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A heartfelt plea to the OC uploaders of h/selfharm, from management

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Internet Serial Killer - John Edwart Robinson

•John Edward Robinson grew up in a middle-class American family in Illinois. He had four siblings with whom he maintained close contact. John attended a private Catholic school where he studied to become a priest. John's father was a drunk and his mother was definitely the dominant person in the marriage. His childhood wasn't perfect, but whose was it?

(family photo, robinson holding tiffany on his lap)

Fraud and theft were present in John's life from his youth. He was arrested countless times for fraud, forging documents, embezzlement and theft. Eventually, John began opening various businesses and getting involved with various shady charities. Despite his constant need to commit white-collar crimes, John cared deeply about what his society thought of him; he wanted to be loved. The killer taught Sunday school at his local Presbyterian church, became a football coach, and did everything he could to command public respect and trust!

Then, in order to gain even more authority and better deceive people, John fraudulently managed to obtain the title of Person of the Year! He forged a lot of documents and letters from important people confirming how important and competent he was. The Person of the Year award was presented to him by a famous politician and it was a great thing.

( young robinson )

When John wasn't killing or defrauding people, he spent time with his wife and their four children. The family lived in a beautiful area. John's wife, Nancy Jo, knew her husband was unfaithful. She knew about the existence of one woman - as it later turned out - the victim. However, the wife claimed that she was convinced that they were simply having an affair. When women began to go missing in the 1980s, several of them were easily linked to John. The victims were primarily troubled young women whom John claimed he was trying to help.

( Robinson with wife )

In January 1985, Lisa Stasi was just 19 years old and living in a women's shelter with her 4-month-old daughter, Tiffany Lynn. Lisa was really happy when she was accepted into a program to help troubled young mothers; this program included accommodation and free childcare, which meant she could devote her time to earning the money she needed to continue her education. It was Lisa's dream come true, the answer to her prayers.

( photo of Lisa )

A man who identified himself as John Osborne picked up Lisa from her in-laws' house; that same evening, a panicked Lisa called her mother-in-law, Betty Stasi, from her hotel room. John Osborne told the young mother that Betty had accused her of being unfit for work and that Betty was trying to deprive her of custody of Tiffany. John tried to get Lisa to sign some blank pieces of paper. Betty had no idea what Lisa was talking about, she cared about her granddaughter's mother and had no intention of causing any problems for her. After a while, a trembling Lisa shouted into the receiver "they are going back to the room" and the call was disconnected. This was the last time the relatives heard Lisa's voice.

The next morning, when Betty called the hotel, she was informed that Lisa had already checked out. Letters signed by the young woman were soon sent to her in-laws' house. The letters said that Lisa was doing very well, that she had met a man and was planning to start a new life with him and her child. To those who knew Lisa, this was ridiculous; although the letters were undoubtedly signed by the teenager, they did not sound as if she had written them.

( barrels with victims' bodies )

A man who identified himself as Father Martin from the relief program contacted Lisa's mother-in-law by phone. During the conversation, he supported what was written in the letters; a young woman has gone away with a man named Bill and plans to start a new life with him. The woman reported it to the police and when the police contacted the organizers of this program, it turned out that they did not cooperate with any Father Martin. Police checked who had rented the hotel room on the night of Lisa's disappearance and found it was John Robinson - not John Osborne, but there was no evidence of any crime.

(robinson's photo )

There have been other cases of young women missing that were similar to Lisa's disappearance. Many young women accepted offers of secretarial work or were hired to care for John's elderly father; each of them disappeared from the face of the earth. The only thing left of them were their signatures on various documents. Some of these women were not even reported missing, their families really believed that they were earning big money somewhere in Europe and had started a new, wonderful life. If the family suspected anything, John would say that the woman had run off with a man - usually the man's name was Bill. There was no evidence that anything bad had happened. By the way, the women were already adults and had the right to change their place of residence without informing anyone.

( barrels with the bodies of the victims )

As soon as the Internet appeared, John quickly discovered that he could use this tool to deepen his interests. He initially joined the BDSM community. It made our killer's life so much easier. He no longer had to scour classified ads, use aid programs, or search hospitals to find troubled young women - now his victims were waiting for him on the other end of the line! He chose the nickname "Slavemaster". He addressed those women who received benefits such as disability pensions, social welfare benefits or alimony benefits. John promised the girl wealth if she agreed to come to work as a sex slave. It was truly surprising how many women were willing to agree to this, considering they didn't know him.

John flew his victim to Kansas and, using false identities, placed the women in a hotel room or took them to one of his many rental apartments. John persuaded these women to sign numerous documents; he insisted they wouldn't have time to do it while traveling in countries like China, so it made sense to do it now. After receiving the signatures, John would rape the victim, often beat him to death, usually with a hammer, and place his remains in an 88-gallon drum. These barrels were then stored on the farm or in one of John's 2 warehouses.

