

Request :bushnelltantrum:

im pretty sure its a completion of right wingers going to up people and shooting them, i saw the clips in an edit i no longer have. in the video they where casually going up to people and shooting them with a pistol that was shooting sparks (bc the gun was probably not in good condition) and its like at night time or right before night time the camera quality sucks and i think it was snowing and it was in a European country maybe Russia idk

edit: i found the edit, its not at night time more like evening

no hate btw


Searching for videos like buffalo shooting or New Zealand Mesquite recorded by the killer

pretty sure its on here
request pls :blowjobface:

its a cctv footage of a shooting, the shooter had all black gear and a short sleeve shirt im pretty sure also they had a Benelli shotgun i have no idea what the shooting was called either

Looking for a video :marseybrain:

Will some one link the video of the dude eating monkey brains? Please im helpless.(fibromyalgia)

CHILD WARNING Got scammed on Facebook tryna watch this video can someone link it?
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