least insane wpd user

(animal warning) dog abuser gets a taste of his own medicine


bum fight in thread 🚨 Pussyfication of WPD

This is mostly just a rant for my own sake so enjoy.

(Due to recent events: No I’m not associated with this cat video)

The recent uptick in users from Reddit and instagram is very noticeable to me. Every time I see acomment or post about, “look at these flowers” or complaining about animal deaths, 9/10 times the account was made in the past 2 months. This site is called fucking watch people die. That’s what we do, we don’t care about your flowers, or that a dog died, or that this video “triggered you”. Get the fuck off the site and go back to PC land where everybody cares about your “feelings”.

In addition. Dear Heavenly Father please smite the onlyfans/e sluts that have been showing up. In fact god post the video on here. That’s all. Im rricky and I’m unreasonably upset.

Edit: the vile women in the comments has videos up of her on the toilet. Her opinion is now invalid.

Edit 2: The comments simply back up my opinion

Hi WPD. Bye WPD.

Hi WPD. Between that Perry, Iowa shooter having had an account here earlier this month, the countless instances of doxxing between people in chat, the endless spam from infuriated banned users, Polish psychos threatening to cut one another up, the growing deluge of threats from unhinged lunatics, and the content itself here, I've had more than my fill of the whole gore thing.

I hate tedious “I'm leaving [online community] forever” posts, but given that I've been doing communications for this place for like a year and some change, I think one is necessary to allow the site not to tank as people think it's all lost.

It's not. At all.

I didn't found the website, I was simply asked to just assume that role publicly because the actual founder is an intensely private person and isn't very good at communicating by his own admission. You are not losing a developer or anything; WPD will not be impacted by my absence in any way aside from the pinned moderator posts becoming probably much more boring.

Fun fact: I was originally brought on using a different username just to help the then-mod team by restructuring the rules to be less insane and to serve as a lightning rod for user ire. I did this by posting cute animals with scary titles. You all hated them!

In summary: I am leaving effective immediately this will not impact WPD in any way, the actual developer isn't going anywhere. A few new admins have been added and I think most of you like them a lot already. Nothing will change with day-to-day WPD as I was not actually responsible for any of that. The site you all inexplicably love will not be affected in any way by this.

I'll probably pop back in from time to time to post cute animals though.

Have a beautiful day :marseywave2:

Bye WPD.


CHILD WARNING (Child Warning) Father :marseyfatherjoseph: forcefully slams bully :marseylaughpoundfist: onto the ground

WPD HAS REACHED 1,000,000 REGISTERED USERS. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. :marseyhappening::marseyhappening::marseyhappening:

We've been online for 16 months, one of which we were down for because Namecheap fucked us out of our original domain, and we had to try to get the word out about the new domain to many thousands of people with no way of contacting them. So really, only 15 months.

And we've now hit a million registered users, all of whom will be receiving this snazzy profile badge to immortalize this historic achievement of theirs momentarily.

It was only last December that we hit 100k. Late last December. In 9 months, we have grown 900% to a million of you creeps. That's both worrisome and really cool. A million users was apparently such a big deal for Facebook that their fancy headquarters had a giant party and it was dramatized in The Social Network -

We don't have offices and we currently have no funding because we got banned from Ko-Fi, and it's mostly just some autistic retards putting this together and maintaining it in their spare time. I actually just AFK'd a Slack huddle at my real job to throw this post together. It's a far cry from some big corporate office party, and what I'm saying is you guys should all pitch in and buy us a yacht to party on so we can show Zuckerberg up.

Thanks for using WPD. You are deeply unhealthy, but you are beloved. By me. Now let's see how fast we can get to two million.

I love you.
💋 xoxo clitpeeler

If you want to help us keep the site online, we do accept crypto!

ETH: 0xBBf1043A60C6894Db17b3118CA960FFDF84c9eea

BTC: bc1qs5hamvytnkllgml89flzhcyt3l4a3u4gs8lvvp

XMR: 44hdEpAYXkB2VwkWz6LR9zZhcaG8zrUzn21aPy1HSdcsjT51fPdpMV8hkf5QQdHKs9VsAs3so5Vq5easdBbzmcifGcqfxfw

If you donate, don't forget to tell us, so you get a bunch of nifty little on-site perks like free currency, a spiffy username background, and a lot more.