Our killer made sure he had access to the victim's monthly checks, which were promptly cashed. This, combined with letters sent to the victims' families, made investigators aware that no crime had occurred.

In 1993, 49-year-old Beverly Bonner became one of John's victims. Beverly was a prison librarian whom John met and seduced while serving his prison sentence. After learning that Beverly was receiving $1,000 monthly child support checks, he murdered her and took her benefits for years.

In 1994, John raped and murdered Sheila Faith and her disabled 15-year-old daughter, Debbie Faith. Young Debbie was born with a spinal cord disease and used a wheelchair. John collected their benefits.

Finally, in 2000, he killed 28-year-old Suzette Trouten; this murder led to his downfall. John met Suzette through an online bdsm community. Suzette excitedly explained to her mother that she was going to work as a nurse's aide for former CEO John Robinson, who needed help caring for his elderly father. As you can guess, she omitted the part of the contract according to which she was to become a sex slave. But Suzette was different from the other victims, she was close to her mother, Carolyn. When Mom didn't hear anything from Suzette, she started to worry. Carolyn then called John Robinson.

John told his standard story about Suzette running off with a man, but Carolyn didn't believe it. There was no way Suzette would go more than a day or two without contacting her mother. When she received the letters signed by her daughter, Carolyn took one look at them and handed them over to the police. She instinctively knew that something bad had happened to Suzette. There was no way Suzette would leave quietly without telling anyone. It wasn't like her.

( instruments of crime and torture )

Investigators decided to follow John; they followed him around town, renting hotel rooms right next to the ones John had rented. Eventually, several women came forward to report assault, sexual assault and theft. The police finally had a reason to arrest John. The arrest was made on June 2, 2000, and a search of his property began.

In one of his warehouses in Raymore, Missouri, investigators found personal items belonging to many of the victims: birth certificates, Social Security cards, credit cards, driver's licenses. There were also pornographic photos and videos of some of the victims. In another large warehouse they discovered 3 bodies in barrels. They found several other bodies on a quiet ranch in La Cygne, Kansas. Because some of these victims were not reported missing, 3 women were initially marked as Jane Doe.

( photos of victims )

One of the most interesting aspects of this case was finding out what exactly happened to his victim Lisa's daughter, Tiffany Lynn. Lisa became his target because of her child. John contacted charities, hospitals, aid programs, and anyone else he could ask for the names of struggling young mothers.

As it later turned out, John's older brother and sister-in-law, Don and Helen Robinson of Hammond, Indiana, were infertile. John killed Lisa, then forged her daughter's birth certificate and adoption papers. John extorted $5,500.00 from his brother for the alleged adoption fee.

The new parents were informed that the child's mother had committed suicide, leaving the infant in an orphanage. Don and Helen had no idea that the adoption was not legal. They too fell victim to a fraudster. Tiffany's name was changed to Heather Robinson and she was raised as John's niece until the truth came to light 15 years later. Fortunately, the home she was placed in was a good one; The Robinsons truly loved Heather and worked hard to give her a good life. After Heather discovered her true identity, she absolutely refused to leave the Robinson family. Heather reconnected with her biological father, Carl, but decided to stay with the parents she knew and loved.

( robinson at the court hearing )

In October 2002, John was charged with three murders in Kansas: 19-year-old Lisa Stasi, who was killed in 1985, 21-year-old Polish immigrant Izabela Lewicka, who was murdered in 1995, and 28-year-old Suzette Trouten, who life in 2000.

John was found guilty the following January and sentenced to death. The state of Missouri then prosecuted John for several murders he committed within the state. This time he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to life in prison.

Robinson was convicted of 8 murders, but the actual number of his victims remains unknown. Here is a chronological summary of the victims identified so far: 1984: Paula Godfrey (19);

body not found

1985: Lisa Stasi (19); body not found

1987: Catherine Clampitt (27); body not found 1993: Beverly Bonner (49): body found in warehouse in Raymore, Missouri

1994: Sheila Faith (45) and Debbie Faith (15): remains of both found in warehouse in Raymore, Missouri

1999: Izabela Lewicka (21): body discovered on Robinson ranch near La Cygne, Kansas

2000: Suzette Trouten (28): was discovered on Robinson's ranch near La Cygne, Kansas Robinson is currently on death row at the El Dorado Correctional Facility in Kansas.

He doesn't want to reveal the whereabouts of the rest of his victims.

