"1444" Korablev Gleb Vyacheslavovich Suicide Video (No Watermark And Better Quality)

1444 Suicide Video

Duration Livestream VK Suicide Is 2.5 hours


Korablev Gleb Vyacheslavovich

Account VK:

Friends Gleb In Vk:

Suicide bodies found:




This photo before suicide:


Korablev Gleb Vyacheslavovich Photo:






The iceberg of filmed suicides + links

After much research, I finally completed the iceberg of filmed suicides made by me. I was going to post it on the IcebergCharts website, but the owner of the site didn't allow me. So, I decided to post it here. I want to thank Watchpeopledie and the users here for helping me with my research. Thank you very much :marseythumbsup:

An iceberg is a large mass of ice that has broken off from a glacier or ice shelf and floats in open water, usually in the sea. In this case, the iceberg is used as a visual way to present information, trivia, or data on a particular topic, organized hierarchically, reminiscent of the structure of an iceberg. On the surface are the most basic or widely known pieces of information about the topic. As you descend through the layers of the iceberg, the pieces of information become deeper, more specific, obscure, or surprising. The idea is that most of the topics with interesting and lesser-known trivia are "submerged," just as most of the mass of a real iceberg is below the water's surface.

In this iceberg, topics go from the most well-known and remembered videos to the most forgotten and unknown ones, based on my research and opinion.

Iceberg Topics Videos:








HONORABLE MENTIONS (people I ended up not including in the iceberg for some reasons):

  • Michael Edward Pickels

  • Guilherme Tauci de Monteiro

  • Marcus Joanne

  • Artyom Kyznetsov or Artyom Prukhin

  • MinMin

  • Ramón Sampedro Cameán

  • Uğur Falay

  • Marion Perloff

This iceberg is dedicated to my favorite YouTuber,

Pedro nos rins

(Se inscreve ai você BR)

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST Rorochan_1999 || Suicide livestream of a 14 year old girl

Who is she?

Rorochan_1999 was the online alias of a 14 year old girl, who seemed to struggle with a variety of mental health issues, and she appeared to be quite lonely. She started livestreaming on platforms such as FC2, Niconico, TwitCast, and Ustream in 2012. She would do a variety of things like studying, singing, dancing and playing the piano and is even rumored to have streamed herself running in the middle of traffic, avoiding speeding cars or standing on the edge of tall height buildings. There were many implications of neglect, so she used the internet to escape. She lived a double life of being a normal middle school girl, to being a streamer behind closed doors, family and friends unknowing.

Archive 1: Livestream from Nov 1, 2013

The video starts with her playing "Rudolph the red nosed reindeer" on the piano. She plays a variety of different notes, some are even disturbing to listen to, hearing the distress in the way she played. According to a native Japanese speaker in the comments of an analysis video of the situation, Roro was singing a song from the anime Minky Momo, an anime knowing for a dark ending where the protagonist died via a car crash despite it being a kids show. Rorochan_1999 had the character as her profile picture. After she sings the song from the anime, she appears to read the comments of the livestream and then shortly after have a mental breakdown. She seems to be repeating the word "daite" over and over while laughing or crying. "Daite" directly translates to hug/hold me, however with the Japanese language, context of situations change the meaning of things said. While it is speculated she was repeating "mother, hold me", that same native Japanese speaker discussed what she was saying toward the end was actually likely to be sexual in nature. She had purposely labeled her livestreams sexually as well.

Archive 2: Livestream, unknown date

In the video, she has a bag over her head to hide her face. She is seen recording herself in a mirror and wearing a robe while whispering things. She is seen hyperventilating and swinging her head furiously around the camera in a disturbing strange manner.

Her final and suicide livestream : "暗黒" November 24th, 2013

At 2:44 in the video, she stands on a trashcan, and is about to jump. We see the very tall fall in front of her. She throws her phone as she jumps. We are not able to see her jump off, but you can hear the loud sound of her hitting the ground shortly after.

Nobody saw Rorochan jump. She had jumped around 3 am, and was discovered by a female newspaper carrier within 5-10 minutes. Her body was still warm and her body was still fully in tact, her mask was hanging from one ear, one shoe was on the ground next to her. Police arrived within 5 minutes and she was pronounced dead at the hospital about 3 hours later. She did not leave a note.
I researched for hours and both fortunately and unfortunately, her name was never publicly available due to her age, and is heavily debated about online. I think it may be for best that we are not aware of her name, for the protection and wellbeing of her family. However she has been referred to as "A". There was no implications that she was bullied, a female student who she was close with said "I don't know why she committed suicide so suddenly" and students from her school said there was no signs of trouble presented otherwise.

Where she jumped from

The google maps location

"1-3 Minami 4-chome, Takakai Town, Omihachiman City, Shiga Prefecture. Lions Station Plaza Omihachiman Nibankan B emergency stairs 13th-14th floors"

The livestream was in "1st place” for most viewers that day

Livestream participants after she jumped.

Livestream chat logs from the stream. She had jumped in between images 10-11.
Unfortunately there were many sick individuals in some of these chat logs that were speaking sexually to her, asking her to flash, asking her to go back to her room to preform NSFW activities and more. The things that were said are truly sick.

She often stated in past livestreams or on websites such as 2chan that she wanted to "become a legend". She discussed her plans and how she wanted her death to be unexpected out of a girl like her.

The rising popularity of this case

On Jan 8, 2020 a music video was released with the title, "Shinsei Kamattechan - Ruru's Suicide Show on a Livestream Official Video (Animation)" was released. "Ruru" is the character presented in the music video, the translated lyrics consist of talking about suicide, and how the internet destroyed her. It is unclear whether or not the song is dedicated to Rorochan or not, but it is a song dedicated to suicide victims in general.

After this song rose in popularity, the case of Rorochan's suicide was publicized and brought up again. She did in fact, "become a legend". Other than her vague postings about it, her motives are unclear as to why she committed suicide. Rest in peace, Rorochan.

