
Have you ever thought about what the hell are those trails that planes leave behind?

Well, me neither, but some people have! Let's dive into their theories in the next episode of "Conspiracy Theories with KAngel."

According to some people, those trails aaare...drum roll please drdrsrdrdrdrdrd or however you write the sound TOXIC CHEMICALS! Would you believe that?

Is the government trying to poison us? What's their goal with all this? Well, there are a few theories.

Some say these chemicals are meant to reduce life expectancy, control the weather, or even control our minds. Does it sound crazy? Well, look at this!


ehm, in all seriousness, let's take a look.

While some believe these trails may be toxic chemicals, there's also a scientific explanation: contrails.

A contrail is a line-shaped cloud formed by the water vapor from aircraft engines. When airplanes fly at high altitudes, the hot exhaust gases mix with the cold, low-pressure air, causing the water vapor to condense and freeze into tiny ice crystals. Those crystals then form a visible trail behind the aircraft.

Don't be stupid people!

Hope you enjoyed today's post,


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