( a photo of the body of one of the victims, found in a barrel )

In 2005, Nancy Robinson filed for divorce after 41 years of marriage, citing incompatibility and irreconcilable differences. In 2006, Heather, then 20, sued her mother's killer, a man she called "Uncle," for $5 billion. Lisa's body has not yet been found.

so you persevered until the end, well I hope the journey was interesting

but I would like to add one thing, just be careful who you meet on the Internet, you don't want to end up in a barrel :tayshrug:

( robinson without an internet connection was like )


Throw hate into me

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Hello WPD. It's been a minute. It's also been two years.

That's right, this miserable shithole is now two years old.

Happy birthday!

Your gift is my return to the helm, now with less patience for you than ever before. Watching janny chatter about the proliferation of wannabe shooters and child predators has been infuriating and I intend to put a stop to it. Leave now or there will be consequences, this is your only warning. This is neither hyperbolic nor a bit and it won't end well for you; the ability to provide this very unhappy ending was a prerequisite of my return.

Two years ago today, WPD did not exist. The world was a better place for its absence.

One year ago, WPD did exist. It existed for one year despite tech companies' best efforts to the contrary. It only had 269,000 users. The world was worse off than it was prior, but things were going to get much worse.

Today, WPD still exists. WPD has existed for two years. WPD is one busy day off of having 2,000,000 users. Things have never been worse.


At this rate, WPD will have around 20,000,000 users in 2025, 200,000,000 in 2026, 2,000,000,000 in 2027, and by 2028 it will have considerably more users than there are people on Earth. It must be stopped, and I look forward to doing my level best to make it stop in the coming year.

Some other miscellaneous and less insane statistics, written by the beloved @G-tix:

  • 33.000 videos have been uploaded a year ago. About 155k videos have been uploaded now. That's an increase of 470%!

  • We went from 485k comments to over 2.4 million comments.

  • We've given over 10 million upvotes in the past year. We almost gave 2 million downvotes.

  • We have about 61k active, registered users per week.

These are just registered users, of course. If we go by logged out, total traffic, things get much more horrifying: Last week alone, WPD served 893,000 unique users who viewed a total of 5,710,000 pages. This does not track plays of videos directly from the thread list. We have no means of doing that.

But don't listen to me, listen to Cloudflare:

Yeah, even though we keep adding servers, load time is in the shitter and getting worse. This is becoming ever more costly to host. I hope to resolve that soon with your help.

Some highlights from the past year here:

Anyway that's all, please enjoy the confetti, the celebratory new logo, and the X8 COIN MODIFIER for the next 3 days. You read that correctly: each vote that you receive on any thread or comment, up or down, will give you +8 coins. for the duration of WPD's birthday weekend ✨

:#marseyballoon3:Happy birthday you degenerate freaks :marseycupc#ake:

I love you.

xoxo Clitpeeler 💋

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST A True Hero || The Human Shield, Anthony Borges (Parkland School Shooting Survivor)

What Happened?

On Valentine's Day 2018, during the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, 15 year old Anthony Borges heroically used himself as a human shield by gaurding and holding a door closed to protect his classmates from the gunfire. On this day, having been credited to have saved 20 class members, ³ he was shot 5 times..Taking hits to the lungs, abdomen, and his legs. Here, and here he shows the scars that remained. In total, 17 people died that day..3 of which were staff members.

Hospitalization + Recovery

Due to the severity of his injuries, he had to undergo 14 surgeries to repair the damage. There were also complications from the bullet wound where he suffered a severe intestinal infection which was ultimately treated. I unfortunately was unable to find what kind of surgeries he underwent and the exact amount, according to this source written in July 2022, Anthony confirmed he had at least 14 surgeries [5] and will require a lifetime of treatment and healing.

The extent of his injuries greatly impacted his life, having caused him to have to relearn even the simplest of tasks.

“It was like being born [again] … being a baby. Having to learn to walk, to redo everything,” he says. “I don't have words to describe how hard is [the] past. Every day was painful.” [10]

During his hospitalization, he was visited by XXXTentacion

photos during his hospitalization


Anthony's condition continues to improve and he aspires to be able to play soccer again after his recovery. He hopes to take his passion for soccer to the next step and play professionally!

"My goal is walking better," he said. "Run again. Because I want to play soccer. That's my goal." [4]

I believe the circle was from his colostomy bag which was removed around December of 2018 according to this source [10]


Anthony being wheeled into the courtroom

Because of his injuries, Anthony Borges sued Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz for assault and battery. The lawsuit stated they were seeking at least $15k in damages and for medical expenses, but will likely be requesting more. [7] Unfortunately, i was unable to find more info on the lawsuit.

On top of the lawsuit against Cruz, he planned to sue the Florida School District for negligence and failure to protect the students which led to great bodily harm. The separate lawsuit to further fund Anthony came only 2 days after a separate settlement of $25 million going to the 17 victims families, being unknown the amount each would be getting, it was said he was to be given an additional $1.5 million due to his injuries, but still had went ahead with a separate lawsuit [7]. It was stated that the severity and impact of his injuries will require further pay than what was initially given.