Suicide hotline numbers

The new official suicide hotline in the United States is 9-8-8


Suicide Compilation (2023)



Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan

Two 16yo Japanese highschool girls, one of them allegedly pregnant, have livestreamed their suicide on 12th of April 2023.

The suicide is said to be related to love affairs where the girls have failed to win the heart of their "senpai" who is a famous Japanese livestreamer.

Autopsy efforts are on the way to find out the father of the child which died with the 16yo young mother.

The Japanese livestreamer is apparently this person:

Name: ピャスカル



He posted the following message on his Twitter profile:


彼女の友達と手を繋いで屋上から飛び降り ました。

彼女はリスナーでした。 毎日dmのやり取り をしているうちに好きになっていました。 暫くして付き合うようになり、お互いの事 を深く知ることになりました。

彼女は私をSNSで見つけるまで、自室で死 のうとしていた事。 私を動画で見て元気を 貰い、 再び生きることを決めた事。 私が彼 女にとって全てであった事。

私は活動の中でホストのような色恋営業を していた為、彼女をずっと不安にさせてし まっていました。

口論になることもあり、 その度に彼女の嫌 な一面が見えてしまい、一度距離を置こう


一昨日の電話で 「あなたが居なくなるくら いなら死ぬ。今もう東京に死にに来た。」と 言われ、翌日直接会って本当に少しだけ距 離を置く時間がほしいと説得する事にしま した。

彼女は必死に否定していました。 私は嫌が る彼女に「今は生誕祭も控えてて忙しい時 期で、不安になることも沢山あって精神的 に辛い」と泣きながら説得しました。 だんだんと彼女は落ち着きを取り戻し、 納 得してくれました。 別れ際に彼女は 「ぎゅ 一したい」 と言いました。

一したい」 と言いました。


飛び降りた事を知った私は警察の方に「自 首したい」 と電話をし、警察の方が家に来 て状況を説明しました。 後から刑事の方が来て、 私に罪は無いと言


私は泣き崩れました。 目の前で自殺寸前の 彼女を引き止めてあげられなかった自分が 本当に愚かだと感じました。

あの時少しでもハグしてあげられていた ら、もしかしたら彼女はまだこの世にいた かもしれません。

私も死のうと思いました。 しかし彼女の事 を思い出しては泣いて、 また死のうとして 泣いてを繰り返すだけでした。

正直、 早く私も死んで彼女のもとへ行きた いです。 許してもらえるとは思いません。 それでも、もう一度会って抱きしめてあげ たいです。

彼女の顔を思い出す度に死にたくて仕方が ないです。

この先も生きていけるか分かりませんが、 私はこの償い切れない罪を背負って、一生 を賭けて自分自身の思う罪を償います。

ご遺族の方々、関係者の方々、 今まで応援 してくださった皆様、 期待を裏切る事にな り大変申し訳ございませんでした。


My girlfriend committed suicide.

She jumped off a rooftop holding hands with her friend.

She was a listener. We exchanged dm's everyday and I fell in love with her. After a while we started dating and getting to know each other better.

She was dying in her room until she found me on social media. She saw me on video, got inspired, and decided to live again. I was everything to her.

I had been making her feel insecure because I was a host in my activities.

We would sometimes argue, and every time we argued, I would see a side of her that I didn't like.

I told her that I would distance myself from her.

She called me the day before yesterday and said, "I will die if you are gone. I've already come to Tokyo to die. I decided to meet with her in person the next day and convince her that I really needed some time away.

She desperately denied it. I tried to convince her in tears that it was a busy time for her with her birthday festival coming up and that she had a lot of anxiety and it was mentally difficult for her. Gradually she calmed down and agreed. When we parted, she said, "I want to be with you.

She said, "I want to have sex with you.

I refused.

When I learned that she had jumped, I called the police and told them that I wanted to turn myself in. Later, a detective came and told me that I was innocent.

I broke down in tears.

I broke down in tears. I felt really stupid for not being able to stop her from committing suicide right in front of me.

If only I had been able to give her a hug at that time, maybe she would still be alive.

I thought about dying too. However, I just cried and cried and cried again when I remembered her.

To be honest, I wish I could die soon and go to be with her. I don't think she will forgive me. Even so, I want to see her again and give her a hug.

Every time I think of her face, I want to die.

I don't know if I will be able to live, but I will carry this unforgivable sin on my shoulders, and I will spend the rest of my life atoning for the sins I think I have committed.

I am very sorry to the bereaved families, the people involved, and everyone who has supported me, for betraying your expectations.

I had to compress the videos to be able to upload them here.

As far as I know, the videos are not available on any other Gore site, only on wpd (04/15/23).

I will not upload them to any other site.

The catbox files have already been deleted, otherwise I would have posted the links.

Edit: Videos are working fine here. Try Chrome.

boy commits by train

A personal injury occurred at Higashi-Rinkan Station on the Odakyu Enoshima Line at around 0:40 pm on the 29th.A 17-year-old high school boy living in Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture, was hit by a rapid express train from Fujisawa to Shinjuku. It is said that the high school boy was confirmed dead on the spot.

24 lines on the upper and lower lines stopped driving between Sagamiono and Yamato for about 1 hour and 15 minutes, affecting about 4,200 people.

after looking at his twitter account using the wayback machine, he says a lot that he wants to be reunited with his lover after death... so i'm thinking that maybe something happened to his lover (maybe they died or also committed suicide) and he did the same? this is so sad....

An article about his death in Japanese (some of it sounds like bullshit to me):

Ronnie :marseyboar: Mcnutt's Suicide :marseymaid4: (6 Minutes, no watermark, and maybe hq)

That version is actually :marseyakshually: cropped and this is the uncropped one.

And this is the live Facebook chat during his suicide.

Ronnie Mcnutt's Facebook account:

Ronnie Mcnutt's Twitter :marseyx: account:

Tell me if i repost :marseyrepostsign:

Ronnie McNutt Full Suicide Video

Sorry if this counts as a repost but I found a version with the build up and aftermath of the suicide.

If this counts as a repost let me know and I will take it down.


