
As promised! Sign up for the WPD 500k USER TIER LIST! Comment under this post, and like it to sign up. You have until Saturday the 19th!

DRINK WATER! AND PREPARE! first tier list!

"1444" Korablev Gleb Vyacheslavovich Suicide Video (No Watermark And Better Quality)

1444 Suicide Video

Duration Livestream VK Suicide Is 2.5 hours


Korablev Gleb Vyacheslavovich

Account VK:

Friends Gleb In Vk:

Suicide bodies found:




This photo before suicide:


Korablev Gleb Vyacheslavovich Photo:







Ms Pac man A classic

On the night of Monday, October 29, 2018, Alejandra Ico Chub, 32, was murdered by her husband at home, on her bed. She was mutilated with a machete. Her cries for help were heard by neighbors from La Isla del Norte in San Miguel, Chisec, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. The murderer, Mario Tut Ical, Alejandra's partner, fled after committing the murder.

Father stabbed to death by Indian in Canada after asking man to not vape near his toddler

RIP Paul Stanley Schmidt.

The motherfucker: Inderdeep Singh Gosal, 32 (Indian-Origin man)

“This is so horribly wrong what happened,” said Kathy Schmidt, two days after her son, Paul Stanley Schmidt was stabbed in broad daylight in front of his fiancée and his three-year-old daughter and many onlookers. A man has been charged with second-degree murder in the killing and Schmidt said she would like the charge upped to first-degree murder, which requires proof of premeditation, to ensure a longer stay in prison if he's convicted. Schmidt said her son's fiancée, Ashley Umali, told her she was inside getting drinks while Paul and daughter Erica in a stroller waited outside the café at Granville and West Pender streets.

Paul's website include many photos of his young family and in his intro to the page, he had written: “I love Ashley and Erica Schmidt.”

Schmidt is Vancouver's sixth homicide victim of 2023.

The retarded cameraman (Alex Bodger):

EFFORTPOST 3 dead after Jeffery Spaide kills his 2 neighbors over snow argument then kills himself (LOTS of extra info, effort post)


This is definitely my best post yet


Shooter's Backstory:

Jeffery Spaide was born on June 16, 1973 and served in the U.S Navy during the 1990s, and was also in the U.S Navy reserve and U.S Army Nation Gaurd for periods of time. He also worked over 20 years as an engineer. His life was pretty normal until his fateful encounter with the goys. He got into an argument with them as a result of them all throwing snow onto each other's properties to dispose of it, and it resulted in Jeffery killing his 2 neighbors, then going into his own home and killing himself. (not shown in video)

What Happened:

As quoted from "Source 1": (see below) "On the morning of February 1, 2021, Jeffrey Spaide began arguing with James and Lisa Goy outside of their home in Plains Township, Pennsylvania. Like many of their earlier fights, this one centered on snow shoveling. The Goys shoveled snow from their parking spots and then moved it across the street before dumping it on Spaide's property. Soon afterward, Spaide emerged from his home and asked the couple to stop. They didn't. Instead, the conversation devolved into a heated altercation that involved Spaide and the Goys verbally threatening each other, hurling multiple obscenities, and calling each other names. “I'll make your life a living hell living here, dickhead,” James Goy angrily shouted at Jeffrey Spaide. Spaide replied, “What?… Fuck you, you fucking scum.” Then, James' wife Lisa yelled, “You're the fucking scumbag. You don't know how to talk to somebody.” James continued, “That's right… You're a pussy, pussy, pussy.” All of this was captured on surveillance footage, along with the violent escalation of the argument. In the video, Spaide is eventually seen walking down his driveway toward his neighbors, revealing a gun in his hand. James warned Spaide to “put the gun down,” but Spaide refused to listen. Instead, he began firing, hitting James first before moving on to Lisa. Though the wounded James attempted to flee toward his home, shouting for other neighbors to “call the cops,” Spaide soon shot him again. Meanwhile, the injured Lisa screamed, “You fucker, you!” Though Spaide was then seen walking back to his home, he wasn't done yet, Instead, Plains Township Police Chief Dale Binker said that Spaide only went inside to replace his handgun with an “AR-style rifle” so that he could continue firing on the Goys, essentially executing them. One of the last things Spaide said to his neighbors before killing them was this: “You should have kept your fucking mouth [shut].” Then, Spaide retreated to his home once more to shoot himself with a third rifle." (Spaide's suicide was not captured on video)

(Dead) The Shooter: 47 year old Jeffery Spaide.