"The failure of Broward County Public Schools, and of the principal and school resource officer to adequately protect students, and in particular our client, from life-threatening harm, were unreasonable, callous and negligent" lawyer Alex Arreaza wrote in a letter dated on Monday. [2]

To further support the lawsuit, it was stated

"Due to his condition," the letter states, Borges "is currently unable to walk and has a great deal of difficulty performing rudimentary tasks for himself, requiring assistance constantly." [2]

"One of the problems that he still has is one of his feet he doesn't have full function in his toes, so they have some more work to do with the ligaments. He's not able to do what he loved to do, [that] triggers the PTSD and creates those problems," said Arreaza. [9]

The end goal of his lawsuits against Cruz and the Florida School District was to get the full truth out and to try and ensure something like this doesn't happen again.

"I don't know why I survived," the statement read, "but I will tell you that my family and I will dedicate the rest of our lives to seeing that something like this never happens again." [8]

Anthony revealing his scars to the court

Cruz was charged with and pled guilty to 17 counts of premeditated murder and was given life without parole. The families wanted him to face the death penalty as a way for the victim's families to seek justice, but courts decided against it.













What is Bulima Nervosa?

Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder and a mental illness.

Symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa can include

eating a large amount of food (binge eating)

self-induced vomiting (purgeing)

excessive laxative use


excessive exercise

using medication inappropriatly to reduce weight

Psychological symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa can include

preoccupation or obsession with eating, dieting, exercise or body image

fear of gaining weight

sensitivity to comments about eating, dieting, exercise or body image

feelings of shame, guilt and disgust, especially after eating and/or purging

a distorted body image or extreme dissatisfaction with body shape

anxiety or irritability around meal times

low self-esteem, depression, anxiety or suicidality

Behavioural symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa can include

repetitive dieting behaviour (such as counting calories, fasting, skipping meals, avoiding certain food groups)

excessive exercise, even when sick or injured

avoiding social situations

eating alone or in secret, avoiding other people at meal times

hiding food

frequent trips to the bathroom during or after eating

use of laxatives, enemas, diuretics or appetite suppressants

spending large amounts of money on food

self-harming behaviour, substance misuse and suicidality

The effects of Bulimia Nervosa on the human body

gastrointestinal conditions associated with compensatory behaviours

heart-related issues

weakened bones (osteoporosis)

infertility in men and women

electrolyte imbalance from self-induced vomiting – this can cause severe dehydration, and damage nerves, muscles and organs

subconjunctival hemorrhage of the eye from the strain of purging

tooth cavities, diseased gums, and irreversible enamel erosion caused by excessive acid in the mouth from purging

[Screenshot 2024-04-26 10.2.08.png]

hemorrhoids caused by weakened rectal walls from the strain of purging

prolapsed bowel as a result of rectal walls being weakened by the strain of purging

acute pancreatitis

swollen salivary glands

peptic ulcer caused by excess acid in the stomach

gastric rupture (ruptured stomach) caused by periods of bingeing

esophagitis from purging

tear in the esophagus from purging

rupture of the esophagus

small cuts across the back of the hand due to self-induced vomiting

water retention, swelling, and abdominal bloating

inflammation of the throat from purging


I've made another post about the last picture specifically and their autopsy report! Feel free to look at it :thumbup:

This post is supposed to show the dangers of Bulimia Nervosa and it is NOT meant to 'glorify' eating disorders!!!

Self harm dump NOT OC


Machine flattens factory workers fingers in China..



theres not too much info sorry.

CHILD WARNING Chinese woman runs over a small child.. no good..


"Bitch ass nigga, own it nigga, if that iz whatcu wanna do?"

Famous last words.

A 25-year-old ex-con was shot to death outside a Queens deli during an argument with his killer, police said Tuesday.

Joseph Valdez got into an quarrel with a man who pulled out a gun and opened fire outside the store on 21st St. near 41st Ave. in Astoria about 10 p.m. Monday, cops said. Valdez suffered three gunshot wounds to the arm and upper body.

Medics rushed Valdez to New York-Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell, but he could not be saved.

The gunman ran off and is being sought.


We all know the Islamic State but do we know it's origins? In this post I'm going to go through the whole history of the Islamic State.

Who started it?

Abu Mousab al-Zaqarwi

Abu Mousab al-Zaqarwi, born Ahmad Fadeel al-Nazal al-Khalayleh, is the 1st emir of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, the 1st emir of Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad and the 1st emir of the Mujahideen Shura Council.

Al-Zaqarwi was born in 1966 to an extremely poor Jordanian family. He was raised in the industrial city of Zarqab which is located 17 miles north of the city of Amman. There, he lived with seven sisters and two brothers. His family is of Bedouin background.

