
no more infos sadly

he probably died

Man stung to death by bees

Crushing a bee or having one sting you releases their alarm pheromone. At that point, get out of there because the response to alarm pheromone is to sting you more. Beekeepers get stung as well, but between the gear and staying calm/bees being used to them/smoke they get away with not being swarmed as bad.



In a traditional bullring in Spain, a man died due to the brutal attack he received from the animal (it should be noted that this is normal in Spain and happens every year).

CHILD WARNING [CHILD WARNING] child gets killed by a dog

Dude getting eaten up by crocodile

if this is a repost lmk :marseythumbsup:

CHILD WARNING Monkey Banana :marseybrasileiro: Attacked A 2 Year Old Girl In Russia, Moscow

The girl with serious injuries is in the hospital

CHILD WARNING Child :marseybikechainincident: is caught :marseyflirt: by a bull

As per the police, the girl was returning home from her school :marseydylan: with her mother :marseyimmaculate: and her five-year-old brother.

The girl was treated at a hospital. Her mother :marseygiftboxmarsey: filed a complaint and the 26-year old cow owner was arrested.

The police :marseyatfagent: have filed a case against him for not maintaining the cattle properly and for allowing it to roam around.

As reported by PTI, GCC Commissioner J Radhakrishnan visited the girl in the hospital. He said that the child :marseynoyoupedozoom: has been discharged after treatment. He termed the incident 'very unfortunate'. Radhakrishnan told reporters that a fine of ₹25,000 has been levied on the cattle owner.


Mario Alberto Canales, president of the Mexican Hunting Federation (FEMECA), died last Friday in the Argentine province of Entre Ríos when he was rammed by a buffalo he had shot


Cow having sex attacks a guy


A group of people throws rocks at a herd of Asian elephants crossing a road. Picking on someone 100 times your size is all fun and games until you're the one who trips.

Owner sits helplessly in a pool of blood while pitbull does what pitbulls do (Brazil 2012)

Woman getting attacked by pitbulls that were following her home in a elevator

Lmk if this is a repost+link


A father fought in vain to save his one-year-old boy after a crocodile snatched the baby from a canoe and ate him alive in Malaysia on Thursday morning.

The father and son were traveling on a river in Sabah, eastern Malaysia, during a fishing trip when the reptile struck. The dad was unable to rescue his child from the crocodile’s jaws and was himself left with bite wounds in the attempt.

Villagers rescued the dad, a Palauh tribesman reported to be in his 40s, after he managed to scramble to the banks. But the crocodile had already dragged his son into the depths.

It later emerged on the surface with the mutilated body of the baby in its jaws before sinking back into the water, dragging him down once again.

Sabah, Malaysia


CHILD WARNING [CW] Lion attacks 4-year-old girl at a circus

White woman gets destroyed by big black bull.

Drunk Russian man punches camel and gets killed

Priozerka, Russia

January 21, 2023

In the village of Priozerka, Omsk region, a camel attacked the watchman of a hunting base. A 51-year-old man died from his injuries and bites, Life reports.

A video appeared on the Web, which shows that the guard hit the camel in the face, but he did not endure it. He attacked the man and bit him to death. The 51-year-old guard died at the hospital from his injuries. Now, prosecutors are investigating the incident.

According to RIA Novosti, the supervisory authority will also assess the legality of the actions of those responsible for ensuring security on the territory of the base and compliance with the requirements of legislation on keeping animals.

Marat Gainullin, chief livestock specialist of the Aksarai camel farm, believes that the deceased himself is to blame for what happened. The expert noted that the guard hit the camel and was also probably drunk. According to Gainullin, camels do not like drunks, and react to aggression in self-defense.

Alfiya Isteleeva, the director of Aksaraisky, also believes that the watchman himself provoked the animal. According to her, camels usually do not attack themselves, but in winter they have a mating season, when it is better not to anger the males.

Later it became known that the camel had been shot. A local resident, Lyudmila, told Life that one of the village men killed him at the request of his fellow villagers, who were afraid of the animal's aggression.

Lyudmila believes that the residents took such a radical step without understanding the situation. According to her, they first took up arms, and only then looked at the cameras and realized that the guard had hit the camel first.

The woman also said that everyone in the village knew the deceased watchman, he had throat cancer. The man worked at the base for about three years.

Before you say it, I know this video has been reposted like 4 times, but all of those are either sped up (w/retarded music) or don't give any background info.

Man hits a Doberman Pinscher with a long stemmed plant and the dog retaliates

Woman mauled in an elevator by a dog

Should've just punched the damn thing

CHILD WARNING Pigs found aborted fetus. (Fetus Warning)

Before you judge the pigs, think about this "In 2019, there were roughly 1.3 billion pigs slaughtered for food globally. This means that approximately 3.5 million pigs were slaughtered every single day that year."

Be angry at the parents :marseyshrug:


I know this is a repost :marseyteehee:


Elderly Woman Gets Ramming Of A Lifetime (Alternative Title: Elderly Woman Gets Fatally And Repeatedly Charged By Ram)

I was unable to find any reliable sources of additional information; my apologies; however, various comments sections have mentioned that she sadly passed away from her injuries.

R.I.P. to the woman, and may her family and friends find peace :marseysad:

Special thanks to LittleNightmare of, who initially compiled the info.

Disclaimer: Before I post this, I just wanted to mention that in the case of sad videos like this, I occasionally include lighthearted jokes, which helps me (and sometimes others) to decrease some of the mental anguish they feel when thinking about situations like this, knowing that these are real people. This is my intent when including puns/jokes, and I never include anything that is meant to be mean-spirited. Sorry for the probably unnecessary disclaimer, just wanted to clarify before posting!

Woman harasses a bison and loses her pants (stabilized version included)

Bull wrecks a mans body (Screaming Warning)

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