brand new vagina

Me injecting myself with Estradiol enantate, otherwise known as estrogen for DIY hrt.


and yeah theres a sink in my room

rotting cock / cock cancer I think ? (NSFW WARNING)


Honestly saved my family some cash and removed all of them myself. nothing too serious

Spitting up blood

My Toe

My infected toe. Need an MRI to see if it comes off. It looks a million times better after about ten IV bags of antibiotics.

Diabetics. Watch your feet!

acne vulgaris.(text about and more images in the post.)🧀

VULGAR ACNE (Juvenile Acne)

SYMPTOMATOLOGY AND COURSE - Chronic disease common in both sexes. It manifests itself with outbreaks at the time of puberty in individuals who are mostly seborrheic and can persist, with periods of more or less pronounced spontaneous improvement and periods of exacerbation, for many years. Acne vulgaris is a polymorphous dermatosis in which lesions of different types coexist: comedones, papules, papulopustules, cysts, nodules, etc. As one of these prevails over the other, it is called comedonal or punctate, papular, a. pustular, a. pustular papule etc. Cutaneous manifestations frequently assume an inflammatory character of varying intensity: when deep, as in the case of a, indurate, da a, elastica, da a. abscessante, a. conglobat etc. leave unsightly scars when they heal. From an etiopathogenic point of view, although everything is not yet clear, hormonal imbalances, especially those in the sexual sphere, are certainly important, as are gastrointestinal imbalances (hypochlorhydria, constipation, etc.). Local microbial factors may play a significant role (Corynebacteria, Staphylococcus aureus), a certain familiarity and the seborrheic constitutional terrain. There are other acne manifestations of determined etiology of which av. is distinguished. Such forms may be due to external causes (hydrocarbons such as naphtha, petroleum, mineral oils: professional acne, cosmetics, aromatic substances, coal tar, etc.) or even to internal medicinal causes (iodides, bromides, corticosteroids, androgens, vitamin B,, etc.).

LOCATIONS - Face (forehead, temporal regions, cheeks, chin); neck: dorsis (shoulders, interscapular region).

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Folliculitis barbae; greater exacerbations, monomorphic lesions (just pustules, most of the time, centered by a hair).

Acne rosacea: presence of telangiectasia, appearing later (30-40 years of age), only on the face.

THERAPY-Local: avoid the use of cosmetics, especially rice powders, soaps; eliminate comedones; keratolytics (salicylic acid, resorcinol); sulfur: antibiotics (erythromycin, clindamycin). The elimination of unsightly scars can be achieved through chemical or surgical peeling. General: diet low in fats and carbohydrates, without spicy foods; digestive enzymes; complex B, intestinal regularizers; acid vitamin A (retinoic acid), also for topical use; antibiotics (low-dose tetracyclines); vaccines; in women,contraceptives.

Torn toes

Supposedly the guy fell over, put all his pressure on his feet, forcing them backwards towards the top of his feet, leading to the flesh underneath tearing.

Stink ditch
condylomas acuminata.(text about and more images in the post.)🧀


SYMPTOMATOLOGY AND COURSE - Morbid form, due to an auto- and heteroinoculatable papovavirus (HPV), most frequently acquired through sexual contact. It is characterized by papilliform, asymptomatic, sometimes very numerous reliefs, the size of a pinhead, initially isolated and then regrouped in conglomerates similar to a cauliflower or a rooster's comb, pinkish or brownish in color, soft. Neoformations, if left untreated, can reach notable dimensions (ca. giants), especially in certain regions such as the vulvar and perianal region. They relapse very easily.

Papiliform reliefs, isolated or conglomerated, sessile or pedunculated

Frequent relapses

LOCATIONS - Genital regions foreskin, frenulum, urinary meatus, labia majora and minora, etc. Perianal region.

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Syphilitic flat condylomas: with a spatula, the infiltrated implant base can be observed; lesions rich in treponemes: coexistence of other manifestations of secondary lues. Serological reactions for syphilis were intensely positive.

THERAPY-Diathermocoagulation. Chemical cauterization (trichloroacetic acid, etc.). Surgical excision if very bulky.

Stitched finger off
Shoulder Dystocia

I think it was a kind of cyst that was filled with fluids mostly, but the disturbing part was that I could hear them cutting into my flesh and it sounds like cutting thick meat or thick paper.

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