His father is normally described as a retired military officer, his death is considered to be a pushing factor of his family being into poverty. This impoverished factor with dealing with death caused Zaqarwi to become a street thug during his years growing up, even earning the name "The Green Man" due to his tattoos and heavy drinking.

He was a highschool dropout, petty criminal, and even has been accused for procuring prostitutes.

Zaqarwi's lead into extremism

During the Afghanistan war in the late 1980s, Zaqarwi decided to go to Afghanistan to join the Afghan Mujahideen. But when he arrives in 1989 the Soviet forces were already leaving so due to this he instead went for journalism instead of fighting for the Mujahideen, becoming a reporter for the Islamist newspaper Al-Bonian al-Marsous.

During his time reporting, he was introduced to an influential Salafi Jihadist named Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi in Pakistan in 1990. This is also where he met the Jordanian-Palestinian journalist Abu Qudama Salih al-Hami during one of his sister's marriages who has close ties with Abdullah Azzam, Abdullah Azzam has gotten the nickname the "resurrector of Jihad".

One of his sister's then married a Palestinian militant named Khalid al-Aruri AKA Abu al-Qassam who is also known as one of Zarqawi's closest lieutenants in Afghanistan.

The continued marriage with extremists didn't end with his sister's, for which another one of his sister's married Haytham Mustafa Obeidat AKA Abu Hassan, a "veteran Afghani Jihadist".

Then another one of his sister's married Iyad Nazmi Salih Khalil, AKA Abu Julaybib al-Urduni (AKA Iyad al-Tubasi), who will become to be known to be the third highest-ranking official of the Al-Nusra Front in the Syrian Civil War, in 2016, before being killed in 2018.

He was then recruited by Abu Qutaibah al Majali to fight in Afghanistan.

During this time in Pakistan (which he lived in for 10 years), mainly in Peshawar, where he became fluent in Pashto.

Zaqarwi's arrest

In 1992 Zaqarwi was arrested in Jordan after multiple weapons were found in his home including guns and explosives.

According to another prisoner who told Time Magazine in 2004, Zaqarwi attempted to recruit other prisoners in order to overthrow the Jordanian government and rulers.

During his prison time, he became to be known as a "cellblock enforcer" and became more radicalized with Islamic beliefs.

Because Zaqarwi was objectively charismatic, he became a sort-of leader, issuing fatwas and referring to himself as "Sheikh" and even memorizing the whole Quran.

According to Jordanian journalist Fouaid Hussein, who was in prison with him, stated that the torture Zaqarwi endured in the prison is what greatly radicalized him during his prison sentence as stated in this quote: "The prison left a clear mark on al-Zarqawi's personality, which grew more intense. In his opinion, policemen, judges, and government members of all ranks were supporters of the regimes, which he believed were tawagheet [tyrants] who should be fought."

In 1999, Zarqawi was released from prison in a general amnesty by Jordan's King Abdullah.

Zaqarwi going into militantism

Months after his release from prison, Zaqarwi decided to participate in a plot to bomb the Radisson Blu hotel in Amman, Jordan but the plot was discovered so he fled to Pakistan. After he fled to Pakistan his visa was revoked where he illegally crossed into Afghanistan where he met with Osama Bin Laden and other leaders of Al-Qaeda in Kandahar and Kabul. This is where he then proposed to them and idea of setting up his own training camp in Herat. He asked for what he called a "small seed money" of $200,000 from Osama Bin Laden.

The reason Zaqarwi selected Herat for his training camp even though it's far from al-Qaeda's established operations in Kandahar and Jalalabad is because his recruits would enter Afghanistan through Iran.

This camp would kick-start the newly established Jihadist group Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad.

After the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, Zaqarwi would move to Baghdad, Iraq for medical treatment for an injured leg.

Zarqawi was in Baghdad from May until late November 2002, when he traveled to Iran and northeastern Iraq.

Through the start of the Iraqi war, Zaqarwi's group, Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad would get heavily involved which leads us to the group.

The Groups

Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad

In the Iraqi insurgency (2003-2011)

Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad was mainly a decentralized Jihadist organization that fought against U.S. forces and Iraqi forces and their allies. They had a good amount of membership including some from the group Ansar al-Islam in Kurdistan.
(Flag of Ansar al-Sunnah fi-Kurdistan)

JTJ was known to use tactics that included suicide bombings, often using car bombs, kidnappings, the planting of improvised explosive devices, attacks using rocket-propelled grenades, small arms and mortars, and beheading Iraqi and foreign hostages and distributing video recordings of these acts on the Internet which includes the beheadings of Nick Berg and Kenneth Bigley.

(Beheading of Kenneth Bigley)

(Beheading of Nick Berg)

The group was considered very anti-Shia which is why the group targeted many Iraqi and Kurdish Shia Muslims and even executed them.

