
on Facebook, most people are stingy to give links to videos, so I'm here to ask for videos and context, if this forum has already posted videos, you can put the link in the comment, thanks :3

Photos/video of imploded sub

Anyone have videos or photos of the sub that imploded..😍🦈🦈 fresh shark food


Very important request

(Sorry if I'm being illiterate English isn't my first language)

Hey i was hoping if any of you guys could help me find a video. It was actually the first gore video I've ever watched and it means alot to me ive been meaning to do this post for a while but Here's what i can remember.

The video had a man he was black and im pretty sure he was Jamaican. He was crawling through the streets and I think his legs/body was tangled in barbed wires because he tried to climb someones fence and failed miserably. There was alot of people yelling and shouting and then everyone just started throwing straight up concrete blocks on this guys head it was BRUTAL he was screaming and crawling in absolute agony the entire time. Ngl this one traumatized me alot and I've been pretty scared to watch it again even to this day. Anyway i hope someone on here can find it for me please. I need to face this fear

Ecuador gang rival dismemberment

The video I'm searching for is a short video of a man who was part of a gang in Ecuador and was kidnapped, interrogated and dismembered by a rival gang, the video was originally posted to TikTok apparently, with a Spanish song in the background

in the video, you first see the man sitting on a bucket while being interrogated and then his dismembered limbs, of which is a calf with a gang tattoo on it

I'd appreciate if anyone could find it, thanks!

Video and/or images taken down in my area (CW - story in post)

There's a horror story going on in my state. It involves a traumatic childbirth. CW from here on...

It all started with mom going through 9 hours of difficult labor. It has been reported that the doctor delivering the baby denied mother's request for a c-section and was using excessive force to pull from the birth canal. When the doc finally conceded and proceeded with surgical intervention, the baby's BODY was delivered via c-section, but the HEAD was delivered vaginally. The baby had been decapitated in the birth canal. The doc informed parents that baby was deceased and propped the head on the tightly wrapped body. I don't think parents were permitted to hold the child because they had no idea the head was not attached. The funeral home was the one to blow the whistle. But, the drama continues.......

The parents decided to have an independent autopsy done to assist in their legal case against the delivery doctor, and then they found out that THAT doctor shared a video of the autopsy on his social now the parents are suing him, too.

All related images and videos are definitely not available in my area, but I thought someone from a different country might have more luck.

Tragic story, but I wanna see 💀

The players in this drama are as follows:

  • Dr Tracy St Julian - OB responsible for botched delivery

  • Jessica Ross and Treveon Isaiah Taylor, Sr - parents

  • Dr Jackson Gates - pathologist who performed/shared autopsy

Happened in the state of Georgia, USA

Happy hunting and TIA! :marseythanks:

Lost media?

Hello everyone here, I just found this (my friend sent me this). Does anyone have the full video? My friend who sent it told me it's lost media, not sure if any of you guys here have the video.

Edit of him (not mine):


does anyone have the full video, i have part 1 but im looking for the full vide ik it was leaked some time ago.

Anyone got the full video?

idk if the original is gore or not tho

Any videos of cops being killed ?

Any kind of dead cops please


his nose was bleeding really fuckin bad and he started drowning in the blood puddle and it was the first ever video i could smell, like the video smelled like iron. it was in like a tunnel/alleyway kind of thing but if uve seen the video u already know what i'm talking about

Lacey Fletcher Uncensored Photos

Does anyone have a link or photos of Lacey Fletcher fused to her parents couch uncensored or on the autoposy table? I recently watched her more on her case and saw there are photos that, while blurred in many news sights, are likely floating around out there uncensored

looking for a video

my bro is making me look for this video of 2-3 people in a white sleeveles that torment a girl and in the start of the video they injected smth in the girls body and on the middle part of the video thet cut open her ribs and starts eating her flesh (he said her race is lyk japanese or smth and the video came out in somewhere in 2000s and the girl is laying down in a bed. of and this is not the issei sagawa case btw)


Found these photos a while back and they seem to depict an asian male getting dissected and having his bodyparts and organs catalogued by another male who is recording himself naked while dissecting and dismembering the body. Any information on this incident and whether there is/are videos or more photos from this incident?


i dont know anything..hard to find this one

Pranks gone VERY wrong?

Gotta love when it really goes too far for a "prankster" lol

CHILD WARNING Suicide vid request

Anyone got that vid of a mom committing suicide in front of her young daughter? Devastating video. I saw it once and my mind needs closure

Is there a video of an actual game Russian roulette

Iv look through this website and others, but the only ones i can find are shooting hands feet or other things, or just shooting someone els or themselfs, is there a video of and an actual game of rusian roulette? :marseygunshotsuicide:


looked like it was happening outside of a corner store or something


No idea if i've seen it before, but sounds familiar. The photo is all i was able to gather about the original video.

Looking for real cpr videos

In search of real cpr video preferably on woman


I lost the video while searching but it was like a bomber looked more of a spy or something talking to another person on the pavement. The background was like a park or something but it was public with tons of people crossing by while they were talking. Then the explosion happened and basically left everyone lost with limbs. It felt more of a shock gore vid but it was a cctv type of footage. Idk how or where it is now but any help would be appreciated


I know about the recent case where a man shot 2 of them, but I've never seen a video of them being hit by a car. Anyone knows such an video?

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