
Yuri Lipski was a Russian man who, on a trip to Egypt, died after a fatal diving accident in the Dahab Blue Hole, on April 28th, 2000. On his dive, he brought with him a camera, which filmed his slow death over the course of seven minutes.

I have the whole video here, but it is relatively long and uneventful if you don’t know what’s happening. I’m going to try my best to describe what exactly happened to Yuri during his descent, and provide timestamps to noteworthy events.

Also, I know this video isn’t the typical short, bloody WPD post, and that it is quite easy to find. However, I don’t think it’s all that famous of a case, and it’s one of the most interesting recorded deaths I have ever seen, so I feel like it belongs here.



Recreational diving, preformed by tourists, is very different from “technical” diving, which is essentially any kind of diving that requires several extra modifications to preform. Technical diving is usually deeper than recreational diving, and because of this, technical divers breathe a different mixture of gasses than recreational divers.

At higher pressures, all gasses compress. In diving, this means that the deeper you go, the more concentrated the air in your air tank becomes. Since you’re still breathing in the same amount of air, the air in your tank will deplete faster. More importantly, you will be breathing in significantly more oxygen and nitrogen with each breath. This can be somewhat nullified by adding helium into an air tank, (what technical divers typically do), which will mix with the oxygen and nitrogen as they compress, keeping them diluted enough to breathe at a safe level.

Despite considering himself to be a technical diver, Yuri decided to dive without helium, meaning that if he went too deep, he would start to be poisoned by the air in his tank. He also decided to dive alone.

When you dive deep enough, it eventually becomes impossible to surface on your own, as the pressure above you forces you downwards. Because of this, Yuri was wearing a special buoyancy device that could help him resurface. He failed to notice that it was broken before he began his dive.

Even if it had not been broken, it would not have been as effective as it should have been, because in doing the weight calculations to determine what strength of this device he would need, he forgot to factor in the weight of his camera.

Shortly after beginning his dive, he realized he was sinking too fast, and tried to activate his buoyancy device. This didn’t work seeing as it was broken, and he continued to sink deeper, quickly sinking much lower than he had intended to. At this depth, he was experiencing confusion and impaired judgement from breathing the compressed air in his tank. He tried again to activate his buoyancy device, but it again failed.

Yuri sinks to the bottom of his dive site and becomes stuck there. He isn’t thinking clearly. He tries taking off his weight belt to make himself lighter, not realizing this would do nothing. He appears to crawl around on the bottom, possibly trying to crawl his way to the surface. He quickly exhausts himself and the pressure of the ocean above him forces Yuri against the bottom. He flails desperately on his back before losing consciousness.

Yuri’s cause of death was nitrogen narcosis, the progressive deterioration of an individual from them inhaling abnormally high concentrations of nitrogen. He died confused, alone, terrified, and in excruciating pain at the bottom of a pitch black, freezing cold pit.



The air in air tanks compresses at high pressures, leading to potentially fatal complications for divers because the human body isn’t designed to breathe in air that dense. This diver went alone and was using broken/improper equipment, causing him to sink to the bottom of the ocean and get stuck there, where he died.



  • 0:10 to 0:36 : Yuri adjusts the lens on his camera.

  • 2:53 : Yuri sinks past another diver. We are able to see just how quickly he is sinking.

  • 3:20 : Yuri makes several attempts to activate his buoyancy device.

  • 4:35 : Around this time, Yuri seems to turn on a light to help him see as he is sinking. We can already notice the water around him getting darker.

  • 4:42 : Yuri has definitely started feeling the effects of nitrogen narcosis at this point. He again tries to activate his buoyancy device. The water is now significantly darker.

  • 4:54 : Yuri is panicking. You can hear his muffled voice as he descends. He is likely in physical pain at this point from the unnaturally potent air he is breathing.

  • 5:07 : Yuri can be heard removing his weighted belt. He is clearly struggling to breathe from the air’s density. His monitor can be heard giving him a warning beep.

  • 5:36 : Yuri checks his wrist monitor. I think it is telling him his current depth, 81.7. Seeing as nitrogen narcosis doesn’t typically set in above 100 feet, and that he was found below 300 feet, I’m going to assume this is his depth in metres. This would place him approximately 268 feet below the surface. His monitor beeps again.

  • 5:54 : This is the last time Yuri checks his monitor. It says he is 91.8 metres (301 feet) below the surface.

  • 6:00 : Yuri can be seen aimlessly crawling along the bottom.

  • 6:09 : Yuri tries to force air into his lungs with an extremely long and deep breath.

  • 6:14 : Yuri collapses.

  • 6:34 : Yuri begins moving erratically on his back. It has been theorized by some deep sea divers that he may be having a seizure, possibly in part due to the breath he just took.

  • 6:49 : Yuri takes his final breaths

  • 7:04 : We can hear healthy breathing and a new beeping noise, Yuri is no longer visible. Though the camera claims this is only a few minutes afterwards, this doesn’t sound anything like Yuri. I am convinced this is actually the recovery diver finding the camera alongside Yuri’s corpse and turning it on to see if it still works. The weird date could be attributed to the camera having malfunctioned, as it was found at over twice the maximum depth it was designed for.

  • 7:10 : The camera is back at the surface after the recovery, a man turns it on for a second to demonstrate that it is still functional.


The footage, believed to be filmed during a Sikh festival in southern India, shows two men lying outstretched on the ground with fruit placed around their arms, legs and above their heads.