The group was short lived after the group's leader, Zaqarwi, decided to pledge allegiance to Al-Qaeda in October 17, 2004, and the group became known as Tanzim Qaidat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn AKA Al-Qaeda in Iraq.

Al-Qaeda in Iraq

The group was established after Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad turned into it after pledging allegiance to Al-Qaeda.

They were swift enough in gaining noderitity because in October of 2004, the group kidnapped and murdered Shosei Koda, a Japanese citizen.

(Video of the beheading of Shosei Koda)

The group claimed responsibility for the deadly car bombing called the 2004 Karbala and Najaf bombings that killed 66 people.

The group also claimed countless of attacks throughout 2004-2006.

During Zaqarwi's time leading this group, he was killed by a U.S. airstrike by the U.S. air force on June 7, 2006 which they used two F-16C Jets which they got his exact location being 33°48′02.83″N 44°30′48.58″E. The coalition group called Task Force 145 had been tracking his location for this moment.

(Photo distributed by the U.S. government of Zaqarwi's body)

After the death of Zaqarwi, the group started to fall apart, and due to this in October of 2006 the group split into the Mujahideen Shura Council which is an umbrella Sunni Jihadist group.

Mujahideen Shura Council

Mujahideen Shura Council was a Sunni umbrella Jihadist organization that was headquartered in Al-Anbar province of Iraq.

The groups that were under this umbrella are as follows:

  • Al-Qaeda in Iraq

  • Jama'at Jaish Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama`ah

  • Jaish al-Ta'ifa al-Mansurah

  • Katbiyan Ansar al-Tawhid wal Sunnah

  • Saraya al-Jihad Group

  • Al-Ghuraba Brigades

  • Al-Ahwal Brigades

The group was very short lived only operating around 15 January 2006 – 15 October 2006 but during this time, specifically right before disbanding, MSC with AQI announced the creation of the Mutayibeen Coalition which was a coalition of multiple Anbar Sunni tribes which its membership equated to around an estimated 300,000 members. This was announced through an online video featuring six men dressed in all white that was supposed to represent the group and the Sunni tribes.

(Video showing the announcement)

Though shortly after the establishment of the Mutayibeen Coalition, MSC was dissolved into the Islamic State of Iraq.

Islamic State of Iraq

After the dissolution of the Mujahideen Shura Council, the Islamic State of Iraq was established with its emir being Abu Omar al-Baghdadi and it's war minister being Abu Ayyub al-Masri after Abu Ayyub al-Masri pledged allegiance to Abu Omar al-Baghdadi after just weeks of the Islamic State of Iraq's establishment.

(Abu Omar al-Baghdadi on the left and Abu Ayyub al-Masri on the right)

Due to Abu Ayyub al-Masri pledging allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq, the original 22,000 AQI militants volunteered to fight for ISI.

The Iraqi city of Baqubah was declared as its capital during the group's peak of the first emir reign, and during the peak the group governed territories in its strongholds of Mosul, Al-Anbar, as well as in the regions of Baghdad and Diyala. But during the American troops surge of 2007 the group's stronghold started to diminish heavily with the two leaders of the group, Abu Ayyub al-Masri and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi being killed in an American operation against them on April 18, 2010.

After the death of the two leaders, a man named Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi rose to prominence and took the role as the second emir of the Islamic State of Iraq.

Who modernized it?

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, born as Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri on July 27, 1971 in Samarra, Iraq.

al-Baghdadi was born into an Arab Sunni family which belonged to a tribe called Al-Bu Badri. The tribe of Al-Bu Badri consists of sub-tribes, most notably:

  • Radhawiyyah

  • Husseiniyyah

  • Adnaniyyah

  • Quraysh

al-Baghdadi has claimed to be apart of the sub-tribe of Quraysh and claims to be a descendant of the Muslim prophet Mohammed, which is also shown with his name during his reign as a caliph being "Abu Bakr al-Husseini al-Qurashi al-Baghdadi".

He had two other brothers from his father, Awad Ibrahim, who was a religious cleric. According to a short semi-authorized biography written by Abid Humam al-Athari, his grandfather, Ibrahim Ali al-Badri, apparently lived until the age of 94 and witnessed the US occupation of Iraq. Both his father and grandfather took the profession of farming. His mother is currently unknown, no one knows her name, but she is still considered notable in the Al-Bu Badri tribe. One of his uncles was known to serve under the reign of Saddam Hussein in the Iraqi Ground Forces. One of al-Baghdadi's brother's died during either the Iran-Iraqi war or Gulf War.

Unlike as he was in modern times, during his childhood, he was very timid, unimpressive (though he was smart religiously), and was considered very nonviolent and eschewed it.