Ricardo Lopez, who was more known by the name Bjork Stalker, was a pest control worker living in Hollywood, Florida. Lopez had become obsessed with the Icelandic singer named Bjork, and had devised a plan to take her life using a letter bomb he created that was laced with sulfuric acid.

Lopez recorded himself as he prepared his bomb, often mumbling and making incoherent statements as he worked. After finishing the bomb, he mailed it off to Bjork, who was residing in London at the time, then returned home and filmed his suicide. His body, along with the video, and a handwritten note, were found by police several days later. After reviewing the video, the police in Florida contacted Scotland Yard, who were able to retrieve the package before it arrived to Bjork's residence.

Here is the video that was recovered from Lopez's home by police.

Dude hanging himself while jerking off



Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan

Two 16yo Japanese highschool girls, one of them allegedly pregnant, have livestreamed their suicide on 12th of April 2023.

The suicide is said to be related to love affairs where the girls have failed to win the heart of their "senpai" who is a famous Japanese cosplay livestreamer.

Autopsy efforts are on the way to find out the father of the child which died with the 16yo young mother.

The girls (the first girl is 16, she has a Twitter account that is still up, where she posted her final goodbye)

The cosplay livestreamer (

Apparently besides being a cosplay livestreamer he was also a host at a host bar, where he met the girl(s)

Following the suicides, he posted this on Twitter:

My girlfriend committed suicide.

She jumped off a rooftop holding hands with her friend.

She was a listener. We exchanged dm's everyday and I fell in love with her. After a while we started dating and getting to know each other better.

She was dying in her room until she found me on social media. She saw me on video, got inspired, and decided to live again. I was everything to her.

I had been making her feel insecure because I was a host in my activities.

We would sometimes argue, and every time we argued, I would see a side of her that I didn't like.

I told her that I would distance myself from her.

She called me the day before yesterday and said, "I will die if you are gone. I've already come to Tokyo to die. I decided to meet with her in person the next day and convince her that I really needed some time away.

She desperately denied it. I tried to convince her in tears that it was a busy time for her with her birthday festival coming up and that she had a lot of anxiety and it was mentally difficult for her. Gradually she calmed down and agreed. When we parted, she said, "I want to be with you.

She said, "I want to have sex with you.

I refused.

When I learned that she had jumped, I called the police and told them that I wanted to turn myself in. Later, a detective came and told me that I was innocent.

I broke down in tears.

I broke down in tears. I felt really stupid for not being able to stop her from committing suicide right in front of me.

If only I had been able to give her a hug at that time, maybe she would still be alive.

I thought about dying too. However, I just cried and cried and cried again when I remembered her.

To be honest, I wish I could die soon and go to be with her. I don't think she will forgive me. Even so, I want to see her again and give her a hug.

Every time I think of her face, I want to die.

I don't know if I will be able to live, but I will carry this unforgivable sin on my shoulders, and I will spend the rest of my life atoning for the sins I think I have committed.

I am very sorry to the bereaved families, the people involved, and everyone who has supported me, for betraying your expectations.

THX to @kkdvivivi for the background info


Note: I did not change, edit or rewrite any part of the following... everything was copied and pasted as it was.. I did not need to add anything to it in order for it to be this stupid.. it is what it is and it is fucking stupid..... in an entertaining way

Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- A porn actor, who was accused of killing a coworker with a sword, died after falling off a cliff Saturday when police used a stun gun to subdue him.

Police said Stephen Clancy Hill attacked three coworkers with a samurai-style sword at the scene of a pornographic film shoot on Tuesday. One of the men later died.

Hill during standoff

When police caught up with Hill on Saturday, he kept them at bay for eight hours atop a cliff in West Hills, said Officer Bruce Borihanh.

To take Hill into custody, officers used their stun guns on him - at which point he fell, Borihanh said.

Police said Hill jumped, but also added it was unclear what caused his death.

On Tuesday night, West Valley police were called to a home on Hayvenhurst Avenue following reports of an assault with a deadly weapon.

The home was being used to make pornographic films, but shoots had ended for the day.

Authorities said Hill was at the house, socializing with some coworkers. Then, without provocation, Hill grabbed a sword -- typically used as a prop -- and attacked one of the men, police said.

When two men tried to intervene, Hill attacked them too, police said.

He then left the scene, and eluded police -- until they spotted him Saturday.

Stephen Hill with a sword

News report

What lead up to the standoff

Stephen Clancy Hill, whose professional name is Steve Driver, has been at large since the Tuesday night’s attack at the Ultima DVD production center in Van Nuys.

He is wanted in the slaying of Herbert Wong, 30, of Van Nuys, who was fatally stabbed with a prop sword when he and another person tried to stop Hill from attacking a third person during a small social gathering at the studio.

Two people suffered slashes to the arm and shoulder, police said. Three other people in the studio fled unharmed.

Hill, 34, was charged with one count of murder and five counts of attempted murder, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. The charges carry the special allegation that Hill caused great bodily injury and that he used a deadly weapon, a sword.

Wong, whose identity was released Friday by the county coroner’s office, died of multiple stab wounds.

Eric Jover, who runs Ultima DVD, announced the reward on his company’s website, where he also posted a tribute to Wong, who acted under the name Tom Dong.

Jover credited Wong’s efforts to stop the attack with saving his life and the lives of others.

“His sacrifice will not go unheard,” Jover said. “He will be remembered in the industry as an actor and technical `go-to’ guy who was a valuable resource and friend to all.”

Jover declined to elaborate on the attack, saying he did not want to compromise the investigation.

Wong worked for Ultima for three years as an actor, cinematographer, film editor and webmaster and was his best friend, Jover said. He appeared in at least two films with Hill.

The small company produces niche films featuring fetishes and sexual domination of men.

Hill lived and worked at Ultima’s production facility. He went on a rampage after being told he was losing his job and would have to move out, police said.

Hill was convicted of second-degree assault and a handgun charge in March 1999 in Maryland, according to court records. A state’s attorney spokesman did not return a call seeking details about that case.