A man wearing an orange blindfold then attempts to smash the fruit around the volunteers. He successfully breaks the watermelons and coconuts around the first man, before moving onto the second.

However, when he attempts to slam the sledgehammer down onto a coconut above the second volunteer's head, it misses, and strikes him on the anterior (frontal) aspect of the skull. He couldn't just settle for 'le comedy' and land a simple nut-shot, and had to be dramatic about it. I guess he wanted to be on WPD, as opposed to "YouTube funny fails compilation #486".

The participant is then observed to demonstrate abnormal (decerebrate) posturing, indicitive of a severe (and predominantly fatal) brain injury. Sources claim that this man's situation is unknown, but we here at WPD like to demonstrate common sense. When decerebrate posturing is observed, the prognosis for the patient is typically poor. Remember, if you intend to do this - reinforce your turbans with titanium. Turbtanium. Yeah. Or just don't do this at all.

CHILD WARNING Hotel employee dies after slipping on floor in India... (CW)

A video of a shocking incident has emerged from a restaurant in Indore, India. A young man has died here just because he fell from the floor.

It is said that the young man was an employee of the restaurant and was moving items from the wet floor.

More information is that an employee died after falling on the floor of a restaurant in Indore. He did not cry out after falling, nor did he make any movement. He was unconscious when other employees picked him up. Doctors declared him dead after taking him to the hospital.



A factory worker in India was killed after his boss shot a burst of compressed air up his butt as a prank, destroying the man’s internal organs.

The incident happened in a foundry in the Kolhapur district of Maharashtra, India, earlier this month. As the Mirror reported, a man named Aditya Jadhav was engaging in some lighthearted pranks with his supervisor when the boss jokingly held an air pressure hose to the man’s back, then put it down his pants and released a blast of pressurized air.

Though it was meant as a joke, Jadhav was seriously injured and fell to the floor in pain, the report noted. The blast had accidentally sent the air up the man’s rear end, causing serious damage to his organs. Jadhav was rushed to a hospital, but died 15 days later from his injuries.

Video of the incident has spread around the internet, gaining some viral attention for its bizarre nature, and news outlets across the globe have reported on the factory worker’s strange death.

This is not the only time that a prank has accidentally turned fatal. Back in 2014, another viral video showed a group of students prank a classmate by wrapping him in cling wrap. As the Mirror reported, 17-year-old Sergei Casper was carried to a bathroom and dunked feet-first into a toilet, then brought back to his classroom.

But back inside the room, the prank took a horrible turn. While his legs were still bound, Casper attempted to hop but lost his balance, falling and striking his neck on the side of the teacher’s desk. Classmates began to laugh, not realizing that the fall had crushed the student’s throat.

They soon realized that Casper was badly hurt, and the student was rushed to a hospital but died of his injuries.

“He was a good guy, he never did anything bad to anyone and he was my friend. But the others just picked on him all the time,” said one of the student’s friends. “They seemed to think it was hilarious, and then they decided to take their prize back to the classroom where although the teacher was sitting at her desk, she did absolutely nothing to help him.”




A teenage girl disappears under the wheels of a vehicle that drags her for several dozen meters.


Nude woman sticking head out of car is hit by lamp post. killed

This fucking weirdo in the reply's :marseyyikes:

yes this is a repost but the original post is older than 60 days


Old man attempts backflip into pool and probably breaks his back


Man dies at bench pressing competition - crushed by over 400lbs

Athlete died in the powerlifting competition August 25, 2012 City Shahty.Igor Golushkin.


died after injuring his heart,diaphragm,broken ribs and torn abdominal

cavity. He was 34 years old and was attemping to lift 185kg


paraglider loses control and crashes hard + aftermath

Story Here

Guy falls to his death after a rescuer slips and drops him

(!Mods feel free to move this if it's in the Wong flair please!)


CHILD WARNING Idiot mishandling a gun shoots a kid in the head

Young man jumped into canal to impress girlfriend on Tik-Tok, lost his life

India - Moga (Sanjeev): Nowadays Tik-Tok crazy youth are making videos and posting on Tik-Tok without worrying about their lives and these days young people want to be famous by posting different types of videos. . Sometimes the youth go to such extremes in the process of making videos that it becomes a loss of life for them. A similar incident took place at the canal of village Ghalkhurd on the Moga-Firozepur road. Where an 18-year-old boy, Deepak Kumar, son of Ramnath, a resident of Chhoti Meenyan village, asked his friend to turn on the camera and said that he will jump into the water and you will make a video of him, then post it, which will impress his girlfriend. , When Deepak jumped into the canal, landed on his head and hit a stone.



Two brothers engaging in a wrestling match. Whilst fighting for position, the man lifts the brother up into the air slamming him directly down onto his head, audibly snapping his neck.

Breaking the neck, is not always fatal. However, severing the spinal cord in the neck is almost always fatal without immediate medical attention. This is because the brain can no longer send signals to the muscles below where the severance takes place resulting in paralysis below the break. In the case of a high neck severance, this prevents the person from breathing and the person is unable to get the required oxygen resulting in a rapid death.

guy died on zipline


Happened in 2017 in Fergana Region, Uzbekistan

During a wedding in Fergana Region, man tried doing backflip. He failed, breaked his neck and died in the hospital. All while Michael Jackson impersonator dances to Smooth Criminal.

I couldn't find any more informations.

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