I couldn't find a credible picture of Jeffery Spaide, but maybe this is it (might not be)

(Dead) Victim 1: 48 year old Lisa Goy.

(Dead) Victim 2: 50 year old James Goy.

Info came from sources below


NBC News

Source 1:

Source 2:

This is my first time posting death and I put a lot of effort into this so I really hope you enjoy this! If there is any false information, typos, or mistakes in this post please let me know and I will fix it!



He set his twitter profile to have his suicide date lmao

rip :soyjakfront:

btw u guys should follow me

least insane wpd user


This video is all in one

Side by side of both body cams synced up


(animal warning) dog abuser gets a taste of his own medicine

Reminder: animal abuse is banned here! :marseydomesticabuse: :marseyprotestno:

Yes, we know what the cat blender video is. No, we don't want it here. We've had to ban like 5 people (including a semi-regular) just today for posting it.

Stop fucking posting animal abuse you retards. Stop asking for it as well. I am seething, and I cannot cope. Stop being retards thanks bye :#marseybye:


bum fight in thread 🚨 Pussyfication of WPD

This is mostly just a rant for my own sake so enjoy.

(Due to recent events: No I’m not associated with this cat video)

The recent uptick in users from Reddit and instagram is very noticeable to me. Every time I see acomment or post about, “look at these flowers” or complaining about animal deaths, 9/10 times the account was made in the past 2 months. This site is called fucking watch people die. That’s what we do, we don’t care about your flowers, or that a dog died, or that this video “triggered you”. Get the fuck off the site and go back to PC land where everybody cares about your “feelings”.

In addition. Dear Heavenly Father please smite the onlyfans/e sluts that have been showing up. In fact god post the video on here. That’s all. Im rricky and I’m unreasonably upset.

Edit: the vile women in the comments has videos up of her on the toilet. Her opinion is now invalid.

Edit 2: The comments simply back up my opinion

Hi WPD. Bye WPD.

Hi WPD. Between that Perry, Iowa shooter having had an account here earlier this month, the countless instances of doxxing between people in chat, the endless spam from infuriated banned users, Polish psychos threatening to cut one another up, the growing deluge of threats from unhinged lunatics, and the content itself here, I've had more than my fill of the whole gore thing.

I hate tedious “I'm leaving [online community] forever” posts, but given that I've been doing communications for this place for like a year and some change, I think one is necessary to allow the site not to tank as people think it's all lost.

It's not. At all.

I didn't found the website, I was simply asked to just assume that role publicly because the actual founder is an intensely private person and isn't very good at communicating by his own admission. You are not losing a developer or anything; WPD will not be impacted by my absence in any way aside from the pinned moderator posts becoming probably much more boring.

Fun fact: I was originally brought on using a different username just to help the then-mod team by restructuring the rules to be less insane and to serve as a lightning rod for user ire. I did this by posting cute animals with scary titles. You all hated them!

In summary: I am leaving effective immediately this will not impact WPD in any way, the actual developer isn't going anywhere. A few new admins have been added and I think most of you like them a lot already. Nothing will change with day-to-day WPD as I was not actually responsible for any of that. The site you all inexplicably love will not be affected in any way by this.

I'll probably pop back in from time to time to post cute animals though.

Have a beautiful day :marseywave2:

Bye WPD.

1 Lunatic 1 Icepick (Video Remastered Edition)

This Is A Better Quality Version Of This Video:

Murder By Luka Magnotta

Victim Jun Lin

More Info:


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