'Tom Dong'

Notice the resemblance to Elon Musk lol

Porn actor Stephen Clancy Hill had reason to be tense as he sat inside a Van Nuys production house late on the evening of June 1. He was about to lose his crash pad.

Hill had lived at the porn studio for nearly a year in exchange for performing menial tasks and, occasionally, landing fleeting parts in the “fem-dom” movies it produces. But the owner thought Hill exhibited strange behavior. He wanted the bit-part actor to move out.

Late that evening, Hill found himself alone inside a 900-square-foot room with studio manager Christopher Rachal, whose tasks now included getting the 34-year-old actor to leave. Hill sat on a couch, repeatedly and obsessively watching a battle scene from director Ridley Scott's violent swords-and-religion epic Kingdom of Heaven. He pestered Rachal to join him in watching the DVD.

Rachal didn't want to be sociable. “I was trying to get him out,” he recalls.

Finally, Rachal relented and crossed to the couch. As he neared, Hill “reached behind his back and came up with a machete,” Rachal says. The weapon, a studio prop used in the course of making the company's faux “castration” videos, was a simple aluminum sword manufactured with a dulled blade.

But Hill had somehow managed to sharpen it to a vicious and keen edge. The first blow, a lumberjack's roundhouse, ripped a deep gash into Rachal's left shoulder, which nearly took off his arm. To defend against what would surely be a follow-up strike, Rachal grabbed another studio prop — a hospital bed — and created a barrier between himself and his attacker.

The makeshift berm did little to slow Hill, who began climbing over the bed, amped on adrenaline and anger. “He had a look in his eye like he wanted to kill,” Rachal recalls.

A second swing arced in, and Rachal grabbed the blade with his bare right hand, watching in horror as “it was nearly cut in half. I could see tendons.”

Hearing the commotion, three other men rushed in. Hill was “standing on a piece of furniture, saying, 'I'm going to kill you all,' ” recalls Yuri Drell, a neighbor from a nearby business.

Seeing the bloody sword and Rachal lying seriously injured on the floor, the men tried to calm Hill down. It seemed to be working, until Hill noticed they all had cell phones in hand and were calling 911.

He went wild.

The porn industry is many things. Subtle is not one of them. So when Porn Inc. went searching for a job title for people like Stephen Hill, the choice was “mope.” It's based on the off-camera life of these fringe actors, hangers-on who mope around the studios hoping for a bit role, which if they're lucky might bring them $50 plus food — and the chance to have sex with a real, live woman.

The mope — as a person and as a job — came to rootless, shambling life in 1995, when the porn industry, seeking The Next Big Thing, latched on to the idea of the “extreme.” An enterprising, Svengali-like British expatriate, John Bowen, who went by the name John T. Bone, hit upon the idea of an “extreme mega-gangbang” involving his Trilby, Grace Kwek, a tiny Singaporean with the adopted stage name Annabel Chong.

Shot as The World's Biggest Gang Bang, the concept was bare-bones: Chong would engage in various sex acts with up to 300 men as a camera recorded the action. Of course, finding that many men already in the porn business and willing to work in such a situation could have been potentially difficult, and prohibitively expensive. So the call went out through various sex weeklies and adult magazines for men who thought they had the right stuff for such an endeavor.

In the end, about 70 made it to the shoot and helped Chong perform 251 sex acts (there was an on-set running tally). The movie, which had all the sex appeal of a National Geographic film of frogs spawning in a mud puddle, nevertheless captured the imagination of the porn-buying public and became one of the biggest-selling tapes of its era.

The porn industry took notice, and it wasn't long before numerous copycat productions were being cranked out, each seemingly claiming a bogus world record for either number of participants or sex acts completed. The mope had gained a foothold as a new kind of employee — one who inhabits the dark benthic zone at the bottom of the bottom, a movie-extra subspecies often tinged with maladjustment.

The average rate for a mope is $50 a movie, $75 if the porno gods are feeling benevolent. So financially, mopehood is a losing proposition in an industry where just getting the HIV testing required to work costs $135.

“They're worthless, D-list load-droppers,” says Jim Lane, also known as Jim Powers, the director of such fare as Young and Anal 39, Ganged and Banged and White Trash Whore 40.

Unlike mainstream Hollywood extras, Lane notes, “Mopes don't know they're mopes.” Instead, most cling to a delusion. “They all think they're going to be stars and millionaires.”

Performer Tucker Slain, from Lexington, Ky., exemplifies the mope attitude. His allegiance is to metal music and “big tits.” As he tells it, “I moved to Los Angeles to be a musician, but you can be successful in porn if you have the cock and the look. Rock stars don't get to do this kind of thing anymore. Long gone are the days of Poison.”

Although Slain claims to have once made $500 for a scene, those gigs are rare. But Slain's not ashamed of any lack of recognition. “I have no desire to be a porn star,” he says. “I'm a rock star who does porn, not the reverse.” That he doesn't have a band or a record deal doesn't seem to faze him.

This carefree affectation isn't uncommon among Slain's peers. Jordan Lane, a refugee from Weirton, W.Va., prefers to be called a “midlevel gonzo performer” rather than a mope, although he admits that either term makes him the human equivalent of “a piece of furniture” in the porn business.

“I came to Los Angeles to reinvent myself as a writer and underachiever,” Lane says. “I can bottom-feed with the best of them.” And, so far, he says, porn affords him a living. “You don't have to work hard, but you have to save hard,” he says with a kind of poignant bravado.

Mark Kulkis, the head of Kick-Ass Pictures, a company that specializes in specific niche porn such as foot-fetish and gangbang material, says, “We pay $50 for a foot job. And we shoot one a week for the site. There are only so many of those gigs to go around. These guys are hanging on the edge economically.”

Pornography producer-director Mike Ramone agrees and offers an explanation for why some men seek out mope work. “They're probably sex addicts,” he shrugs.

Ambitious mopes who hope to break out of their niche sometimes come up with gimmicks and catchphrases in a misguided bid to establish an identity and stand out from the pack.

