
Any Videos involving adult people tensing up involuntarily after recieving a traumatic head injury would be very welcome. What is Abnormal Posturing?

Thanks in advance <3

Looking for mass shooting videos

I would like it it more if the shooter had a head cam but any video of a mass shooting would be fine

Serial killer crime scene footage/photos?

Anyone manage to have something like, say, pictures from the Dahmer killings, bundy, etc?

Curious about how the victims would end up since those guys were built different, even compared to the cartel.

Any mass shooting footage?

I like mass shootings vids that have a pov kive stream type thing but any mass shooting footage would be appreciated! ^^

Blow torch cartel torture

It was one of the more fucked up videos I’ve seen. Dude was hung by his feet naked with a bag over his head. There were 4-5 cartel dudes standing around laughing at him while they would hold him in place so he couldn’t squirm around, and another dude had one of those mini Coleman propane tanks with a torch attachment would burn the shit out of one particular spot on his body until the skin would basically start melting and the dude would pass out from the pain and then he’d wake up and start freaking out and they’d do it again. I saw the video years ago (like 10+ years ago) when bestgore was still around. It was like a 7 minute video and really hard to watch. If anyone knows of it would be appreciated lol.

CHILD WARNING 2014 Moscow School Shooting CCTV

I saw on Reddit (unfortunately not archived & deleted as of now) CCTV footage of school shooting in Moscow 2014 perpetrated by Sergey Gordeyev. The shooting ended the lives of 2 people (teacher & the police) and injured 1. After 30 mins negotiation with him to surrender (at one point even his father came and asked him to do it) which he later did. There are few photos of the CCTV footage but I don't know if a video exists. Just saying if it's actually a real footage many claim to have (it didn't surface the web because it is not that much known nor uncovered). So please if you have it mind if you link/send? Thank you.

CHILD WARNING Horrible video I will never forget

Way back in the day I saw a very gruesome traumatizing aftermath video of some teenage boy who had apparently stuck his head out of a party bus emergency exit and smashed his face into an overpass everybody was screaming and I'm pretty sure he was agonally breathing, it happened somewhere in the USA I remember the incident was all over the news at the time. Maybe around 2011-2014? But I can't find the actual video of it anywhere now.

Womans clit gets cut off

I saw it before on this site and I've been looking everywhere. Someone just pulls out her clit and.. cuts it off.. and she was GIGGLING??? I'm closing my legs just at the thought of it


I started watching gore, and I've seen most of the famous ones, like: funkytown, ms. pacman, the pp compilation, 1 man 1 cup / screwdiver, etc...

I want to see something that really shocks me, it's been a while since I've seen something that really makes me sick to watch

If you can help me, send me links here from WPD that really left you in agony, thanks!!

Looking for pictures and videos of drug overdoses!

Intravenous drug use would be ideal.

Especially if you can see lots of track marks and bruising, and/or the person is super skinny

Brutal 9/11 video

Does anyone have the video of somone walking around the exit on the world trade center ( pile of dead bodys and people falling in the video)



If anyone has it can you please post it as he says it's “worse than funkytown” thank you and have a nice day ;) (except for all the cocomelons)

Very important request

(Sorry if I'm being illiterate English isn't my first language)

Hey i was hoping if any of you guys could help me find a video. It was actually the first gore video I've ever watched and it means alot to me ive been meaning to do this post for a while but Here's what i can remember.

The video had a man he was black and im pretty sure he was Jamaican. He was crawling through the streets and I think his legs/body was tangled in barbed wires because he tried to climb someones fence and failed miserably. There was alot of people yelling and shouting and then everyone just started throwing straight up concrete blocks on this guys head it was BRUTAL he was screaming and crawling in absolute agony the entire time. Ngl this one traumatized me alot and I've been pretty scared to watch it again even to this day. Anyway i hope someone on here can find it for me please. I need to face this fear


or which video can't you forget for weeks or days?


Thank you


Ive seen the one of nikita cutting up the ladys face but im curious do any other videos of them exist on the web? ive searched a while and im really desperate to find more of them. :3

Ive been interested in them for so long and the curiosity of this is just killing me atp :xd:


For various reasons I could not find enough information, this video is all I have. If anyone knows the backstory, I would be very happy to know it. Thanks :)


Found this Pinterest comment describing a gore video off of rotten dot com, a now taken down gore site. I looked for it for awhile but haven't been able to find anything, does anyone have it?


If anyone can find this video much appreciated

Anyone know the video?

I saw a post on quora asking what was the most disturbing video you have ever seen, someone by the name of Jack Norton responded with:

When I was 17, (3 years ago) I remember being in an Instagram group with about 30 members, I only knew 4 of them personally, the rest were like friends of friends. They would often send extremely shocking gore clips to the group in a typically edgy fashion and honestly most of them didn't bother me too much, I'd seen many cartel beheadings in my time.

One day, without any context or warning, a member who I didn't know at all sent a video which was about 40 seconds long. In the clip, a man stands in front of a couch, on which 7 women were Kneeling. The room remained me of an indoor carpal or something, the couch seemed out of place. The 7 women were all fully naked and had been gagged and handcuffed. I honestly can't remember what they looked like, I remember one was black, the one in the middle was asian, there was 2 others with brown skin, one was Mexican (confirmed later in the clip) and the other I'm unsure of. There was 2 lightskinned girls, one with brown, curly hair and another with very pale skin (that's all I remember about her). The girl sitting closest to the camera was a Native American, something the camera man frequently mocks.

I'm unsure of what the true intentions or reasons for the perpetrators doing this was, but at the start of the video the only man on screen performs a Nazi salute and says something in a foreign language which could be german, although the video is definitely in the US. In the video, we see the man who stands by the couch pull the girls off one by one and then peppersprays them before stabbing them in the neck with a screwdriver and then using that opening to rip their heads off, in these extremely long and agonising rips which squirt bright red blood all over the floor. He never actually took any of their heads clean off, he left them hanging on by the spine and when he threw them aside they'd continue to spill the bright blood everywhere.

What made this so disturbing for me? The speed and which he does this, the inhuman amount of blood on the floor at the end, the image of watching a human neck be pulled open, the colour of the blood. But most importantly, and what was particularly fucked up, was the fact that before he killed them he'd pull the cloth that was gagging them off and give them a second to speak. You could hear their screams of agony and fear as they have their heads pulled off. But what I'll never forget was the Asian girl, she seemed young and was an American (or Canadian) like the rest of them and in the moment she spoke she said “Please don't kill me, I'm so scared, I don't want to die please, Please don't kill me. Oh my god this can't be happening” she screamed that just before she was pepper sprayed and screamed “no” as they went for her neck.

I don't remember what the man on camera really looked like or much of what the man behind the camera was saying, all I remember was he was way too calm. If anyone else has seen this video I'd love to know. (I don't wish to rewatch it though).

Corpses of spree killers

Looking for the corpses of spree killers specifically school shooters but all and any is fine.

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