77 Year Old Man Shoots 2 Environmental Activists Blocking Road :marseylaughpoundfist:

Please make this one of the memes on the sidebar lmao

"A 77-year-old man shot dead two environmental protesters on Wednesday in an apparent outburst of rage over a roadblock in Panama.

The gunman was named in local media as Kenneth Franklin Darlington Salas. If he is convicted, Mr Salas could be sentenced to house arrest rather than being sent to jail because of his age.

The protesters, who were opposed to a controversial mining contract, had blocked the Pan-American Highway in Chame, 51 miles from the capital Panama City.

Footage posted on social media showed the motorist walking from his car, demanding the protesters get out of the road.

Initially, Mr Salas removed tyres which were obstructing the road. The protesters, according to witnesses, shouted at the man: “Are you going to kill someone?”

The gunman replied: “You want to be the first?”

He opened fire, first shooting a protester holding a flag and then a second man who went to confront him, before walking off and removing tree trunks that had been blocking the road. He was then arrested.

Local media identified the victims as Abdiel Diaz, a teacher and union activist, and Ivan Mendoza.

The site, in the jungle to the west of the capital, is considered environmentally sensitive.

In an effort to calm tempers, congress last week passed a law that imposes a moratorium on new metal mining contracts and left it up to the Supreme Court to decide on whether to allow the contract with First Quantum Minerals.

Environmentalists have welcomed this decision by lawmakers, saying indeed it is the court that should rule on whether the contract violates the constitution.

But a powerful construction union called Suntracs, teachers unions and other organisations want the contract to be annulled through a law passed by Congress, so they are continuing their protests.

Panama-America said Mr Salas was born in Colon and had been a teacher at several universities.

Mr Salas was previously arrested in 2005 after weapons – including an AK-47 and M-16 - were found in his flat. He was later acquitted after a court accepted his plea that they were merely part of a collection.

He was employed as a spokesman for Marc Harris, a Panamanian accountant who was jailed for 17 years in 2004 after being convicted of money laundering and tax evasion."


Suicide Awareness

This post is meant to bring awareness to what its like to lose someone to suicide. If you're considering suicide, please think of your loved ones and reconsider. It is never the answer.

I'm posting this because a user on this site has taken her own life yesterday, and I'd like to give information that may help others going through the same thing. If you don't care or want to say something unkind, please have some morals and keep them to yourself. This is intended for those who have or still deal with suicide. I am still in a state of shock, so please forgive me if my wording isn't the greatest.

Today I received the worst news possible. My best friend, also known as @PurgeQueen666 on this site, committed suicide yesterday.I did everything I could to reach her, and when I couldn't I reached out to some of you to help me find information that could help. Thank you for everyone who assisted me in getting more information. I called her local sheriff's office and asked for a welfare check, only for them to tell me they already responded to a call and found her unresponsive. I called up her family and offered my condolences, and I'll be attending the funeral in a couple weeks. She was such a sweet and kind person but she struggled a lot with bullying and harassment. She would frequently talk about the things people would say to her and it would break my heart. Words hurt way more than you could ever imagine. The day before she took her own life, I managed to talk her off the ledge of suicide. She had told me she tied a noose and had it around her neck until I texted her. I encouraged her to get rid of it and to call someone, anyone. She refused, and I should've known she'd end up using it. The last thing she said to me was "I have to get ready for work, I appreciate you (my real name)". I had no idea she was going to end her life right then and there, but looking back, I saw the signs. If you or anyone you know is dealing with suicidal thoughts/suicidal ideation please reach out and get help. Suicide is never the answer and leaves the ones who love you lost and broken. Please call someone and receive help if you or a loved one are dealing with suicidal thoughts or behaviors.

This world didn't deserve you, and I'll always have you in my heart. I don't believe in an afterlife, but if you're out there somewhere please know I did everything I could to help you. I love you.


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Femboy gets fucked 😆

Execution :marseychristmasbeheadsnoo: of Nazis

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