Hill, whose screen name was Steve Driver, used to say his signature was “monster hands.” According to set photographer Gia Jordan, Hill “would wear these hands, like, from a Halloween costume. That was his shtick. He'd jack off on the girl with the hands and when he'd come he'd yell, 'Monster hands!' It was ridiculous.”

Alana Evans, one of Hill's co-stars in the porn spoof Palin: Erection 2008, says that Hill — despite having a featured role as Barack Obama in the movie — was unlikely to be a breakout star.

“He was one of the new type of guys,” Evans says. “He wasn't strong or dominant. He was scared. He struggled in his scenes. I knew he'd never be the next Lexington Steele. He'd rarely talk to the women. He was, like, a total nerd.”

Hill was the youngest of four sons born to a black mother and a white father, a software developer who worked on the Space Shuttle launch-control system at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Stephen Hill lived with the family until his parents split up. The boy moved to Washington, D.C., and then Maryland with his mother but spent part of every summer in Florida with his father.

The move to D.C. was traumatic for the younger Hill, recalls his father, David Hill, now 68 and retired. “His mother obtained housing in a poor, all-black area,” he says. “Stephen was severely mocked at his inner-city school because of his light skin and slight build but mainly because of the fact that he spoke standard English.”

To counter the bullying, Hill was enrolled in a martial arts class, where, his father says, “He developed a strong attachment to Japanese culture that remained with him his entire life.”

During his junior year in high school, Hill went to stay with his father in Florida. There, he showed an interest in becoming an Air Force pilot and joined the Junior ROTC program. Under the influence of the ROTC, Hill “developed an interest in guns and started talking like a young conservative,” his father says.

The elder Hill also noticed bizarre personality traits starting to emerge. “He refused to wear his glasses, believing he could use willpower to improve his vision,” David Hill says.

After requiring metal plates and surgery to repair an arm broken during a basketball game, Hill stated a desire to return to Maryland and enter the University of Maryland specifically for its Air Force ROTC program. “I did not discourage him,” David Hill says. “But because of his eyesight and the metal plates in his arm, I felt it was unlikely he would be accepted for pilot training.”

At the university, Hill was overwhelmed by his classes and did poorly, his father recalls. His main interest was ROTC, through which he had begun to take flight instruction. “Even in that he did not do well,” David Hill says. And at the end of his sophomore year, Hill was rejected for officer training with the ROTC.

In 1998, his final year at the university, Hill found himself in serious trouble when, after he asked for extra time to finish a paper for his Math 111 class, his request was refused by the instructor, a graduate student. Hill lost his temper and mentioned that he had a gun. According to The Washington Post, he asked the instructor, “What's more important to you, giving me an A or your life?”

Hill's threat was reported to the administration, and he was picked up by campus police. Before his trial, he underwent a psychological evaluation and was diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder. At his trial, he admitted threatening his instructor, but claimed he did so only after the instructor solicited oral sex from him, a claim the instructor denied.

David Hill says his son was convicted on charges of firearms possession on campus and was sentenced to house arrest. During this time — he served eight months — Hill became obsessed with pornography, his father says. “Stephen ended up spending all his time viewing pornographic movies, which he had mail-ordered over the Internet. He ran his credit cards up to over $20,000.”

After completing his sentence, Hill worked for a time in the mortgage-title industry, but, his father notes, “His police record and bad credit caused him to lose jobs.”

Needing a fresh start, Hill asked his father for help. In December 2006, Hill moved to Los Angeles. “We set him up in an apartment in the San Fernando Valley,” his father says. Hill tried working for another title company, but his father says he soon was laid off and decided to try his hand at acting.

Soon his father started to receive startling mail from his son. “He started sending us pictures of his 'girlfriends' in sexually explicit poses,” says an incredulous David Hill.

Stephen Hill's sister-in-law later told the elder Hill, “Everyone knew Stephen had only moved to L.A. to become a porn star.”

David Hill says he and his new wife met one of the women on a trip to L.A. in 2007. “She was a stripper and dressed the part. My wife and I were deeply embarrassed, as was the girl, when we took them to a fine restaurant. Stephen was oblivious, though, and acted quite proud of her.”

Shortly after arriving in Los Angeles, Stephen Hill met and befriended another mope when the two of them worked on a gangbang scene. His name was Herbert Wong, and he went by the porno-ridiculous name of Tom Dong.

Wong, 30, never really had a gimmick — unless it was being an Asian man, still something of a rarity in porn.

Wong was a mystery to his colleagues and employers. A Chinese immigrant, he was raised in the San Gabriel Valley and reportedly attended the University of California, Riverside. His skill with computers and cameras seemed to indicate a background in IT, but he kept his past to himself.

Raven, the single-named director and production manager for Glendale-based Kick-Ass Pictures, says Wong had held a regular job, “a computer tech, I think. I don't know where. He didn't talk about it much.” At one point, Wong maintained a home in Canoga Park, Raven says. “He lived for a while in the Bella Vista Apartments on DeSoto off the 101 — the porno apartments.”

Wong eventually got a shot at the brass ring; at least, it was a shot in the mind of a mope. The son of a well-known '80s action-film star produced a big-budget porn epic that featured Wong — as Tom Dong, of course. It was reportedly shot for $50,000, a spectacular budget in the increasingly stingy porn world, and Wong was humiliated, abused and constantly told by his director to “chink it up” for the camera.

Wong, hoping for his chance, did as he was told … and the film has yet to be released. Its existence is still mainly just a whispered rumor.

As his friendship with Hill grew, Wong often relied on him for transportation, and Wong managed to secure gangbang screen work for Hill. It wasn't long before they were being regarded as something of a package deal. “They were the Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan of porn,” Raven recalls.

But they never caught on. Hill and Wong remained mired in porn's lower depths, which is where they were stuck when they were taken in by Eric Jover, 31, owner of Ultima DVD, the studio where the attack occurred. Jover, who met Hill through Wong, hired them both in 2009, paying them with pocket money and room and board.

“Tom was a good performer and he recommended Steve, so I took him on,” Jover says.

But over time, the working arrangement began to fray. Jover blamed it on Hill's “true self” becoming apparent.

