
I don't know if he made it or not...couldn't find any details

By the looks of it in the video (along with the lack of help by his "friends") it doesn't look so good.

Stupid woman breaks her neck

CHILD WARNING Baby is unlucky (Child warning)

CHILD WARNING [CW] Kid plays 'choking game' - ends up hanging himself

So... Did he win?

Guy squished by the tree he cuts down.

He did not make it.


Make your loved ones wear seatbelts, and someone tell the lady that's not how it works...


The guy decided to enter a pharmacy on Obruchev district ,Moscow.He broke through the wall, climbed into the room, took the cash register and tried to get out, but stepped on the display glass, which, burst. The doctors couldn't help him.



Ash Shaikh Outhman District


(Teen Warning) Roof breaks and Turkish Tiktoker falls to her death.

Esenyurt, Istanbul, Turkey - Aug, 2021

HORRIFYING footage shows the moment a TikToker plunged to her death from a rooftop after clambering up to shoot videos of the sunset.

Kubra Doğan, 23, was visiting her cousin 16-year-old cousin Helen at her family's apartment in Istanbul, Turkey, when the pair decided to film content for TikTok on the roof.

The pair spent some time taking clips and pictures while on the roof when at around 7.30pm, Kurba fell.

Shocking footage of the incident, filmed by her cousin, shows her posing for the camera before sitting on the edge of the roof.

Kubra then steps down onto a lower part of the building, and a loud crunching sound can be heard as she disappears through the plastic panel, plummeting about 50 metres.

Her stunned cousin quickly rushed to tell her family of the incident and emergency services dashed to the scene in Esenyurt on Friday.

Tragically, paramedics confirmed Kubra had died.

According to the news site Sabah, her heartbroken family is planning to sue the roofing contractor who installed the sheets on the roof.

Her uncle Nebi Doğan told the outlet: "There is a big flaw in the contractor there.

"As soon as the girl puts her foot, it breaks and (she) falls to the ground from the 9th floor."

Meanwhile, Kubra's body is due to be handed over to her family for burial following an autopsy.

Dumbass overdosed on air duster

What an amazing group of friends this guy made. Just didn’t give a fuck their homie was overdosing. At least one of them had enough brain cells to refuse a hit.

Idk if this constitutes as an accident or not. I mean he wasn’t trying to die so ig it is

Guy in the middle of the road high on Drugs(?) Yelling at the person recording gets hit by a car

Idk the backstory, if anyone has any extra information I'll pin it (!Mods feel free to move this if it's in the Wong flair please!)

CHILD WARNING (CHILD WARNING) Boy left his sister traumatized for life.

A fatal accident in China in late 2022.

A boy was run over his head by a car after playing with his sister.

He died shortly after being taken to the hospital.

CHILD WARNING Child crushed by garage

A young girl, age undisclosed, was crushed to death by a roller door. According to village leaders, the family had recently completed renovating the house. It is not known for sure what the girl was doing while the roller door was closing. Nobody else was at the house at the time of the incident - when the girl's mother came back and found her, she had already died.

EFFORTPOST gym fails and sports accidents || bone breaker special

Bone breaking is arguably one of the most cringe-worthy content out there. Whether it's caused by pure accident or human stupidity it's bound to make you wince.

Some of these will be recycled from my gym fails and sporting accident post

There are several types of bone breaks

Bone breaking recovery time generally ranges from 6-8 weeks or more (depending on the break and severeity). After the recovery period, you're able to resume activity as normal (possibly with short term splits or braces to keep everything proper). Bone breaks take around a year or more to completely heal while in the remodeling phase, depending the severity of the break this time may be extended. It is important to take into account that the injury may look healed on the outside, but on the inside your bones are still repairing themselves until completion.

During the healing and remodeling process, it starts with the inflammation stage which occurs hours-days after the break. After a few days-weeks, chondroblasts produce a soft callus of cartilage around the fracture, providing initial stability after the fraxrure/break. This is then replaced by a hard callus formed by osteoblasts, which gradually replaces the soft callus with woven bone over a few weeks. Eventually, the hard callus is remodeled over several months to years by osteoclasts and osteoblasts, replacing the woven bone with stronger lamellar bone, thereby restoring the bone's original shape and strength. Throughout this process, proper nutrition, appropriate weight-bearing activity, and physical therapy are reccomended to support optimal bone healing and remodeling.

Now enough with the nerd stuff :nerd: let's get onto the good stuff

And a special mention to @weko997 for helping me find some of this conrent!

