AKA "Mata por gusto" (this last nickname literally translates to "the one who kills for pleasure") was a Peruvian robber, drug dealer, murderer, and extortionist.


Frank's first run-ins with the law apparently started in 2017 yet his first felonies aren't specified, although we can assume they had to do with drug trafficking and/or theft. In October of 2019 he was arrested as a suspect of manslaughter, he was found inside a car along with other men, it's also worth mentioning that when he was apprehended he tried to draw a gun out of his waist but he accidently dropped the gun, after that he was quickly handcuffed and they were all arrested; the police also found multiple guns inside the vehicle. During the trial the judge commited the mistake of granting him perole and two weeks later he was on the streets again commiting crimes. In September of 2021 he was caught on CCTV doing multiple robberies in the Breña District, after that the police issued a warrant for his arrest


Frank AKA "Killer for pleasure" was also a well-known extortionist in the zone of Los Olivos, specifically targeting taxi drivers, collecting a daily "fee" of 5 Soles (Peruvian currency) to let the taxi drivers work on """his""" zone, and if they didn't pay he would kill them.


Leonardo for one reason or another didn't pay this extortion money for 2 weeks, owing Frank the exact amount of 60 Soles. I did some research on how much 60 Soles were at that time, and what i found left me deeply distraught, the working father of 3 was killed for 16.4 dollars


After 2 weeks of Leonardo not paying the extortion money, Frank AKA "killer for pleasure" had enough, and decided to confront Leonardo and solve the problem once and for all in the only way he knew, with violence and death threats.

In the late afternoon of February the 21st 2022 Frank confronted Leonardo in the "Las Peras" street located in a zone called "5 de Agosto". Witnesses state that they had a discussion, at some point in this discussion Frank drawed his phone and started recording, most likely with the gun on his right hand ready, this is when Leonardo, probably in refference to what they where discussing earlier, said the phrase "You are the boss", Frank replied with "the boss?" And inmidiately fired 4 gunshots at Leonardo, 3 of which stroke Leonardo in the head killing Leonardo Alexander Caripe Brito instantly, after doing that he swiftly left the scene. At some point after this, Frank sent the video to the taxi drivers in the zone as a warning.


Police was called to the scene and they inmidiately looked for witnesses, to the taxi drivers it was pretty obvious who did it and they told the police what they knew. The police then started investigating the matter having Frank Anthony Lopez Quiroz as the main suspect. The police also analysed the video itself, and they were able to identify the shoes of the man recording as a pair of Jordans (keep this in mind because it is going to be important later).


After several weeks trying to locate Frank, they finally found him hiding in a rented property in San Martin de Porres, in March the 17th 2022 the Peruvian police sent a "SUAT" team (apparently Peru also has its version of the SWAT) to the property. Using a battering ram the "SUAT" team broke into the property to apprehend Frank, Frank quickly tried to tamper the evidence by throwing the weapons on neighboring houses and tried to escape by jumping off a window in the second floor, surprisingly this very well-elaborated escape plan did not work and he ended up injuring both of his legs.

Realising that his career as criminal was over, Frank Anthony Lopez Quiroz, the cold-blooded "killer for pleasure" started crying and apologising.

Frank after jumping off the window

After searching the property the police found guns, gun magazines, shooting targets, 6 kilograms of drugs, weighting scales for the drugs, 2 masks, a pair of Jordans that matched the ones that could be breefly seen in the video, a 9mm glock with a modified 32 round magazine (when the police found it the magazine had 28 rounds inside indicating that it was used before), and more interestingly a list with the names of the people that Frank Anthony Lopez Quiroz was extorting and how much money they owed him; the list had Caripe's name, the location where he was murdered, and the words "owes 60".

6 kilograms of drugs and Frank's Jordans

Shooting target

2 weighting scales


Frank Anthony Lopez Quiroz was found guilty of at least 10 counts of manslaughter and he was sentenced to life imprisonment, he was also found guilty of drug and firearm related charges and he was sentenced to 17 years for this too.


While i was investigating i checked if the exact location was visible on Google street view and to my surprise it was indeed visible.

If you want to see it by yourselves i will leave the link right here: 938 Las Peras


Leonardo Alexander Caripe Brito was a working father of 3 that moved to Peru for a better future for himself and his familty but his life was brutally ended for no real reason by a sadistic criminal that was literally supposed to be in jail. This very heartbreaking case goes to show the sad, unfair, and dangerous situation that most of Latin America is going thru every single day, and this also goes to show how ineffective the justice system can be sometimes; the police had many opportunities to stop this menace to society from commiting more crimes early but for one reason or another they left him roam the streets. But we can maybe have some solace in knowing that the murderer was finally jailed and held accountable for all his actions, and we can only hope that he never sets a foot outside a jail ever again.


So this is my first Effortpost and it took A LOT of research, writing and compiling to put together. For those of you who might be wondering, i did all of this research and writing by myself, it was truly difficult but it's finally done. I'm also planning to do more Effortposts like this one, so i just want to let you know that there's much more in the way. If you really liked this effortpost you could give it a reward, an upvote or a pin.

Youtube link 1:

Youtube link 2:

Youtube link 3:

This is where i found Caripe's pictures:

This is where i found how much 60 Soles were in the year 2022:

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