During al-Baghdadi's teenage years, he was taught by his father and this got him to be a religious teacher where he would teach other kids in the neighborhood about the Quran. Until 2004 al-Baghdadi lived in a small mosque in a relatively poor neighborhood in Tobchi.

He was known to not be very educational fit, with records from the Samarra Highschool showing that al-Baghdadi had to retake courses in order to graduate in 1991, with him scoring 481 out of 600 possible points. Because of his bad highschool grades, he wasn't able to study law as he preferred in the University of Baghdad, instead, he attended the Islamic University of Baghdad

AKA al-Iraqia University. At the Iraqi university, he studied Islamic law and the Quran. al-Baghdadi couldn't serve in the Iraqi military due to his nearsightedness.

According to Islamic extremist forums, al-Baghdadi received a Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, and PhD in Islamic studies from the Iraqi University.

al-Baghdadi's lead into extremism

During the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, al-Baghdadi was very moved by the writings of the Egyptian Jihadist scholar Sayyid Qutb. During which, he helped found the militant group Jamaat Jaysh Ahl al-Sunnah wa-l-Jamaah. But not too shortly after, he was arrested by U.S. forces — Iraq near Fallujah.

(Mugshot of al-Baghdadi)

al-Baghdadi was detained in Abu Ghraib prison and Camp Bucca. He was detained as a civilian detainee until his release on December 8, 2004.

His time during prison caused him to be more radicalized, after his group Jamaat Jaysh Ahl al-Sunnah wa-l-Jamaah joined the MSC in 2006 and then MSC turned into the Islamic State of Iraq in late 2006, al-Baghdadi became one of the members of its Sharia committee and a member of the group's senior consultative council.

al-Baghdadi as a leader

Following the death of Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi became the second emir of the Islamic State of Iraq, so with this new founded leadership he got he decided to mastermind many attacks which includes over 20 car bombing attacks between March and April 2011.

Because of these attacks, the U.S. department of state issued a reward for USD$10 million for information or intelligence that allows them to capture al-Baghdadi dead or alive.

In 2013 al-Baghdadi decided he wanted to group to expand into Syria, and with this he established the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)

When ISIS was announced on April 8, 2013, the emir of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, stated that he wanted the group Jabhat al-Nusra AKA al-Nusra Front to become a part of the newly formed ISIS since Jabhat al-Nusra was already just an extension of ISI. But the leader of Al-Nusra Front at the time, Abu Mohammad al-Julani, disagreed and disputed this merger and went to the Al-Qaeda emir, Ayman al-Zawahiri, where Ayman al-Zawahiri told al-Baghdadi to disestablish ISIS and stay in Iraq. Al-Baghdadi dismissed these statements and continued into Syria.

80% of Al-Nusra Front's forces volunteering to ISIS and then in January of 2014 they expelled Al-Nusra front from Raqqa and in the same month clashes between the two in Syria's Deir ez-Zor Governorate killed hundreds of fighters and displaced tens of thousands of civilians.

In February of 2014 Al-Qaeda and ISIS bilaterally disavow any relation with each other whatsoever.

On June 29, 2014, ISIS declare themselves as a worldwide caliphate with emir al-Baghdadi calling himself Caliph Ibrahim, the group also changes its came to just the Islamic State.

The Islamic State

The creation of a caliphate was heavily criticized by many Islamic scholars and Jihadist groups, some even calling it blasphemous.

But due to the rapid rise of ISIS and the declaration of an Islamic State, Jordan and Saudi Arabia moved at least 30,000 troops to their borders with Iraq, after the Iraqi government lost control of (or withdrew from) strategic crossing points that were captured by either ISIL or tribes that supported it. The rapid rise of the Islamic State include the expansion into North Iraq and taking cities including sinjar, zumar, and wama in the Ninavah province of Iraq.

Due to the expansion of the Islamic State into North Iraq and Kurdistan, many Yazidi's fled, specifically Yazidi's in Ninavah province fled to the Sinjar Mountains.

In October of 2014, around 800 Libyan militants who pledged their allegiance to the Islamic State took the city of Derna which made Derna the first non-syrian non-Iraqi city to be under Islamic State control. In early February 2015, Libyan Islamic State militants capture the countryside to the west of Sabha, and later, an area encompassing the cities of Sirte, Nofolia, and a military base to the south of both cities. By March, ISIL had captured additional territory, including a city to the west of Derna, additional areas near Sirte, a stretch of land in southern Libya, some areas around Benghazi, and an area to the east of Tripoli.

Just in July 2014 alone, the Islamic State recruited 6,300 fighters, some of which abandoned the FSA (Free Syrian Army) in order to join the Islamic State. In the same month, the leader of the Abu Sayyaf group in the Philippines, Isnilon Hapilon, made a video with him and masked men pledging allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Indonesians also started pledging allegiance to the Islamic State.