“He was notorious for owing people a lot of money,” Jover says. “He owed a buddy of mine quite a bit of money and he'd been dodging the guy for a while. There was one time when my friend — the guy he owed money to — visited the studio and Steve thought he was trying to sabotage him. Out of nowhere, Steve just ran into the room and punched the guy in the face. Tom and I had to hold Steve back. I had to try to talk to my friend to not call the cops.”

Hill's apparent learning disability also may have presented a stumbling block. “I had him updating some of our Web pages, creating galleries for us,” Jover says. “Everything he did had to be reworked.”

Hill's greatest failing, and one that was absolutely detrimental in his line of work, was a lack of personal cleanliness.

Female porn actor Charley Chase recalls, “I only worked with him once. It was a boy-girl scene and it was terrible. Mainly from bad hygiene.” Chase pauses for a moment before trying to put a chirpy spin on things: “But he was really polite.”

Chase's friend and fellow porn actress Cece Stone says Hill once gave her a ride to a shoot. “He picked me up because I didn't have a car. I got in and the whole inside smelled like body odor. We were about a mile away from where he picked me up, and I just got out at the next light and walked off.”

Jover tried to remedy the situation by installing a shower in the studio. “It had hot water, cold water. We just couldn't get the funk out. Everyone that worked with him on camera was uncomfortable. He was dead weight.”

Finally, Jover asked Hill to leave. “I gave him two weeks' notice and I also gave him some money so he could find a place,” Jover says.

But Hill wasn't ready to leave.

“I asked him to call his parents or an old roommate or something,” Jover recalls. “I gave him two more weeks and those two weeks passed. Three days before the incident I said, 'You're going to have to leave or I'm going to have the police come and escort you out.' ”

Hill's life was disintegrating. Several weeks before the attacks, he was involved in a disturbing incident on the campus of California State University, Northridge, which eerily echoed the 1998 threat at the University of Maryland.

Detective Joel Price of the Los Angeles Police Department's West Valley Division says Hill was on campus but not a student. “His father became concerned for the safety of those on the campus and ended up calling LAPD and said his son was making crazy statements about killing people,” Price says.

David Hill explains, “I received an alarming e-mail from Stephen in which he threatened suicide, saying if he was going, he would be taking a lot of people with him. I notified the police immediately and they shortly picked him up at the Northridge campus, where he often pretended to be a student to use the computers in the library.”

When police found Hill, he had swords in his vehicle. Price says of the Northridge incident, “He didn't harm anyone, but he was locked up for 72 hours for a mental evaluation.”

Price also notes that, even after being turned in by his father, Hill stayed in contact with him. “When he last spoke to his father,” Price says, “it was in an e-mail exchange several weeks before the incident in regards to his 34th birthday.”

David Hill says of the e-mail conversation with his son, “I offhandedly remarked that I was 34 when he was born. This must have depressed him a bit, since he replied indicating that he felt bad about not having a wife and family of his own.

“A few days later, I got a call from my brother saying he had seen a news report about a porn actor who attacked his fellow workers with a Japanese sword. He hoped it wasn't Stephen, but I knew it must be.”

Moments after Hill attacked that June night, Jover, Wong and businessman Drell raced to the room to try to calm the situation as Rachal lay bleeding on the floor. Seeing the men dialing 911, Hill lunged at them.

The men turned and ran. There was a pileup at the door. Jover and Drell made it out first, bolting from the room untouched and racing outside the building. Drell recalls he was “three feet out” of the building when he heard “Tom being butchered. It was a high-pitched squeal.”

Drell ran back in to confront Hill. He saw Wong on the floor. “Tom was bleeding everywhere. He was cut at the waist and his elbow was cut to the bone. He was turning purple.”

Hill began swinging the weapon at Drell. “I have martial arts training, and that kicked in,” Drell says. “I stepped into him and he hit the wall.”

Still, Hill managed to inflict on Drell's shoulder a wound that took 23 stitches to close.

Jover was next. Hill pursued him outside on foot for about 20 yards before he jumped into his blue RAV4 and attempted to run Jover down. Jover eluded him. Hill sped off into the night.

Police soon arrived. Wong was taken to a hospital, where he died of internal injuries and loss of blood.

Police began searching for Hill. “We don't know where he went,” Detective Price recalls. “He could have spent those days hiding out around Chatsworth Park. We were somewhat surprised that he stayed around here locally.”

Three days after the attacks, as local news organizations gave descriptions of Hill and his 1998 blue Toyota RAV4, a witness spotted the car in the 8800 block of Azul Drive in West Hills and notified authorities.

Hill was hiding on the property of a nearby home when police set up a barricade and made contact with him.

Hill ran, but not far. The property where he was hiding ends at a cliff just outside the Chatsworth Nature Preserve. Hill had a samurai blade with him, one of several swords he kept in his car. He held the weapon against his chest, threatening to stab himself or fall on the blade.

Police settled in and tried to reason with him, tossing him bottled water several times during the day. For nearly eight hours, he held the LAPD SWAT team at bay.

With dusk approaching and crisis negotiators making no progress with Hill, the SWAT unit decided to wrap things up by using what the LAPD would later describe as a “less-than-lethal weapon.”

As police moved in to employ tasers and bean-bag projectiles, Hill turned his back to them and seated himself on the cliff's edge, still holding on to his sword. With conscious effort, he pushed himself off the bluff.

He plunged 30 feet to a rocky outcropping, where the crash raised a huge dust cloud that slowly rose upward. Hill then cartwheeled another 20 feet in a grotesque free fall, having lost his sword on first impact. He came to a stop in another cartoonishly expanding billow of dust. He was dead.

The attacks and subsequent suicide were big talk in the gossip-loving porn world, but Porn Valley quickly went back to business as usual. There were bigger concerns: falling DVD sales, Internet piracy and a brief industrywide production shutdown after a male performer was found to have contracted HIV.

