
Who ever did this thank you this will make me a lil better :)


Hey I know reposting is wrong right and you receive hate I mean that's what I heard and seen anyways why? Why is reposting wrong even if you did it by accident? I am rarely on here and I just would like to know more about WPD! :)!! Ty!

If I'm wrong pls correct me!!!!!

Cute decorations i love about my new nursing school🥲🩷


I've been addicted to self harming since 5th grade and discovered gore a little over two years ago. It has helped me to stop cutting but since then it's just became normal to me to just look at gore vids when I feel down or even just bored. Like it's better to be a lil sad than crushed to death in a car accident idk. What are y'all's opinions?


How does this currency work in this website. The coins and notes? :marseybeggar2: :marseygambling:


Ive been watching gore for quite some time now, and I've seen almost all of the videos people suggest are the worst. I enjoy watching gore but i miss the feeling of watching something and barely being able to look at it. And i miss the feeling of not being able to get it out of my head for days. Does anyone have any real suggestions for what to do now that most gore doesnt affect me anymore? If anyone has links to things they think are the worst of the worst please link fr. xoxo

(Edit: i use gore as a way to keep myself from cutting. Already getting comments saying im flexing being desensitized which im not and i also dont consider myself to be desensitized.)


I'm more curious to hear from those whose masochism could be considered a disorder, but anyone else who wants to answer is welcome as well.

Why do you believe you are a masochist/why do you believe masochism exists? If you are a masochist how bad is it (severity), how far have you gone, how far do you wish you could go, and how far would you really go? Have you ever had problems with being a masochist/awkward situations?

I'm genuinely curious and want to understand were some of the users I have seen here are coming from. If I knew any real masochists personality I would ask them these things instead of making a post, but I don't and am curious.


We all know nazis always been fighting against the soviet union which includes russia/ukraine, means many of these russians have some of their family members killed by the nazis

How to PROPERLY use search??

I keep trying to use the search to find certain things and all I get is things unrelated to what I want? How do you guys get better searches?

Wet food

lol i find it hilarious that i can watch the goriest of gore videos and not bat an eye. but the moment i come across wet food, especially bread, i get so sick and want to hurl. anyone else?


Either by asking someone to livestream or uploading it or even cctv, any way really.

How to survive falling off a building!!! (Tutorial)

First of all, we need good balance, that's how you avoid falling off and risking your life! And maybe some common sense to not go near buildings ledges? So if you are unlucky to fall, you want to wish that you don't brutally get flattened into a human pancake. Now the thing is, falling from any height more then, let's say 5 meters does pose a risk, and even if you do fall, falling on any body part is bad. Ie: legs or arms: broken. Chest: broken and just obliterated. And head: brain bleed, and death. So in order to survive, wish that you won't hit the floor that hard and try to survive and much as possible. Tips: landing in soft grass or soft sand will break your fall very slightly, maybe giving you the edge on surviving. And falling onto a car, does certainly hurt, but does also break your fall significantly. So if you don't fall from too high, and have the time to react, try to fall onto a car or any soft surface.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk, we would love to see you again.

sooo what led you?

i'm curious, how did you guys find out about this website? personally it was tiktok for me.

What are you here for? Be honest.

I've known some shady characters visit sites like these, plenty of them average people with interesting takes. My reasons are simple: I was a big fan of AFHV when I was a kid, gore sites are like comedy gold mines if you know what to sift through. What is your purpose?


luka magnotta is infamous for his 1 lunatic 1 icepick video and also him torturing cats, i heard that he uploaded his first video which is " 1 lunatic 1 icepick " to bestgore back in 2012 which caused the site owner to get arrested is that true

Why are there neo nazis from Russia and USA?

Its funny because Hitler would have distroyed both USA and USSR if he could. Hitler would have killed every citizen of said nations if he could.

And somehow there are people from the said nations who support his ideology.

Anti semitism is Hitler and his allies' idea. Not his enemies'. And somehow even people from his enemies nation support it. Why?

"Americas Continent lacks history."

Because countries in North and South America haven't ever applied decapitation by sword, axe, machete or guillotine as official method of execution.

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