In September 2014, in order to gain money and funds, the Islamic State started kidnapping people for ransom.

In November of 2014, a major part of the Egyptian Jihadist group, Ansar Bait al-Maqdis, pledged allegiance to the Islamic State.

In January of 2015, it was confirmed the Islamic State had a presence in Yemen which became in direct competition and conflict with Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. In the same month, Afghanistan confirmed that the Islamic State had a military presence in Afghanistan, however, by February 2015, 65 of the militants were either captured or killed by the Taliban, and ISIL's top Afghan recruiter, Mullah Abdul Rauf, was killed in a U.S. drone strike.

On March 7, 2014, Boko Haram pledged allegiance to the Islamic State, allowing the Islamic State to have areas in Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Cameroon. This was then followed by factions of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan in March 15, 2014.

Subsequent fall of the Islamic State

During 2015, the Islamic State faced numerous losses of territory, these include Tikrit in April of 2015, Baiji in October, Sinjar in November, Ramadi in December, Fallujah in June 2016, and Palmyra in March 2017.

The worst blow to the Islamic State was the recapturing of Mosul by Iraqi forces in 2017 and the recapturing of Raqqa in the second battle of Raqqa.

The Islamic State's last remaining city in Syria, Deir ez-Zor, was recaptured by Syrian forces on November 2017.

There was an attempted siege of Marawi that lasted from May to October 2017 which ended in Philippines victory over the Islamic State ND the failure to establish a wiliyah.

I won't get into every nit and nat of the fall but you can kinda see it.

In 2021 the Islamic State was considered to be completely kicked out of Syria and Iraq.

The Islamic State still maintains land throughout Africa and parts of the middle East but has been relatively slow. They still commit terroristic atrocities but besides that they're still pretty much dead.


Great Karma Into Ur Face.


After video they beat him to death :banana:

with understanding to people who say that the guy in the movie is not a pedophile, the translation shows that the torturer says "with which finger did you touch her" referring to his daughter


Apparently "throttle therapy" is a way to release stress and refresh your mind by speeding up your vehicle as much as you could.

Happened in November 6, 2023 at 3am in the Philippines. The four people who died inside the Honda Civic car were Juanito Cataylo, 22, and his companions Ereneo Balmonte, 22; Lawrence Ivan Jose, 21, and Kidrock John Magsino (driver), 21

The 48 year old male truck driver where the car crashed, Glen Gumban, was arrested and charged with reckless imprudence resulting in multiple homicide and damage to property.

Truck Driver:

Hours Before the Incident:


Guy goes to throw a grenade, forgetting to actually throw it causing it to blow up in his face killing him


>I know this is a repost but that was posted a while ago. I hope it is ok, if not i will delete it.>


March 2021 – Video footage has captured the tragic moment when students thronging the fourth floor balcony of a university in Bolivia plummeted to their deaths after the railing gave way.

Seven students were killed and five others injured at the Public University of El Alto, second-largest city in Bolivia. The incident occurred as dozens of students crammed onto the balcony to enter a lecture hall for an assembly on Tuesday.


_The disturbing video footage, captured by a bystander moment before the students fell, shows them jostling while leaning against the railing which collapsed due to the pressure of the crowd. A number of them then went crashing down to the concrete floor while a few were pulled up by those still on the balcony.

A student in blue jacket was saved by other students as she dangled upside down as her colleagues grab her shoes to rescue her.

The cause of death was identified as “multiple defenestration trauma,” Bolivian police chief Colonel Jhonny Aguilera told reporters.

_An investigation has been ordered into the incident and the woman who was rescued would be questioned to find details.

Those dead and injured are aged between 20 to 27.

“From this accident, seven have died and five are in a critical state, some of them stabilised,” health minister Jayson Auza said.

“Our deepest condolences to the people of El Alto and to the suffering families. We await the prompt clarification of the facts,” Bolivian President Luis Arce said on Twitter.

According to Bolivia's Special Force to Fight Crime, the students who lost their lives were identified as Raúl Cadena, Genio Mamani, Saúl Mamani, Daniel Rodríguez, Anahí Chipana, Loida Sosa and Tania Roque.

The bodies have been handed over to the families without delay for last rights, the police said.

Hitman kills two security guards..

50 different views of the South Tower getting hit (i dont know how this isnt a repost)

This is an old post of mine, but this is what i did with the video a long time ago.

Homeless man gets attacked with a machete in Brazil..

Man gets knocked out and bricks smashed over his head in a revenge attack

happy bday WPD :marseycupcake: !! another 9/11 angle for y'all :marsey911:

Elderly man gets stabbed up by a woman in Brazil..



Yikes: Grave digger gets crushed by a falling casket..

Meet the heavy and scout

Just some shit i made lol

Two men are executed while at work washing dishes in Guayaquil, Ecuador

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