Director Mike Ramone attempted to capitalize on the crime's brief notoriety by quickly putting out a compilation DVD featuring both Hill and Wong. It had the provocative title Porno Samurai Killer. The cover art showed Hill and Wong wearing masks — a Ronald Reagan one for Hill and fetishistic leather blinders for Wong. Both men looked puffy and doughy. Though not a hit, the DVD did give the two dead men a measure of stardom they never achieved as mopes.

David Hill says of the events, “We found the live coverage on television and the Internet and watched in horror. After many hours we got a call that Stephen was injured but in police custody, and then a final call that he had died.

“We went down to L.A. to arrange a funeral,” his father says. “We invited some of his friends in the industry whose names we found on his MySpace page, but none of them showed up.”

The men turned and ran. There was a pileup at the door. Jover and Drell made it out first, bolting from the room untouched and racing outside the building. Drell recalls he was “three feet out” of the building when he heard “Tom being butchered. It was a high-pitched squeal.”

Drell ran back in to confront Hill. He saw Wong on the floor. “Tom was bleeding everywhere. He was cut at the waist and his elbow was cut to the bone. He was turning purple.”

Hill began swinging the weapon at Drell. “I have martial arts training, and that kicked in,” Drell says. “I stepped into him and he hit the wall.”

Still, Hill managed to inflict on Drell's shoulder a wound that took 23 stitches to close.

Jover was next. Hill pursued him outside on foot for about 20 yards before he jumped into his blue RAV4 and attempted to run Jover down. Jover eluded him. Hill sped off into the night.

Police soon arrived. Wong was taken to a hospital, where he died of internal injuries and loss of blood.

Police began searching for Hill. “We don't know where he went,” Detective Price recalls. “He could have spent those days hiding out around Chatsworth Park. We were somewhat surprised that he stayed around here locally.”

Three days after the attacks, as local news organizations gave descriptions of Hill and his 1998 blue Toyota RAV4, a witness spotted the car in the 8800 block of Azul Drive in West Hills and notified authorities.

Hill was hiding on the property of a nearby home when police set up a barricade and made contact with him.

Hill ran, but not far. The property where he was hiding ends at a cliff just outside the Chatsworth Nature Preserve. Hill had a samurai blade with him, one of several swords he kept in his car. He held the weapon against his chest, threatening to stab himself or fall on the blade.

Police settled in and tried to reason with him, tossing him bottled water several times during the day. For nearly eight hours, he held the LAPD SWAT team at bay.

With dusk approaching and crisis negotiators making no progress with Hill, the SWAT unit decided to wrap things up by using what the LAPD would later describe as a “less-than-lethal weapon.”

As police moved in to employ tasers and bean-bag projectiles, Hill turned his back to them and seated himself on the cliff's edge, still holding on to his sword. With conscious effort, he pushed himself off the bluff.

He plunged 30 feet to a rocky outcropping, where the crash raised a huge dust cloud that slowly rose upward. Hill then cartwheeled another 20 feet in a grotesque free fall, having lost his sword on first impact. He came to a stop in another cartoonishly expanding billow of dust. He was dead.

The attacks and subsequent suicide were big talk in the gossip-loving porn world, but Porn Valley quickly went back to business as usual. There were bigger concerns: falling DVD sales, Internet piracy and a brief industrywide production shutdown after a male performer was found to have contracted HIV.

Director Mike Ramone attempted to capitalize on the crime's brief notoriety by quickly putting out a compilation DVD featuring both Hill and Wong. It had the provocative title Porno Samurai Killer. The cover art showed Hill and Wong wearing masks — a Ronald Reagan one for Hill and fetishistic leather blinders for Wong. Both men looked puffy and doughy. Though not a hit, the DVD did give the two dead men a measure of stardom they never achieved as mopes.

David Hill says of the events, “We found the live coverage on television and the Internet and watched in horror. After many hours we got a call that Stephen was injured but in police custody, and then a final call that he had died.

“We went down to L.A. to arrange a funeral,” his father says. “We invited some of his friends in the industry whose names we found on his MySpace page, but none of them showed up.”

A movie was made about this called 'Mope' staring David Arquette which I'm sure is just as stupid as one would expect... here's the trailer


Korean girl jumps to her death on Instagram Live

Kangnam, Seoul 16th April 2023

Tags: livestream


I saw it available for download as a mega link on a 4plebs thread. It was most likely just downloaded from the channel itself.


-> GUNSHOT AT 6:01 <-

-> MOM WALKS IN AT 7:05 <-

-> POLICE ENTER AT 16:00 <-


The note he pushed under the door said something along the lines of 'I am dead, do not let the kids see my body. Goodbye.' and the note he held up read 'BYE /R9K/ 3/14/18'

Shuaib Aslam was a resident of Stockton, California, USA. He killed himself on March 14, 2018 at around 3 pm. He was 18 years old at the time. He had owned two shotguns however he chose the KSG-12 to shoot himself. He was in a discord call at the time with 4 friends and he lived with his Mom (49 years old in 2018), Dad (56), Sister (17) and baby sister (6).

he had many accounts, here's a list with the links:








here is the original link to the livestream in which he killed himself:

a tribute post made by his family after his death:

subreddit about him:

he also had a Google+ account but he didn't post anything

fun facts:

you might have seen that he had a MyAnimeList account, he was a very big weeaboo and liked to talk about anime with his friends on /r9k/ (his go-to 4Chan board) and Discord.

on Discord he went under the name "Deadbot" with this profile picture:

he was also a NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) which means he didn't want to go to school and didn't want to work (one of the reasons why he killed himself)

some pictures of Shuaiby Aslam without his mask posted to FaceBook:

he also considered himself an incel and praised Elliot Rodger, even going as far as to say "he died for our sins", and quoting his manifesto in chat with other people:

he was also known for wanting to shoot up his school and for his homicidal thoughts:

and he even wrote a fan-fiction about shooting up his school and killing his classmates:

more pictures of his KSG shotgun:



OCTOBER 31, 1999 -- MARCH 14, 2018

Credit to: @shootergirl for the info.