Gym Mishaps

Leg Work

don't lock your knees when using the leg press, this will happen

When lifting with these machines, it's important to keep your knees bent slightly to prevent an accident like this. The weight will force your legs backwards

keeping your legs too stiff

lifting too heavily causes open fracture

weighted pushups end in a broken finger

arm bends backwards after lifting

arm break after lift

Ruptures, Tears + Dislocations


pectoral tears

hamstring tears

double bicep tear

failed 400lb log press attempt causes bilateral patellar tendon rupture

Lifting too heavily/lifting beyond your abilities, using incorrect form, and stretching too deeply can cause your muscles to tear. In severe cases, surgery may be required which is followed by several long months of healing and rehabilitation (location dependent).



49ers Dre Greenlaw tears left Achilles tendon

Depending on the severity, a ruptured Achilles tendon may require surgery to repair. With or without, rehab and physical therapy will be needed with up to 6 months or more of healing time

Dak Prescott ankle fracture + dislocation

gymnastics double leg dislocation

skater dislocates ankle then corrects it

Skaters and Bikers


failed tricks

↑ bro did not need an ambo for that 😭

rails + stairs

arm snappers

skater breaks teeth + jaw (?)


failed trick

skater fails trick and breaks leg (2 angles)


bikers fail stunts and breaks leg

Sports Fails

Football + Soccer

sideline worker gets a broken leg after a player slides onto him

Tony Adams breaks finger

unknown football player breaks leg

soccer player breaks foot after falling from a kick

Ewald Lienen with exposed femur break (?)

Argentinian defender breaks leg during Copa Libertadores match


BBL basketball gone wrong

Kevin Ware with exposed tibia break

Tyrone Prothro breaks leg


gymnast (?) breaks leg

(sorry for not having it cropped, it wouldn't play if i did it)

broken lower leg

failed stunt

gymnast breaks arm

gymnast breaks both ankles

Much like in the gym, in gymnastics it is important to have a spotter who can catch you or throw something your way to prevent injury.

examples of gymnastics spotting

Wrestling, Karate + Fights

wrestling match ends in broken arm

leg broken during karate match

MMA(?) arm break

MMA fighter snaps leg

MMA fighter breaks leg

Chris Weidman blocks Anderson Silva's kick and breaks his leg. 8 Years later, Uriah Hall blocks Chris Weidman's kick and breaks his leg

guy breaks his brothers neck while wrestling

play fighting with officer leads in leg break

arm breaks during fight

Arm Wrestling

arm wrestling bone break videos

reddit /u/smkrby broken arm Xray + post surgery after arm wrestling match gone wrong

reddit /u/abdoSabbagh broken arm Xray + post surgery + healing after arm wrestling match

reddit /u/Novawave12 arm wrestling break Xray


double leg breaker


rock climber breaks leg

forcibly having leg broken (unknown reason)


Osteoclasts: the cells that degrade bone to initiate normal bone remodeling and mediate bone loss in pathologic conditions by increasing their resorptive activity [1]

Osteoblasts: the cells that form new bone and repair existing bones




Woman crushes neck during heavy squat



Be safe

A woman hit her car against a bus + Aftermath

Heres another selfie victim


A man died on Tuesday afternoon (28) after cutting his leg while slaughtering a pig in Gentil, a municipality of 1,700 inhabitants in the north of Rio Grande do Sul. The incident occurred in the town of São Valentim, in the interior of the municipality, at around 5:15 pm.

The victim was identified as farmer Zilmar Salvatico, 54 years old. According to the Military Brigade, the man was located by neighbors lying near a shed on the rural property.

Upon arriving at the scene, the police identified that the victim had a cut on his right leg with the potential to reach the femoral artery, causing excessive blood loss.

According to the police, there is evidence that Salvático died when the animal was collapsed, at which point the person performed a maneuver of pulling the hide down with the animal hanging. At that moment, he would have hit himself in the leg with the knife. He died at the scene.

According to the Civil Police, the case has been clarified: it was an accident, as stated by delegate Norberto Rodrigues, responsible for the case.


Key points if you don't wanna read the article

  • The male that was electrocuted went into cardiac arrest and was rushed to the hospital, information on his condition today is not up to my knowledge

  • The female friend was reportedly conscious when emergency services responded, but was also hospitalised following her injuries

  • According to the National Weather Service, the human body is capable of surviving exposure to high voltages, with the average lightning bolt containing 300 million volts. However, 50 volts of electricity is enough to kill a person.

First post. I hope I didn't break any rules

Dude slips and dies instantly

Absurd death: A resident of Tatarstan Zelenodolsk went to a liquor store, slipped on a tile, hit his head and died instantly.

Relatives of a 58-year-old man have big complaints about the outlet. Interestingly, the morgue gave a conclusion that death was supposedly due to a heart attack.


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