(Classic Video) Paris Lane Suicide With Pistol


The young man, Paris Lane, 22, of Harlem, used a 9-millimeter handgun to kill himself on March 16 in a lobby at the Morris Houses project in the Bronx, where he had been visiting his girlfriend.

Mr. Lane and his girlfriend standing near an open elevator door. She pulls her hands across her face as if wiping away tears and kisses him briefly, then they hug for a long moment, until she gently pulls away and steps into the elevator.

Mr. Lane waits for the elevator door to close, stares at it for a second, then pulls out the gun, puts it in his mouth and fires once, falling to the ground.

Bronx, USA




On April 24th, 2017, Colleen took to Facebook to say her final goodbyes before she decided to take her own life using an AR15. Moments before her suicide, the police arrived in time to attempt to change her mind.

For more than ten minutes, the police, in pure urgency for the matter at hand, struggle to save Colleen. During the encounter between both parties, Colleen expresses that she has been an inadequate mother to her amazing daughters. As the cops say to her: "let me help you", Colleens responds with, "There is not help dude, I suck at life". She also says the following throughout the interaction about herself as a mother to her daughters:

"Ok. Ok. Ok. Let's talk about how I am a piece of shit of a fucking person dude and I don't fucking deserve the wonderful children I have in life... They're fucking Angels and I am a piece of shit... One of my kids is fucked up in the head because I am such a shitty mother...Clearly I can't take care of her at fucking at all because I suck at life. You don't fucking know me so who are you to judge... Get the fuck away from me man."

They also have an interaction regarding the use of guns. The cop tries to get her to put the gun down, and fails when Colleen says that it's going to be either one or two people she would take with them. She says. "I am not threatening you with my gun, I am only threatening me with my gun. If I point my at you would you point yours at me?" The cop then answers: "Nobody wants that". She then says:

"My kids are better off without me... Everyone is better off without me I am piece of shit and I am a fucking loser... Everybody's better off without me I suck at life I am a piece of shit and I deserve everything that's going to happen to me."

In the final moments, Colleen raises the gun after she tells the negotiator police man about her other daughter some more - reflecting upon her. She then raises her gun and the cop tries to stop her, but then it was too late.

Her twitter account:







Dude leaning out of train smashed repeatedly against fence

Idiot. Videos like these is why we should have a Darwin Award flair on this websitd.

Skip to 1:07 if you want to watch the bonehead get smashed against the fence.

***Warning: Child*** compilation of various types of suicide

Edition by: @GrimReaper

Music by: @GrimReaper

I had a little problem with the bass (it's always him 🙄), so I decided to "fix" the bass on my cell phone instead of waiting 15 minutes to open the project again in FL Studio.

Hope you like it 🖤

Another suicide compilation

Reported by:
  • DicksForAfrica : Often reposted. She survived. There's vids of her in hospital

Dude Shoots Himself In A Shooting Range

Man shoots himself at the same time Bend police open fire on him (multiple POVs) - March 20, 2024

Original video:

Bend, Oregon, United States

A Bend Police officer was justified in using deadly force to shoot an armed 18-year-old Bend man who at the same moment used his own gun to take his life during a March 20 encounter after a crash on the Bend Parkway, Deschutes County District Attorney Steve Gunnels concluded Friday.

Gunnels issued a 12-page report on the use of deadly force that laid out the sequence of events that night and concluded that while Bend Police Officer Wesley Murphy “acted lawfully in self-defense and defense of others” when he shot Gabriel Platz, the young man “died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.”

In the conclusion of his report, Gunnels wrote, “Officer Murphy's use of deadly force was reasonable to defend Officer (Cody) Lyter and to defend bystanders from Mr. Platz's firearm as it was being grabbed, manipulated and brought up into a shooting position (all despite multiple warnings to not grab the gun and to drop it) prior to Mr. Platz shooting himself,” Gunnels wrote in the conclusion of his report.

“Officer Murphy would have been legally justified in shooting Mr. Platz from the time it became clear Mr. Platz had grabbed the gun from the floorboard of the vehicle after having been told multiple times not to do so,” the DA said.

While Lyter also “would have been justified” in shooting Platz for the same reason, he instead “reached into the vehicle to close distance and to take the gun away or prevent it from being used,” Gunnels wrote. “That act required a great deal of courage, and it is extraordinarily fortunate that Officer Lyter was not struck by any of the three rounds fired during this incident.”

A Bend Parkway motorist reported the crash on the northbound parkway at 8:17 p.m. on March 20, involving a Lincoln Towncar that was estimated to have topped speeds of 90 mph, passing vehicles on the shoulder, Gunnels wrote. The witness said the driver smelled of alcohol and took his keys away.

Officers arrived on the scene and saw the driver still inside, also spotting a handgun on the car's floorboard. He ignored repeated direction not to reach for it and the officer-involved shooting ensued, with Platz sustaining a fatal self-inflicted gunshot wound as he “was simultaneously shot by police,” an incident captured on both officers' body-warn cameras.

Gunnels told us Friday, "Mr. Platz went to kind of a great effort to grab the firearm off of the floorboard of his car. to bring it up to rack the slide on the handgun, which makes it a deadly weapon at that point, and brought it up to his head."

The DA's report says at various points that the shots were fired "virtually" or "nearly" simultaneously. Asked about that, Gunnels told NewsChannel 21 Friday: "I believe the officer's first shot was simultaneous with Mr. Platz's shot. I've reviewed the footage many, many times, and it is impossible for me to hear or see a time difference, even when watching in very slow motion with sound."

The report said that Lyter only drew his gun after the three shots were fired and as he moved away from the car.

In his conclusion, Gunnels stated, “Hindsight allows us to recognize that Mr. Platz acted with an intent to end his own life, but the officers who were charged with protecting the public at that moment did not have the benefit of hindsight.'

“They had a duty to act within seconds to end the threat that they reasonably perceived, and they did so,” the DA wrote. "They did not have the ability to wait and see what would happen.”

“These events represent a tragedy for those affected by them, including Gabriel Platz and his family,” he concluded. “The involved officers carry the emotional burden of these events, as well as do witnesses.”

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